NUMBERS 111. 44 45 46 47 48 49 So 51 .I i 3 4 a moneth old and upward, of ttofe that ' were muttered ofthem, were two and twen- tie rhoufand, two hundred, and feventie and three. And Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, faying; Take theLevites in ftead ofevery fify-borne among the fonnes ofIfiael, and the cattle ofthe Levites, in ftead of their cattle : and the Levites fhallbe míne,l am Iehovah.And fer thofethat are to be redeemed of the two hundred , and feventie and three, which are moe than the Levites, of the firft-borne of the fonnes of Ifrael , Thou (halt even take five fhekelsa peece by the poll : afther the fhekel of the fanCtuarie (halt thou take ; the fhekel is twentiegerahs. And thou (halt give the money to Aaron and to his tons, ofthe redeemed that are moe,amongthem. And Mofes tooke the redemption money,of thofe that were moe than the redeemed of the Levites.Of the'firft -borne of the fonnes oflfrael , tooke he the many : a thoufand, three hundred,and fixty & fivefhekels, after the fhekel of the fanetuarie. And Metres gave the money of them that were redee- med,to Aaron and to his fonnes, according to the mouth oflehovah,as Iehovah had commanded Mofes. virtn®tatiess. THegmerations]that is, the children of Aaron; and genealogie of theLevites,and the things that Veil unto them; for fo the word generations is ufe for accidents that fall out unto any, as is noted on Gen. ,5.1. In thisand the next chapter, he fheweth the numbring of theLevites,and their order in adminifiration : who were numbred apart,andnot with the other tribes,becaufe they were to attend the fervice ofthe Tabernacle, and encampe about it, not with the other twelve tribes, Num. 1. 49.5 (Nand 3.8,9,1o. 23.38. And they were to be numbred after an other manner, not from twentie yeeres old , as the tribes were, Num. I.3. but from a month old , as touching their tale,Num.3.15. and from thirtie yeeres old to fifty, as touching their fervice,Num.4.3. And alfo, besaufe there was noinbeeritancegiven them, among the finer f Ifael, Num. 26.62. but the Lord was their inheritance, Deut. to. 8,9. Now to be num- bred apart, and not with others, fignified fotne fpeciall favour towards fuch,and care over them; as Num. 23.9. Aaron] the elder brother of Mopes, and both Levites : therefore their names are mentioned here. V.3. he filled] that is confecrated (or perfilled) as the Greeke tranflateth. See the annotations on Exod. 2 9.9. and Levit.8. V. 4. dyed] by a fire from the Lord, Levit. I o. r, 2. This is mentioned againe,in Num. 26.6r. I Chem. 24. 1, 2. had ne pares] the He- brewes (as Cbaskuni upon this place, ) fay, if they had had fonnes chore Tonnes had been before Eleazar and Ithamar : fir rrbofsever is fore - moff in inheritance , it foremofi for' honour ( or digni- tie. ) in the fight of Aaron] or , before the face, that is , whiles Aaron lived; as bore the face ofTharah, Gen. 1 1.28.. is while Tharah lived; before the Moorre and Sane, P fol. 72. 5. 17. is, whiles they continue to give light. The Greeke tranflateth With Aaron. Elfewhere -it is Paid, by the band f Aaron, i Chron. 24.19. Of there two,there were fo many Prieto in David; dayes, that he difiributed then into 24.courfes fixteene of Eleazar , and eight of Ithamar , I Chron. 24.3 4. The Hebrew Doftors fay, Mopes divided the Prieffs into eight ward". (or courfes,) fottre of Elea- zar; and foure of Ithamar : and fo they were until! the Prophet Samuels dayes. Tiber Samuel andDavid the King parted them into 24. courfes. And over every aoxrfe (or ward) there was ene chief¢ Provoff. And they went up to Ierufalem to free by ewerf every week. And every fabbath day they changed , one eourfe went out ; and the next after them , came in, &c. Maimony toms. 3. treat. ftbe Inffruments of the Sanifuarie,chapt.4. fiR3. Compare I Chren. 9.22. 25.2 Kin. 11.5.7. V. 6, prelim it] or , eaufi it to ffand; fpeaking of the tribe.In Greeke , prefent them. Verf.7. bit charge] Hebr. hit cuffody (or ebfer- vatfon;) that is , that which be commandetb them to obferue. See this phrafe in Lev. I8.3 o. fail the congregation] the Greeke explaineth it f the fonnes of Ifrael, as inverf.8. So in 2 Citron.; 5.3 ferve the Lord your God , and bù people Ifrael. It meaneth alto fuch things , as they were charged to keepe : but the Levites now were taken in their (lead. re firm the fervice] ire Greeke, to work (or doe) the works of the Tabernacle: which in Num. 8. r t. is laid , to feerve the fervice f the Lard. After, inthe 8. vrfe, the Greeke tran- flateth , according to all the works of the Tabernacle. The Hebrewes write thus ; The feed ofLevi are all of them feparatedfor thefervice of the Sanútsarie. And it it commanded that the Levites be prepared and readie fir the fervice of the Sanluarie , whether they be willing or not willing; (as in Num. 18. 23.) And the Levite he (ball faze the fervice of the Tent of the congregation. And the finne of Levi which will take upon him all the Levites commandementt fa- ving one thing, they receive him not in-, sill he takeall upon bim. Maimony treat. of the Inftrumener of the Senif. chap. 3. fill. I. V. 9. are given are given] that is, ás the Greeke 9 here, and Mofes himfelfe in Num. 18.6. explai- neth it are agift given : or they are wholly given. So the Minifters of the Göfpell are called gifts, Ephef..4.8. it. unto him] for his helpe, in the charge and worke of the Sanúuarie: they mi- niftring unto him, and he and his fonnes mini- firing before theTabernacle, Num. 18.2.6. V. II. (halt appoint] or, conffitute, fet in office as Bilhops, or Overfeers. The Greeke explaineth it, Bbbb 2 thou 6 7 I5 II