Ito The number of NUMBERS I V. 27 ferve. Aube mouth of Aaron and his fons fl-rall be all the fervice of the formes of the Gedhonites, in all their burden , and in all their fervice ; and yee thall appoint unto 28 them in charge all their burden. This u the fervice of the families of the fonnes of the Gerfhonites , in the Tent of tile congrega- tion ; and their charge (hall be under Itha- mar the fonne of Aaron the Priefi. 29 ¡ The fonnes of Merari , according to their families , according to the houfe of their fa- 30 theis , hhalt thou mutter them. From thirty yeeres old and upward , even unto fifty yerres old (halt thoumutter them every one that entreth into the army, to ferve the fervice of the Tent of the congregation. r And this thall be the charge of their burden, according to all their fervice in the Tent of the congregation : the boo rds of the Taber- nacle, and the barres thereof, and the pillars 32 thereof, and the fockets thereof. Andthe pillars of the Court round about, and their fockets, and their pinnes and their coards, with all their inlruments, and with all their fervice : and by names (hall ce reckon the inftruments of the charge of their burden. 33 This is the fervice of the families of the Ions of Merari according to all their fervice in the Tent of the congregation under the hand of 34 Ithamar the fon of Aaron the Priel. And Mofes and Aaron, and the Princes of the congregation, muttered the fonnes of the Kohathlres, according to their families, and 35 according to the houfe of their fathers.From ,thirty yeeres old and upward, even unto ¡fiftyyeares old , every one that entred into. the Armie,for the fervice,in the Tent ofthe 36 Congregation. And thofe that were mu -, ¡fired of them , according to their families, were two thoufand,feven hundred,and fifty. 3 7 There were they that Were muttered of the families of the Kohathites, every one that ferved in the Tent of the congregation 1 which Mofes and Aaron did muter accor- ding to the mouth of Iehovah by the hand 38 of Mofes. Andthofe that were muttered of the fonnes of Gerthon , according to their families, and according to the houle of their 39 ¡fathers. From thirty yeares old and up- ward, even unto fifty yeeres old, every one that entred into the armie, for the fervice 40 in the Tent of the congregation. Even thofe that were muttered of them, according to their families, according to the houle of their fathers, were two thoufand and fix hun- g r died and thirty. Thefe were they that were the Levites. muttered of the families of the fonnes of Gerflwn : every one that ferved in the Tent of the congregation, whom Mofes and Aa- ron did mutter , according to the mouth of Iehovah. And thole that were muttered of the fami lies of the fonnes of Merari according to their families, according to the houle of their fathers. From thirty yeeres old and up- ward, even unto fifty yeeres old, every one that entred into the armie for the fervice in the Tent of the congregation. Even chore that were muteered of them, according to their families, were threethoufand, & two hundred. Thefe were they that were mutte- red of the families of the fonnes of Merari, whom Mofes & Aaronmuttered, according to the mouth of Iehovah, by the hand of Mofes. All thofe that were muttered, whom Mofes and Aaron, and the Princes of Ifrael muttered, of the Levites, according to their families, and according to the houfe of their fathers. From thirty yeeres old and up- ward, even unto fifty yeeres old, every one that entred to ferve the fervice of fervice, and the fervice of burden,in the Tent of the congregation. Even thofe that were mutte- red of them, were eight thoufand, and five hundred, and eighty. According to the mouth oflehovah muttered he them by the hand of Moles, every man according to his fervice, and according to his burden: and they were muttered of him, as Iehovah com- manded Mofes. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Annotations. or Ake the Tumult] Hebr. Ta take (of which phrafe fee the notes on Exod. 23. 3. ) the bead, and that in number, is the femme, as the' Greeke tranflateth it : and the Chaldee faith, the Count (or reclening) of the fonnes of Kobatb; whole families are here firft reckoned, becaufe they were to carry the holieft things.OfKohaths preheminencc,fee the notes on Num.3.28.Ofhim Cbazitrmi here obferveth , Though Gallon :vat the fill-borne, yet Kobath it firfirerkoned, breastfi bee carried the Ark. boufel in Greeke hoop : fo after fun- dry times in this chapter. Vert 3. thirty yeeres old] Hebr, aTenne of thirty' 3 yeeresd of which phrafe fee the notes on Gen. 5.32. Here the beginning of their fervice is at thirty. yeeres of age; in Numbers 8.24. it is Paid to be at fave and twemy yeeres; (according to which, the Greeke here, and in verla 3.30. trafl flateth it fine and twenty:) and in Dbvids time it began at twenty, t, Chron. 23.24. and foin Ezeki- imirommumalil