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j f 4 Levites and NUMBERS III. their charges. ger that commeth nigh that! bee put to death. I I And Iehovah fpake unto Mofes fay:ng; I 2 And I,behold I have taken the Levites from among the fonnes ofifrael, in ftead of every firit- borne, that openeth the wombe, ofthe fonnes of Ifrael : and the Levites (hall be r.3 mine. Becaufeevery firft.borne 4 mine : in the day that I fmote every fiilt-borne in the land of Egypt,, I fanEtified unto mee every firft -borne in Ifrael, from man unto bead: mi ie they (hall be, I amIehovah. 4 And Iehovah fpake unto Mofes , in the 5 wilderneflèof Sinai,faying; Mutter the fons of Levi , according to the houfe of their fa- thers,according to their families;everypale, from a moneth old and upward, fhalt4thou 16 mutter them. And Mofes muttered them, according to the mouth of Jehovah, as bee 17 was commanded. Andthefe were the fons of Levi , by their names: Gerflron, and Ko. tg bath and Merari. And thefe were the names of the fonnes of Gerfhon ,according 9 to their families:Libni,and Shirtei. And the fonnes of Kohath according to their fami- lies: Amram,andIzhar; Hebron, and Vzzi- a o el. And the tonnes of Merari , according to their families,Mahli , and Mufhi : thefe are 'the families ofthe Levites, according to the houfe of their fathers. Of Gcrfhon,wae the familie of Libni and the family of Shimei: thefe are the families of the Gerthonites. ai Thoféthat were muttered o fthê,by the num. ber ofevery male,from a moneth old & up- ward,the muflered ofthem were feventhou- a 3 fand,and five hundred: I Le families of the Cerfhonites (hall encampe behinde the Ta- 24 bernacle, Seaward. And the Prince of the houe ofthe father of the Gerfhonites, (hall 15 be E'iafaph,tbe fon of Lad. And thecharge of the fops of Gerfhon ; in the Tent of the congregation , fhall 6e the"tabernacle,& the Tent , the covering thereof, and the hang- ing veile for the doore of the Tent of the 16 congregation. And the rapettrie-hangings of the Court , and the hanging vede for the doore of the Court , which is by the Taber- nacle, and by the altar round about, and the cords thereof, for all the fervice thereof. And of Kohath was the Familie of the a7 Amramites,and the familie ofthe Izharites, and the familie of the Hebronites, and the familie of the Vzziclites: thefe are the fami- lies of the Kohathites. By the number of everymale,from amoneth old and upward, eight thoufand, and fix hundred, keeping z8 the charge of the Sanâuarié. The families of the tonnes of Kohath (hall encampe on the fide of the Tabernacle , Southward. And the Prince of the houle of the father of the families ofthe Kohathitesffial/be Eli. zaphan , the fonne of Vzziel. And their charge(hall be theArke, and theTable, and the Candleflicke, and the Altars , and the veffels of the Sanfkuary , with which they (hall minifter, and the hanging vede , and all the fervice thereof. And the Prince of the Princes of the Levites/hall be Eleazar, the fonne of Aaron the Priefl, having the overfight of them that keepe the charge of the San&uarie. Of Merari mas the familie of the Mah- 33 lites , and the familie of the Mufhites : thefe are the families of Merari. And thofe that 34 were muttered of them by the ,number of every male, from a monethold andupward, were fix thoufand,and two hundred. And 35 the Prince of the houle of the father of the families of Merari That be Zuriel the forme of Abihail : they ¡hall pitch on the fide of the Tabernacle , Northward. And the overfight of the charge of the foss of Merarifball6c theboards ofthe Taberna- cle , and the barres thereof , and the pillars thereof, and the fockets thereof, and all the veffels therof,& all the fervice thereof; And 37 the pillars of the Court round about, and their fockets,and their pins,andtheir cords. And they that encampe before the Taber- nacle, foremoft before the Tent of the con- gregation, Eaftward , (ball be Mofes, and Aaron and his fonnes, keeping the charge of the Sanftuarie , for the charge of the Ions of Ifrael : and the tfranger that commeth nigh (hall be put to death. All that were muttered oftheLevites,which Mofes multe- red and Aaron, at the mouth of' Iehovah, according to their families, every male,from a moneth old and upward, were two and twentie thoufand. And Iehovah Paid unto Mofes, Malter every firtt-borne male of the fonnes of .fra- el, from a moneth old and upward, and take the number oftheir names. And thou fluait take the Levites forme , JamIehovah ; in (lead ofevery firfl -borne of the fonnes of Ifrael; and the cattle of the Levites, in (lead of every firfiling among the cattle of the fonnes of Ifrael. And Mofes muttered, as 42 Jehovah commanded him,every firft -borne among the formes of Ifrael.And all the firtt- borne males by the number of names, from a 29 30 31 a 36 31 39 4° 41 43