(( i8 i9 20 NUMBS charge the Greeke tranflateth , Bifhop Eleazar ; the Chaldee, that which (ball be committed to the charge (or cuftodie) ofEleazar. ogle of the Light] that is, af(or for)the golden candleflick.Thefe foure par- ticulars the Hebrewes fay, Eleazar was to cary himfelfe : for Cbazkuni (on this place) writeth; The ogle of the Light , and the oyle tf Anointing, the ene in his right hand , and the other in bas left. Ad the Incenfe in his boforne ; and the Meat- offring on bitfhoukler. R. Elias , in R elhith cboemah , treat. of Feare , 6.16. nóteth the like fromthe lerufalemy Thalmud , adding withal! , Behold, according to hie high place was his humility , to bonour the Lord, to beare all this burden at one time. the Santivary] Hebr. the pieties : Greeke , the Hoy. Eleazar had betides the charge of the ogle, incenfe , &e. the care of all the fanBuarie alto , and of the burdens of the Kohahites,Num. 3.31. veff ls] or inftruments; in Greeke, the worker thereof In this office, Bifhop Elcazar was a figure of Chriit (the Bifhop of our finks , t Pet. 2; 25.) unto whom it ertaineth to give grace (the oyle of the Spirit) for underftan- ding of the Scriptures,Lul,. 4. t 8.and.z4.45.Iob. 1. t6: To put odours of Tweet incenfe unto the praicrs of all Saints, by his mediation , Revel. 8. 3: I. Tim. 2.5. To prefent his Church as a pure Meat-offring and facrifice unto his Father, Kph. 5. z6, 27.1. Cor.5.7. To give the anointing oile of the holy Ghoû for our fan`fhfication,& rejoy- cing ofour hearts, loh.77.i 9.1 Ioh.z. s7, To over fee all Churches and Minifters, and all aftions in Churches, where he is prefent, and walketh a- mong them till the worlds end, Mat.28.2o.Rev. I.13.and z.s.2. &c. Verf. i 8. Ctn ye not off] or, Cau fe not to out ff in Greeke, deflra not, that is,Caufe not, or occaii- on not by your default,them to be cut off,whiles you not looking to your charge , they haply tranfgreffe,and fo I deftroy them,as I did Nadab andAbihu,Lev.i o. the families] underftand, any ofthe families : the Greeke tranflateth, Deflroy not ofthe tribe,the famiy of Xobatb. Vert r9. the and not die] of this phraCe , fee Deut.33. 6. Thargum Ionathan expounds it , live in the lifi of the righteous , and not die with flaming fire: having reference to Levit. t o. z. ofbak- ners]that is, the tall holy things; in Greeke,the holies ofhalies. every man] Hebr. man man, to his fir- vice, that is, each one to his feverall worke,that fo diforder and confufion might be avoided & none might intrude into anthers worke. TThe Hebrew canons fay The Levites are to be warned that they doe not one another; work; as that the Singer beige not to doe thePorters werke,or thePorter the Singers; as it is written, EVERT MAN VMT0 HIS SERVICE, AND TO HIS BYR- D E N. The Levites that do: the Frills ferviee, or a Levitt that employeth himfelfe in that worke which iz not his owne worke, are in danger of death by the hand of Gad , Nan. 4. 19. Maimony in Mafia. treat. of the Infirm= : oftbe Santi. 6.3. fell.I o. r s Verf. 20. to fee] Co in Exod. 19.21. the people were charged not to break: through unto the L 0 RD to fie: and becaufe the men of Betbfbe- R S 1 V. 3 ymefh looped into the Arke ofthe Lord , be fmote of the This refit-jilt tght them what di cord there ,. is beweeneGod and lìnfull men , and how great need wee have of a Mediatour. And as the Priefts themfelves might not.alwaies enter into the molt holy place, Lev. 16, 2. whereby the boy Ghoft this fignified , that the way into the hey of holies wit not yet made manifefi , while as the fill Tabernaolewas yetHanding, Hebr. 9. 8. fo in that the Levites bare things which they might not touch nor fee, it fignified a concealing in part of the myfterie of the Gofpell , which in other ages was not made knowee unto the fern: of men , as it was afterward revealed unto his holy Apoflles and Prophets by the Spirit , E- phef 3. 5. the myflerie which was bid from ages and fono generations , but row is made manifefl to his Saints,Colof(: 1.26, iecovered]Hebr.isfwai- lowed rep ; which word is often ufed for def roving and abodfbing lob 2. 3. Num. 16.30. 32. 44.9. 16.and 3. 12. applied here to the hiding and co- vering of the holy things; which was donefad- denly , and is by the Chaldee interpreted, when they cover the velar of tax Saneiluarie. It fignified the abolilhing that after lhould be of this worldly fond y, and Ihadowes therein , by Chrilt , Heb. 9. 1. whole death was a defiroying of the true Tabernacle and Temple , lob. 2.19.21. The Apoftle allo treating of the death of the Saints ufeth this fimilitude ; Ifour earthly boufi of this Tabernacle were dif heed, we have a braiding of God,an boufe not made with hand,eternall in the heavens. For wee that are in this Tabernaek doe gram , being burdened ,"net fir that wee would be unclothed , but c l o th e d upon; abat the mortali t h i ng m igh t bee final- lowed u p o f l i f e , &c. 2. Car. 5.1.4. So Peter cal - leth his death , the putting ff of his Tabernacle, 2 Pet:1.14. And this finilitude is very fit : for a; here in MofèsTabernacle, the molt holy things were firlt covered and taken away; fo the foule & powers thereof are fide withdrawaefrom thebo- die by death. Then, at the curtains and cove - rings were taken off, and iolded up ; fo the flefh and skin of our bodies are pulled off, and eaten with wormes. And as the boards of the Taber nacle were laltly diiìoyned and pulled afunder;fo fhallour bones& finewes. Compare the defcrip- tion of mans making in lob 1 o. 8-- -1 a,& of his diffolution,Enieç i 2. And as the Tabernacledif- folved, was afterward fee s p again, Num.1 0.2I. fo Thal our bodies at the day of refurreetion, Cor. 15. left they die]Hebr. anddie: inChaldee, and not die ;as before in verf. t N. X19 9 Here beginneth the 35 feftlon of the Law : fee Gen.6.9, Verf 22.7pke]Hebr. to take: fee verfz. of them alf]iu Gr.tbe o alfa.Though the Kohathites (of the fecond brother) were firft numbred , be- caufe they were to cary the holy things on their fhoulders; yet God world not have the other fa- milies neglefted,or to adminilter confufedly, but counted & appointed allo to their charges:wher- In his providence thine-ch no leaf than before. Verf, 22.