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NUMBS RSIV. 21 ahs dayes, 2 Chron. 31: 17. and after in Ezraes time the Levites vvere appoynted from twentie flares olde and uppwardEzra 3.8. The places in Mo- tes may thus be accorded , that here he fpeaketh of caring upon their full mini(tration, which being laborious, to carry the San&uary, &c. re- quired full ftrength of bodÿ, and difcretion of minde, and began therefore at 30. But in Num. 8.24. hee appoynteth 25 for the beginning of their learning to doe the workes. So Mainsion) faith; A !urine of Levi commeth not into the Court unto bit fervice, untill they have frfl harried himfiveyeares; a it is faid(inNum.8.24.) FROM FIVE AND T WENT IE TEERES OLD; and ano- ther Scripture faith , (in Numb. 4.3.) FROM THIRTIE TEERES OLD; Gte five arc for him to learnt. And hee entreth not upon his férvice, till bee be grown great , and bee a man ; at it is fafd (inNunlb.4 49.)EVERT MAN ACCOR- DING TO HIS SERVICE:IbliJnentom. 3. treat. of the Inftrumentr (Me Santluary, cha.3. f. 7. Cbar,Jfntri (on Num.8.) reconcileth it thus; at 25 yeares old they entred all of them to doe the lighter works, Of to watch that no flranger came into the Santluarie, &e. and at 30fearer of age, they were in their fl rength, and dd beare the Santkunie, &v. Now this age of thirtie yeares for the numbring of the Levites, continued alto in Davids time, t Chron. 23. 3. But then the Levites were no more to carry the Ta- bernacle, nor ary vetch ofit, verle 26.10 by the lafl wordes of David, the Leviter were smmbredfrom twin - tieyearer old and above, veefe 27. which David did by direltion from the Lord, t Chron. 28. 13, 19. that beginning tolearne fooner, they might bee the fitter at thirtie to fern the Lord and his people. And it is probable, th,.t the multi- tude of people, and fo of facrifices increasing, the Levites if they had not miniftred till thirty yeares old,would not have fufliced for the lèrvice of the Temple; therefore God then by David al- tered the time of their entrance. This age of thirtie yeares,was by Gods providence in Iofeph when he began to governe Egypt, Gen 41.46. in David, when be began to reign, z Sam. 5.4.Rahn the Baptilt(a Levite) began alto his Minillerie at that age; and Chrift(fulfilling all Figures)at the fame age began the preaching of the Golpel, Luke 1. 35 ,36. and 3.2, 3, 23, Stc. It taught them alto, that the Minifters of the Lord should be no Novices (or young Schollers,) as t Tint. 3.6. untill fiftieyearer old] Hebr. and untill a fame cf fiftieyearer, at what time naturali ftrength ufually beginneth to decay ; therefore G O D would have them then leave off the harder ter- vice; but Bill they miniflred with their bream thren in the Tabernacle , to keepe the charge &e. Num. 8.26. into the armie ] or to the warfare. as is further explained in verle 23. to warre the warfare,which the Greeke tranfiatech, to minifier. Hereupon the Apostle calleth the worke of the Minifterie, to warre a good warfare, I Tim. t. S. and mentioneth the weaponsoftheir warfare, i Cor. to. 4. and callethTinlothee a góodfauldier of 'erns Chrif1, 2 Tim. 2. 3, 4. because by the [word of the fpirit,and other weapons ifrighteroufrel,they were to call down imaginations, and hip tbät warre in mcnS members,Eph.6.t7. a Cor.6.7. and io.5. Iam.4.1: Compare Exo.38.8. to doe the worl;e] in Greek, all the woken in Chaldee, to freéthe frvice: this ex- plaineth the former w cup? e ;to be holy and ltiri- mall. So the B aopsrfjx is called agood ivo, ke, 1. Tin,.;.i. for itisto labour in theword and dl`l,ine, 1 Tim.5 17. Verf. 4. the holinee of)*lnef s] thuds, the molt 4' holy things; as the A. e,Table,Candlrfliclie,Alta,',, &e. which t fie Eohathìtes were to beare, ver.5,7, 9,t 1,15. Thefe are generallynamed the Sanliva- ry,Nunl 10.21. and 3.28 Ver. 5. fttetbfárwárdjor ,removeth,jaurmyethfrom mount Sinai towards Canaan; and this was when the cloud was ta4.n up frame. the Tabernacle, by the Lord, Num. to. 1151 2. tbe.ei/e the coining] called in Greeke,tbe fhadowing viile;by the Apostle,, she je rod zeile, Heo. 9.3. whi h was made of bléw, purple, fcarlet,and five lirmen,wit h Cherubimi;lnd was hanged between the hoiy place and the moo ho- ly;Exod.26.31,33. This neile figured the fltfb of Chrilt,Heb.10.20. as the Arke principally ligui- fied Chrilt alfó,& Gods pretence with his church in him. See the notes on Exod, z 5: 1 o, 17. the Te flimony] the tables of Gods law, which were the Arke,as in the heart(or bawd s)ofChrift; Eti. 25.16 Pi.à.4o.8. This Arke ache tellimony was covered with the veile whiles the Tabernacledid dtand,Exod 40.3. and now when t'se Tabernacle is to be taken down and 1-moved, the Arke is co- vered veitlf the fame veile Veil.. 6 dial! put] Hcbr. fballgize; in Greeke,ptn 6 suer, to Wit, over the Arke and veile. Tac.afli skin] in Greeke, hyacinth (or blew colour) flt'n : ice Exod 25.5. This was to cover it tronl all idnr¡y of weather, as raise or the like; even as the whole Tabernacle,when It ltood,was covered with filch, Exod. 26.54. Eiai.4. 5,6. It was alto to lignifie the hiding of theie tnÿtteries for a tinte : fee after on ven: t 3. a cloatb wildly of blew] theft were thole clotbea or gam-tents of tnúaifleric ntentioned in Exod. 31.10 ales e] upmofl : and heercin the Arke had the preeminence of glory above all the other holy things ; for their uptnoft coveritigs were of skin; btft the Arlie had above the skiline a cloth of blew, or skit colour, for the honour of Chrilt whom it figured. the Garret thereof] made to le ere the Arke with them,Exod. z 5.14,1 5. See the annotations there. Verie 7. of Shetr -bread ] Hebr. Talle of facer, or'of Preface : me.ming, of the bread of Pretence, (or Shear- bread) as the Chaldee heerc explaineth it , and Mofes elsewhere expreffeth. They were twelve Cakes, reprefenting the twelve Tribes of Ilrael,or whole Church : fee the annotat ions on Exodus 25. 3o. and Levit. 24.5. of blew] the Greeke here tranflateth it ptnple. to cover wit/t- all] Hebr. of covering, or, of panning out : of there, fee the notes ot1 Exodus 15. 29' continual) bread] or, breadof continuance; fo called, becaufe it was alwayes upon the cable; and when the old was taken off, new was let on, every Sabbath; as 7