:+ NVMBERS. IV. 3 Verf.23. te R, rre'the easy farre]which the Greek explaíneth,tnminiffee: fee the notes onverf.3. te férue the fervice] in Greeke, to doe the workes : this is an explanation of the former marfare. 24. Verf. 24. the frvice]in Grccke, the miniflerie, and for the burden] inGreeke, to ferve and to bear. By the fervice, underhand their minifterie in the Taber- nacle when it good , wherein they aífìfted the Prieurs ; as alto the taking downe and letting up ofit,Nuns. to.zl.and by the burden,their cary ing of the San&uary, when it removed. VcrC 27. At the mouth] or, 'according to the 7 mull) in Chaldee , At the word. So after inverf. 37 and 41. and 45. and 49. in all their bur- 1 den] in Greeke, according to all their minifffirations, and according ta all their works yee fhaíl appoint] in Greeke, thou foals appoint (oruumber)them. incharge] or, in cuflodie ; i n Greeke , by names, as I in vert. 32. all their burden] inGrecke,all their worke,. z8 Verf. 28. their charge] or, their cuffodie, their obf rvation. under the haud]or , in the hand, that is, under the government and dire &ion of Lelia- mar: Co in ve.1.33. The Prielts being the chiefe in the San &uarie,aud figures ofCh rill , were to ap- point and overfee all the workes of the inferiour minifeers ; and fo Chrift and his Apoftles did un- to the minifters of the ehriftian Churches, Mat. 28.20. I Cor. 12. 4,5,6. rit.1.5. 8tc. c. rom. 1.3. 'and 3.1. -15. 3o Verl3o. thirttyyeerer]inGreeke,twenty fEveyeeres: the reafon of this difference is noted on etc. 3,So aft er,in v.35. into the a rmie]or,watfareithat is, fórviee in the Tabernaele;as the Greeke tranflateth it, to mimfler : fee verf3. Verf. 31. the charge] or, cufiodie ;in Greeke ob- f reatinns. the fackos] which were an hundred, made of at hundred talents of flver, Exod. 38.27. of the boards, and bars,feeExod.26.r8. -a7.By reafon of the weight ofthefe things, the Mera- rites had finire wagons allowed them , for the carriage,Ninn.7,8. 32 Verf 32. their fec/fr:] which were ofbraffe, Exo %.a7. 10 17. bÿ names. ]1nChaldce,by their names:theGrecite raid the like ofthe hiertho- nitro charge,in terfa7. Whereas the fockets,pil- lars,pinnes, cords and other inftruments were many,and teemed oflefre importance than the o- ther holy things within the Sanftuary; the Lord appointeth to have them delivere,d by.namea left any fhould be negle &ed , or left, or to lecke when the Tabernacle fhould be fer vpagaine.Signifying hereby the care that he bath of his Clutch , and of every member, evísn thé left ; and fo of all bis ordinances. Thus thegood Shephcard is faidto call his oorne flecpe byname , ób.10.3. AndDavid gave untoSolomon,both the pattern of all things to be made in the Temple, and gave gold and fil - f ver by ireight,for every table,candleftick,lampe, flclb -hook , bowle , cup, bacon, Itc. 1 Chron. 28. 11. 17. Verf. 35. into the ardue] or, tothe warfare ; in 35 Greeke , to tiro, fier : feevert. 3. Sp after, in vert 39.nnd43. Verf. 36. two thoufand , fevenbxnd,ed, andffy] 36 there were of the Kohaehites in all, eight thoufand and fix hundred, Num.3.28. of which, not a third part were able men for the Lords fervicc as here wee fee. Verf. 4o. two tboufand and fix hundred and thir- tie] In all there were leven thouftnd and five hundred Gerihonites, Numb.3.22.ofwhich,little more than the thirdpart were fit to ferve in the Tabernacle. VerL 44. three thoufand and two hundred] So of fix thoufand and two hundred Merarites (Num.3.34) there were moe than halfe fit to ferve the Lord in his San&uary. The numbers of them all, and of luch as were able to ferve the Lord , and con- trary, may beviewed thus ; In all, Kohathites, {Able men, Vnable, In all, Gerlltunites, {Able men, Vnable, In all, Merarites, {Able men, Vnabk. 8600. 2750. 5880. 7500. 2630. 4870. 6200, 3200, 3000. 40 44 The wifdome and providence of God appeareth' in there numbers. The Kohahites,thac were molt in the whole femme , arc feweft for the fervice of God: the Merarites, that were feweft in number, yeeld moli for his fervice. And whereas the grea- ten burdê was for the Merarites, as the boards of the San &uary,overloid with gold,the ppillars,the fockets,fome of filver, & tome of braffe; left they fhouldmurmur at their charge God furnilheth them with moe' ablemen than any of the other families, befides wagons given to cafe them. And whereas commonly in families,the yonger & the aged fort are many moe than men of middle years;it is hereotherwife, that the greater halfe of the Merarites arc prong men, betweene thirty It fifty yeares of age. By this diverfitie of number among the Levites familfes,God fheweth his wit dome in fitting men for the worke whereto he hath appointed them, whether it requireth mul- titude,or gifts: for, To one isgiven by the Spirit , the word of wifdome ; to another the wordof lsowkdge, by the fame Spirit; to another, faith, by the fame Spirit; to another, thegifls cf healing, by the fame Spirit, &e. vid./vg to every man feverally as he will. 1 Cor. 12. 8. ---1a David being employed in warres, had many valiant Worthies, and ftrong men for that p urpole,rehearfed in 1. Corona e. and 12. eb. So had Iudah, and the ocher tribes, as wee fee in Num. z. Moles was furnifhed with wifdome and knowledge, but wanted fpeech and utterance; therefore Aaronwas given to bee his mouth and. fpokes -man, Aft. 7.22. Exod. yet Moles by his writings, fpeaketh now eloquently in, all Churches, and (hall doe to the worlds end, when Aaron is fìlent.The like was in Paul,whofe weakneffe in fpeech was his reproach among the falte