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1 he charge of NUMBERS I V. the Levites. t9 I 42 19"14214`ii4242**t CHAP. IV. t . The Age. and Time of the Leviter Service. 4, The carriage of the Kohathiter, rohen the Pneus have takn down the Tabernacle. r6, The charge of Eáa- zar. 17,T he office of the Priefir. 21,T he cariage of the Cerfhonites. 29, The cariage of the Merariter. 34, The number of the Kohathiter that ferved, 38, of theGer- fboniter, 42, and of the Merariter. D Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, and 2 unto Aaron, Paying; Takethefomme ofthe fonnes ofKohath,from among the fons of Levi, according to their families, 3 according to the houle of their fathers.From thirtie veares old, and upward , even until! fiftie yeares old, every one that entreth into the army,to doe the worke in the tent ofthe 4 Congregarion. This finall be the ferviceof the bonnes of Kohath,in the rent of the con_ s gregation, the holineffe of holineffes. And Aaron (hall come and his fonnes , when the Campe fetreth forward ; and they (hail take downe the Veile of the covering, and cover 6 with it the Arke of the Teflimonic. And they (hall put there m a covering of Tadafh skin, and (hall fpread a cloath wholly of blew, above; and fluai! put in the barres 7 thereof. And upon the Table of Shew- bread they (hall fpread a cloath of blew,and put thereon t' e dillies, and the cups, and the bowlrs,and the covers to coverwithal!; and 8 ' the continual! bread (hall be thereon. And they fhall fpread upon them acloath of fcar- Iet, and cover it with a covering of Tac ha(li skin,and they (hall put in the barres thereof. 9 And they (hall take a cloth of blew,and co- ver the Candleflicke of the light, and the lampes thereof, and the tongs thereof; and the f huffe- difhes thereof,and all the oile vef- fels thereof; wherewith they minifter unto ro it. And they (hall put it, and all the veffels 'thereof, within a covering of Tachait skin, r r and fhail put it upon a ftaffe. And upon the 'Altar of gold they (hall fpread a cloath of blew and cover it with a covering of Ta- chait skin, and (hait put in the barres the re- Ia öf. And they flhall take all the inftruments of miniftery,wherewith they minifler in the Sani hiarie,andput them in a cloth of blew, and cover them with a covering of Tachath r3 skin; and (hall put them on a flaffe. And they (hall takeaway the alites from the altar, and fpread upon it acloath of purple. And 14 they thall put upon it all the veffels thereot, wherewiththey mini ',ter about ir ; the fire- pans, the fefh- hookes,and the (hovels , ana the bafons; all the vcllèlsofthe Airar: and they (hall fpread upon it a covering of Ta- cha(h skin, and put in the barres ()lit. And Aaron and his fon des (hall mike an end of covering, the San&Jaric, and all he veffels of the Sanäuaric, w lien the campe is to lèc forward ; and of :er chat , the bonnes o Ko_ kath (hall come to beare it ; and they :hall nor touch the holineIlè, left they di- : there thingsfhall be the burden ofthe fonds ofKo. has h,in the "Tent of the congregation. And t,) the overfight of Eleazar the tonne of Aa- ron the Prieff (pertarnetb) the oyle of the light , and the incenfe of fweet (pices and the continual! meat-otfering,and the annoin- ting oyle ; the overfight of all the Taberna- cle, and of all that therein id, in the SanQu- arie, and in the veffels thereof. And Iehovah fpake unto Moles and unto Aaron,faying ; Cut yee not off the tribe of g the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites. But this doe unto them , that they may live and not die, when they ap- proach unto the holine(fe of holineffes : Aa- ron and his Connes (hall goe in , and appoynt them every man unto his fervice and to his burden. But they (hall not goe in to fee whenthe Sanctuary is covered,left they die. ADD And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, Paying; 2I Take the fumme of the Tonnes of Guiton,. 22 of them alfo;accerding to the houle of their fathers, according to their families, From 23 thirtie yeares old , and upward unto fiftie yeares old fhait thou mutter them every one that enrreth to warre the warfare, to ferve the fervice,in the Tent of the Congre- gation. This/hall bee the fervice of the fa- 24 mines of the Ger(honites, to ferve; and for the burden. And they fixai! beare the Cur- 25 raines of the Tabernacle, and the Tent of the Congregation, the covering thereof and the covering of Tachafli skin, that is upon it above,and the hanging veile for the doure of the Tént of the Congregation, And the Tapeftry hangings of' the Court, and the hanging veile for the doore of the gate of the Court, which is by the Tabernae!e, and by the Altlr,round about ; and their coards, and al! the in truments of their fei vice. and all that is made for them ; and they fluall 3. ferve, t Ij 16 19 20 a6