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NUMBERS III. ftruments of the San&uary. 3. Merarites, the boords, barres, pillars, foc. kens, &c. Among thefè families of Levi , wee may obferve the fpeciall prerogatives of Kohath the fecond fonne. I. He excelleth in multitude of families, or chiefe fathcrs,having foure,when as each of his brethren had but two. 2. He cxcellah in multitude of children, ha- 8600. that is 1 coo. more than his elder brother Gerfon, and 2400. more than Me- rari. 3. Of him came Mofes the King , Aaron the Prient, and Mary the Propheteffe ; and fo all the Priefts were of this fancily, Exod.6. ,8.zo. Numb.26.58,59 4. His families have the chiefeft place about the SanBuary, the South quarter,next unto Mofes, Aaron, and the Priells,Numb.3.z9. 5. They have the charge of the molt holy things within the Sanftuary, as the Arke, Table, Candlekicke, Altars, &c. Numbers 3.31. 6. Whereas the tribe of Levi had 48. cities al- lowed them in Canaan , Kohaths pofterity had 23. of them ; for the Priefts had ties, and the other Kohathitcs ten ; and fo he had in a manner a double portion, as much as both his brethren, Iof.2I. 7. Of the Prince of there Kohathites Eliza - pban (Num.3.30.)there were zoo Levites to helpe home the Arke in Davids dayes, (no filch mention being made of the other two Princes) befides 312. Kohathites of other families : when of Gerfhon and Me- rari, there were not fo many : I Chron.15. 5.--8.9.1o. 29 Verl29. Southward] the pub is in Pfal.89.13. called the rfht fide; and in this place it hath a name in Hebrew derived alto of the right hand; becanfe fo it is when men Rand with their faces to the Eaft : fee the notes on Numb.2.3. 30 ! Verf. 30. E!izaphan fate of Vzziel] bee was of the fourth and youngeft familie of the Koha- thitcs,yet preferred to be Prince over them.This (as the Hebrewes thinke) was offenfìve to Korah who was of the fecond family ofIzhar; and oc- cafoned hint to rebell. See the notes onNumt6. z. Elizaphan is by interpretation, My God gab fared up; and Vzziel, Gad is my firengtb. 31 Ver1 :3 s. All the fervice there f] in Greeke, all the works of them. 32 VerC 32. of the prinees)the Greeke faith, over the princes; and the Chat eè addeth, appointedaver the primes. of the Levites ] Hebr. of Levi, whore name is put for all his pofierity , as the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate Levites. So Aaron is fd for the t.faronites, I.Chron.12.27. Eleacar]by Interpretation, fhehelpe f God. having the overfrgbt] or , the Bifhep , having the Bi- flops office; which hath the name in Hebrew , of Vsfrtation; its Greeke, ofOverfeeing: and fo this ward is tranflated by the holy Ghoft, Epifmpee, that is, a Bopr office or charge, in Aïi. i . z ó, from Pfal.,o9.7. And in Num.4. t 6. the Greeke eran- flateth it Epileopvs, Sylvia. So in Ezek, 44.51. ha- ving charger (that is, Bifbops) at the gate of thehantfè; where the Greeke tranflateth it Porters. In Than- gum Janatlsan it is explained thus: Hee inquired by Vrim and 7hummim , under hit hand were th y appoin- ted that bieepe the culled) of the Sav£luary. As Aaron the high Prieft figured Chrift, Heb.5. .4.5. fo Eleazar in his office being Prince of Princes, fha- dowed the office of our Lord Iefits , who is the Prince of the Kings of the chub, Revel. t, 5. the Aretpaffor, I. Pet. 5.4. the great Pallor of the fbeep, Helar. 13.2o. and Bijhop of our foules, I Pet. 2.25. And hence arofe the diftin&ion of the highPrieff, and the recoud Prieff as in 2. Kings 25.18. And when Aaron was dead, and Eleazarhigh Priell in his place, Numbers 20. 26.28. then Phinehas Eleazat s forme, was Governour over the Levites, r Verf.3 5, Zurief] in Greeke Souriel, which Ggni- fieth God is my Rode. Abihail ] or Abirhail, as the Greeke pronottnceth it : by interpretation, he fathers flrength. Verf 36. the overfight of the charge] that is,as the Chaldee expoundeth it, that tchich fhal bee commit- ted to the charge (or ruflodie) of the formes of Merari. the fervice thereof] in Greeke the works of them. And becaufe there things were heavie to beare, the Lord allowed them foure wagons, accor- ding unto their fcrvice , for to cafe the cariage, Nunsb.7.5. -8. Verf:38.foremofl] or, as theGreeketranfaateth it, Eaff rear$: fee Numb. 2.3. Mofes and Aaron] The Hebrewes ( as Baal-batturim upon this place) doe obferve, that here is apaufi (or, difiin- ¿lion) between Miler and Aaron ; to teach that iWof`s ( pitched) in one place by himfe f ; and Aaron and hit fanner in another place by themfelves. Thus Mo= fes a evite of Kohath, was King in Iefliurun, Deut 33.5. and Aaron his brother, Prient: as for Moles two Ionises, Gerfhçn and Dieter (Exod. 18. 3.4) hère is no mention of them, neither in Numbers '26. neither had they any prerogative, but were among the other Koha thites,and named of the tribes of Levi, that is, common Levites, r Chronicles 24.14. the charge] or, the cuffody, the watch of the Sanflnta>y: the Levites being alfiftants under them, Numbers 18. 2. 3. Of the watchwhich was wont to be kept in the Sanfuary, fee the annotations on Numbers 15.8. theft ranger ] that is any f ving Aaron and his Ionises ; fee verte t o. Verf39.and Aaron] in the Hebrew, there are many extraordinary pricks over the name ofAa- ron , for fpeciall cant : R. Sol. Parchi flitly they were to lignifie that Aaron himfelfe wan not a mong she number of the Levites, none of the 2 a coo. here mentioned. Obferve Aarotis dignity Hee was theelder brother onto Mofes the King,Exod. 7.7. Hee was by marriage brother to Naaffon Prince of Iudah,for bec had to wife Elizabeth his filler, Exod. 6.23. I -lee was joyned With Molts in the government of Ifrael, Pfai.7y.2o. lice had Bbbb 3, the 35 36 38 39