e4,..017/8/ .,,_.,,,,, k, 1,c d.,,..,._ Ac_ NUMBERS .tio thou fbak confitute over the Tabernacle of Tefïimo- nie. their Priefis Office] for every thing of the Altar , and within the zeile, Numb. t 8. 7. the firanger] that is, whofoever is not of Aaron,-feed, as is explained in Numb. 16.4o. for no man taketb the honour unto bimfeeife , but bee that is called of God, as was Aaron, Hebrewes 5.4. So Cbazkrmi here expoundeth firanger to bee If aelite or Levite that eammeth neere to minifter. And Malmo) in Biath hamikdafh , chap. 9. fehi. r . faith, Who it the firan- ger ? Whofoever is not of the feed of Aaron , the males. And after, God himlèlfe forbiddeth the Levites to come nigh the veffe lb of the Santlttarie and the Al- tar, on paine of death, Numb. 18. 3. put to death] by the Magiftrate,orby the hand ofGod, as was Korah, for prefuming to do the Priefis of- fice,Num.16. 12 Verl i 2. every firfi-borne] which(before the Le- vites were taken in their stead) did minifter to the Lord as is noted 6n Exod.24.5. And upon what occafion God tooke the Levites in ftoad of the first- borne, is to be feene in Exod. 32.26,29. Dcut.33.9. fhall be mine] to minifier before me, as theChaldce exponndeth it. 3 Verf.13. I fmote] in Chaldee,Ibilled: fee Exod. 12. 29, 30. The Lord having flaine all the firft- borne of Egypt,86 (pared the Ifraelites,did ther- fore challenge for his owne,and fanftifie to hins- felfe all Ifeaels firft- borne,Exod. 13.2. but tooke the Levites it their cattell, inftead oflfraels firft- born men and Cattel, Num.3.45 and gave them as a gift to Aaron, to nsinifter unto him. Who be- ing in his Priesthood a type ofChrift, all there rites are in him fulfilled : For unto Chrift, God gave cbildren,Heb. 2.13. and they are a congregation Olt-borne written in heaven, Hebr.12.23. being of Gods owne will begotten by the wordof truth , that they fhould be a kinde of f:rfl- fruits of his creatures, Iam.1.18. to whom he all. giveth the fill-fruits of hit fpirie Rom.8.23 .Thefe wait on,and follow the Lambe (Chrift) being bought from among men, and first- fruits unto God and to the Lambe, Rev.14.4. Thefe were brought jar an offering unto the Lord, out of all nations; and of them the Lord hath taken for Priefis and far Levites, Efai. 66.20,2 1. and Chrift hath made us Kings andFrieffe unto God and his Fa- ther,that we may ferve him day and night in hit Tent- pie, Rev.' .6.and 7.15. 15 Verf. 15. Mufier] or, Number, Hebr. viftt. This was done by Mafia and Aaron,verf..39. and by the Princes f tbeCongregation,Numbers 4.34. though here the commandement is dire &ed unto Mofes onely. beef ] in Greeke, houfes. ok/e ] Hebr. forme of a moneth. The caufe why the Levites were numbred from this age was for that they cane in place of the firft-borne of Ifrael , whole redemption is appointed from a moneth old,Num. 18. 15, 16. And they were counted after the houles of their fathers, not of their mothers; for if a woman of Levi were married to a man of Iu- dah,or any other tribe, her fonne was not a Le- vite. The Hebrew Canons fay; Prier and Leviten, and Ifraelites may lawfully gee in (that io,marrie) one to another; and that which is borne, geeth after the male, &c. at it is written, ACCORDING TO THE HOVSE OF THEIR FATHERS: the boute of bit father, that is, hisfmily, and not the hoof rj bis mother. Maim. in If/ureibiah, c.19. C15. Vert 16. the mouth] that is, as the Chaldce ex- 16 poundeth it,the word and the :;reek faièh,the voice of the Lord. Verf.! . Gerfhm]inGreekberfom(butinvert. 25.Gerfon.) So Ezron,in Gen.46,12. is Efrom,Mat. 2.3. Kohatb] or as in Creek, Kaatb. Sec Gets. 46.11. Exod.6.I6. Verf.18. Libni] inGreek, Lohnei and Senaei. See 18 Exod.6. t7. Verf. 19. Hebron] or, as the Greek alfo writeth -, it,Cbebron,and Oziel. See Exod.6.18. Here Kohath kath foure Families : fo many as both his brc- thren had together. Verf.ao. Mabli] in Greek,Moolei and Mouf. See 20 I Exxod.6.t9. Verf.2I. Gorfbon] in Greeke Gedfom ; mifiaking 21 D.for R. by reafon of the likeneffe of the letters in Hebrew. See the notes on Gen.4.18. V.23. Seaward] that is, as the Chaldee expiai- 23 neth it,weflward. See Num.2.,8. I Verl24. beef of the father] that is, rineipall hou f: 24 Co in v.3o. and 35. EliaJapb] in Greek,Elaf pb; b ('interpretation , Cod bath added Lael] that is,For God. V. 25. the charge] or the cefiod); the holy things 25 which they were to carry, keepe and lookeunto: whereof fee more in Numb. 4. Tabernacle] the curtains of the Tabernacle, Num.4.2 5 . for the boards were under Meraries charge, Num.3.36. Teets] made of ten certaines : fée Exod. 26. r, &c. covering] made of goats haire, Exod. 26. 7. And here is to bee underftood, the other co- verings alto made of names skinner, and f aehafh skfnnes,Exo.26.14. for they belonged to the Ger - fbonites charge, Numb.4.25. banging veik] whereof fee Exod.26.3 6. Verf. 26.Tapefiry hangings] whereof fee Exod. 26 27.9, &c. hanging trite] mentioned in Exo- dus 27.16. Verf. 28. of the Saul-teary] Hcbr. of the fan!Xitie, 28 or Hdineffe: meaning, the holy things; as the Greek faith,'sf the Holies: what they were isex- preffed in v.31. See Num.4.4,15. and 10.21. Here the Families of the Levites may bee viewed by their numbers; 1. Of the Gerfonites 7500. 2. Of the Kohathites 8600. 3. Of the Merarites 6200. By their fituation when they camped about the Tabernacle; a. Gerfonites,behind wellward, v.23. 2. Kohathites,Southwatkd, V.29. 3. Merarites, Northward, v.35. And to make up the fquare, Mafia and alomo with the Priefis encamped foremoftEaltward,v.38. By their charges, for there was committed un- to the care and carriage of the 1. Gerfoniten,the Tent,Coverings, veile,hang- ing of the Conrt, &c. 2. Kohathites,the Arke, Table,Altars, and In- liruments