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.41/1111m., NV M 13 E R S. .11I, The Priefis ftoc*;, r3 holy Citie, Mat, 4. 5. Luke 4. 9.) was in the ages following (when dwelt inCanaan) atifwe- rablc in hglieeffc to this campe of Ifrael, as t he Hebrewes record , flying-As was the Campe in the roildcrneffe, flab sexe the Campe iu Iernfialem. From tampion (gates) to the motunaine of the Houle (of the Lord: the campe of Ifrael. From the Mountains of the Ibufe , to the gate of Nicanoe ( which WAS the Eafi gare of the Temple ,) the etmpeof Levi. From thence and firward, tlp campe of the 7JitaieeeMajeflie; anfeaerable to the tap firie- hangings (of the Lords court) that were in the wilderneffè. T hat nod T3ab. in lebachim, ch. 14. in Gemara. See alto the annotations on Exod 40. 33. In the fecond Temple , the Safi gate of the court was called the ease of Nieanox ; as the comptent on the forefaid place of the Thal- mud fheweth. And Maimony in 11,Ain. tonic 3. in Beth babebirab, eh. 5. feld.5 filth of it thus; Every of the gates war ten cubitsbroad,and teeentie subits high, and baddoares covered with gold, except the Fail gate, which war covered with brat ,lobe gold , and that gate was called the high gate [z Chron. 27, 3.] and that was the gate ofNicanor, 9 Verf.29. And the tribe] in Grecke, And they that campe next , (hall be the tribe of Naphtali, See verf.7. Thus God adjoyoteai to every of the fours fiand erda,two tribes;nnd thofe the next of blood inferiour unto them, ffr. to Maintain? order, and nourijh love, and to afford mutual! helpe, Our Saviour alto ordained among his Apoftles a kinde of' combination and fratercitie, as is to be feene by the rehearfall of their names , in Mat. TO. í, 31i4: 1. Simon Peter, and Ms4ruw !sis brother, 2. Lames (or laegb) Conne of Z.ebedee., and 'fin 114 brother. 3. Philip, and liattbolotnew. 4. Thomas, attd Matthew the Publican. 5. larves tonne of Alpheus, and Lebbeus (or p lades his brother, Leali, 6.16,lede V.I.) n 6, Sime atipttites (orthe eealous,) said lu- dts 1l ariot. And fihefe d dCaha4í' farad ,orghby two wtdtrey, MarkeG.7. Po waraecfie eel arfare9ehis Gofpell; (as 1 Tiw, a.r8.)Aud ia'h i' lfbariot loft lais of- fige, Mathias was chofen in his place, JO. 1.26. Afterward there were adds i Paid and Barnabas, Aä.13 2. 32 ver(. 32..Thefe ere Ouf ,m 1eead] in !;,creeks This is the miefler (or vifztatleta...) Ake ,hptefj that ici asee .C,reeke faigla, th4arafes : fo Inyerf. 34. 600. d!taafacd $4c; ] thekunaate,tbat was ,uieuhiqued he,fçwe,.i!i,Arion. e. 46. See the .lotes .,bette. Verf. 3 4. ffo.they camped] or pitched eheirtents. 'The 'holy Choi( comnieaidetaah anto us the obedi- -enee of Iii'aèl, as, before in themaking ofthe Sau- etnarie,Faod,39.4e,43. foheee,in tfheir orderly .rampingubout, & marehitig,be pre and after,it. That es,Ordor *mall things is beautifull,and dele- .ftablcs(o.efpeei4il.y in the Church, & things per- taining to tiffe (envier of God: wherefore the Apoltle jayed tó behold the order of the Church in Colofee, and the ffetlfaffneffeafth.eir faith -in 4 wherein he exhorted them (till to walks in him; Colog: 2, 5,6. And Balsam when bee beheld this 1 Campe of Ifrael, from the top ofthe Rockrs, did not onely admire the multitude of them,and the pre - fence of the Lord among them but laid How goodly are thy Tetts,0la cb;thyTabernacles,0lfrael! As the vallies are they (peed forth , ar gardens by the fivers fide érc. Num. and 24.5,6. And Solomon defcribeth the church to be I eautifarll, at Tirzab,(a pleafant place where theKing oflfrael dwelt,! King. 14.17.) comely al Ierufrlem, (which was alto beautiful! fir fttuation,Pfal, 48,2. and cam- pall together, Ffel.122. 3.) terrible as an armie with banners,Song.6.4. 044tiniti***4-412 CHAP. III. I, The formes of Aaron , the Priefis. 5, The Levites are given to the Brief!', fir the f rviee ofthe Tabernacle, I 1, Infiead of the fief( -borne of Ifrael. 14,T he Le- yites aremsmbred by their families. 21, The families, number and charge of the Gerfhonitet. 27, Of the Ko- batbites. 33, Of the Merarites. 38, The place and charge of Mots and Aaron. 40, The fief -borne of Ifrael are freed by the Levites. 44 The overplur are redeemed, AND thefe are the 'generations of Aa- ron , and Mofes, in the day that Ie- hovah fpake with Mofes, m mount Sinai. And thefe are the names of the formes OfAaron ; Nadab the firft- borne, and Abi- , Eleaz3r, and Ithamar. Thefe are the names of the formes of Aaron : the Priefis, which were anointed: whofehandhe filled, to.tniniflerinthe P Hefts office. and Nadal) and Abilm died before Iehovah, when they offered ftrange fire before Iehovah, in the wildernellé of Sinai and they had no funs: and Eleazar and Ithamar minifired in the Erietìs office, in the fight of Aaron their father. AndJehovah fpake unto Mofes , faying ; Bring neere the tribe of Levi, and prefent it before Aaron the Prieft : and they (hall mitlifler unto him. And they !hall keepe his charge, and the charge of all the con - gregation , before the Tent of the con- gregation, to ferve the fervice ofthe Taber- nacle. And they (hall keepe all the inftru- ments of the Tent of the congregation, and the charge ofthefonnes of Ifrael, to ferve the fervice of the Tabernacle. And thou (haltgive the Levites to Aaron, and to his fonnes : they are given aregiven, unto him, out ofthe fonnes of Ifrael, And thou (halt appoint Aaron and his formes ; and they (hall keepe their Priefts office:and the (tran- Bbbb gee 1 z 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ro