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NUMBERS IV. as is noted on Levit.24.8. VerC8. offearlet]Onely the Arke(repreienting Chrilt,)& the Table with Shew bread (rem efen- tingthe church) had three coverings;, all the' other holy things , had but two. And,none was covered with fcarlet, but this Table only. Verf. 9. of the light] in Greeke, , inlightning (or 9 fbianing) caxilefficlte : fee the notes on Exod.35.14 This was a figure of Ggis Law, Pfal. r 19. 105. Prov. 6. z 3.2.Pet.1.19. O Verf1o. upon a ffa$e]or, upon a leaver, or barre; filch as things are removed and caried with betweene two, or moe, Num. 13.23. The Greeke tranflateth it upon barres ; foinverf.Iz.Chazkuni noteth here , that it is Paid, apses a fie e, and not under a fiafe left that which war caried fhettldbee dragged on the ground. I I VerC 11. Altar of Gold] the Incenfe altar, which flood within the holy pllace: a figure of Chrifts mediation for his church,and of their prefenting their prayers unto God by him. Seethe notes on Exod. 30.t, - -6. 12 Vcrf. 12. inffruments ] or veffèls of minifferie ; Cenfers, cups , &c. or filch as arc mentioned in 2 King. 25. 14, 15. Saníïuarie Hebr. fan - ¿litie, inGreeke, the holies. a ffaffe inGreeke barrel, as verf 10. 13 Verf. 13. the afbes from the altar] This the Greeke tranflateth, They Ebalput a covering upon the altar. The Altar of brae, which flood in the courtyard, is here meant. ofpurple]Onely the brazen altar was covered withparple; as the Table only with fearlet , verf. S. and there two colours are fometime tiled one for another; as They put on him a Jeanie robe, Mat. 27. 28, for which in Ich.19.2. is written, they put an him a purple robe : fo in Mark. 15. 17. they clothed him withpurple:all there colours fignified the heavenly dignity of theft holy things, by the blood of Cbrilt.And although theAltar of braffe flood in the open court, where all might fee it, yet when they removed, it allo was covered as the other holy things. It} Verf. l4 .Veffels]orleftruments,asverCe2. fire pans] ofthefe and the reft, fee the notes on Exod. 27 3. At the end of this verse the Greeke 'verfion menticneth the 'Laser , Exod 36. 18. (which in Mofes is here altogether omitted) thus; Andthev (ball tale a purple cloth, and cover the Laver and the bafe (o foot) thereof, and Jbal put them into a covering of hyacinth skin; and Jball put (them) upon barres. It feemeth to be not without myllery, that Mores mentioningfire-pans , ffefh- Mwku , and other leffe things, fhould quite omit the Laver, which ufa!ly is reckoned among the Holy things of the San&uarie, Exod. 35.16. and 38.8. and 39. ;9. and 40. 3o. And as in Mel - chifedeks hiilory in Gen. 14. he omitted his pa- rentage, kindred , birth and death; from which filence in the holy Rory , theApoille reafoneth as if he had beene without parents or kindred, beginning of dayes,or end of life, Heb.7. So here (if it may be lawful' to cójefture the like)theLa- ver is left uncovered,and alwaiesopen to the eyes of thepeople,that it might be a lively reprefènt a- t ion of Gods grace in Ghrilt, continuing & ope- ned as an ever- fpringing fountaine : that by the waffling of the new birth, by repentance & faith in the blond ofChrift, we may in all our travels, at all times,cleanfe our hands & feet,(our workes, and wayes,)as the facrificers did from the Laver,. Ex. 30.19,20. That albeit the face of the church isfometinte hid , ( as the Tabernacle wrapped up,)and the Light of the Word fhineth not , nor publike worfhip performed : yet alwaies Gods eleft,having faith in him , may wafh and purge themfelves in Chrift his blond, unto forgiveneffe of finnes, fan&ification of the fpirit,& falvation. VerC 15. she Janlivary] Hebr. SanE/ity , or 15 Ilolinef,that is, as the Greeke explaineth it, Hely things: fee Num 3.28. This covering of the San - ftuary,befides that it was for the honour and de- fence thereof, had allo a further myftery. For as Mofes put a stile upon hid face , Exod. 34.33. that the fumes of Ifrael couldnot fleadfafily leoketo the end of that which it abeb/t ed, z Cor.3.13. fo the Taberna- cle(which our fathers caried wish lofted into the pof- feJTonoftheGentiles, All. 7. 45.) was folden up, and veiles and coverings were call upon the holy things , that the Ifraelites could not behold the end of thofe types, whole end Sr accomplifhment we now clearely fee by the Gofpel,by the reve- lation f the myflery which was kept floret fence the world began : but it now made manifefi , and by the ferip. lures of the Prophets , according to the commande- ment of the everlafling God , made knotene to all na- tions, for the obedience of faitb , Rom. 16. 2 5 26. Therefore we have Gods Throne and true Taber- nacle fet forthwithbut veiles or covers, Rev.4.2. &c. The Temple f God it opened in heaven; and there is feeneinbis Temple , the Arks of the TO,- mentali caveman , Revel. 11.19. not torch the holinef] that is, the holy things, as the 'Greeke tranflateth. This reftraint, was like that concer- ning mount Sinai,which by reafon of Gods pre - fence thereon, might not be touched,apon paine of death. Exod. 19. 12. Heb.' 2.18. left they dye] Hebr. and dye: which the Chaldee expoun- deth, and not dye : the Greeke, that they dye net : the word not before used, being here againe to be underflood, as it is in lob. ;o.20, 25. and 3r. 2o. Pfal.9.19. Prov. 30. 3. Deus.7. 26. and often otherwhere. The Scripture it Celle Iheweth this want, and fupplieth it; as in 2 Chrol.9.20.none were of elver, it was accounted of: that is, it was not accounted of; as is exprefled in 1 King. so. 21. This judgement here threatned , was executed upon Vzzah a Levite, whoputting his hand to the Arke of God, was therefore fmitten bferod, and died, I Citron. 13. to. (hall be the bur- den] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth , they flood beare theft things, to wit, on their owne Jboulders, and not by wagons, or any other nteanes, Nuns. 7, 9. Therefore it was a fault in Davids dates, that the Arke was caried upon a cart, o Citron. 13 7. for they fought not theLord, eer the due or- der, 1 Chroe.15. 12 ;13. Verf. 16. to theoverfegbt] the Pifloops office , or charge : 16