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The uncleane removed. NUMBERS V". Trefpa(rereftored, 25 fal fe Apoliles, 2. Cor. r o, i o. and r r .6. though he excelled in knowledge & other graces, thefruits whereofthe world flit reapeth troni his Epiftles. 47 Verf,4,. that mired] to wit , into the warfare, or army, asverÇ3. the forviceof fir vice] the worke of niiniftery, Ailing the Priefts, when the Ta- bernacle flood; and taking it downe,and felting it up : the Greeke tranflateth it, the work of works. the forvico of burden] theworke of bearing the Tabernade,when is was removed : in Greek, the worker that were to be borne. 48 Verf.48, eight thou!ndand Soo. and so.]Behold the final! nunsberof. fach as warred the fpiritu- fi all warfare of God in his San &nary, that of the whole tribe of Levie , there were bdt 858o, fit men : when the tribe of hfdah afforded74. thou - fand and boo. for the outward warfare,in the hoft of Ifrael, Arumb.r.27. 49 Verf. 49. the mouth] in Chaldee, the word; in Greeke, the voice. muttered be] or, henumbred meaning Mofes and the Princes, asverf34 fpo- ken of as of one man, - - btMIAMAIIIMb,AMAAMA CHAP. V. 1, The uncleane are removed out of the Campe. 5. Confefon and reffitution it to bee made in tref¢aflit, r r. The law of jealoufie. 15. How the fiefpe(ïed wo- man it to be brought unto the Prieff , with an oblation, '19, it to be abjured by she Prietf, 24. and it to drink of the bitter water that caufeth the enrfe. 27. The event following if fheebedefiled, or not defiled. 1 Nd Iehovah Ipake unto Moles , fay- 2 Aing ; Commandthe Tonnes of Ifrael, that they fend away out of the campe , every leper, and every one that loath an iffue, and every one defiled by a 3 foule. Both male and female (hall yee fend away ; without the campe {hall yee fend them, that they defile not their camps,ia the 4 middeft whereof I dwell. And the Tonnes of Ifrael did fo,and fent them away without the campe; as Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, fo did the Tonnes of Ifrael. 5 And Iehovah fpake unto Mores, Paying; 6 Speake unto the Tonnes of Ifrael : A man or a woman, when they !hall doe any of all the lunes of men, to tranfgreffe a tranfgreflion againft Iehovah , and that foule bee guilty; 7 Then they !hall confeffe their firme which they have done, and he !hall reftore his tref paffe in the pr`tncipall thereof; and the fife part thereof thall bee adde unto it, and (hail give it to him again!! whom he hath trefpaf- 8 fed. And if the man have no kinfman, ro reflore the trefpafTe unto him the trefpafle flia!1 be reftored unto Jehovah , unto the Prieft , betide the ram of the atonements; whereby atonement (hall be made for him. And every heave offering of all the holy things of the fonnesof Ifrael , which they (hall bring here unto the Prieft, (hall bee dlis : And every mans hollowed thing,. (hall ro be his: that which any man gineta to the Prieft, his it (half be. And Iehovah fpake unto Mores, laying; Speake unto the !banes of Ifrael, and lay unto them: Any man, if his wifegoe afide, and tranfgrefléagainft him atra(ilgrelfion; And a man lye with her, with feed of co- pulation , and it be kept dole from the eyes of her husband, and (bee hub hid her é ;fe, and thee is defiled , and there is no witneffe again!t her, and fhee is not taken : And the fpirit of jealoufie paffe upon him , and bee be jealous of his wife , and the bee de- filed ; or the fpirit of jealoufie paffe u;aon him,and he be jealous of his wife,and the be not defiled:Then fhalthetiaan bring lais wife r S unto the Prieft, and bee (hall bring her offe- ring for her , the tenth part of an Ephahof barley meale : he (hall not powre oyle upon it, nor put frankincenfe thereon , for it ú a Meat-offering of jealoufies, a Meat -offe- ring of memorial{ , making menaoriall of, iniquity. And the Prieft !hall bring her 16 neere , and make her Rand before Jehovah. And the Prie,} (hall take holy water , in an earthen velfell ; and of the duff which is 7 in the fioore of the Tabernacle , (hall the 1 Prieft take, and put it into the water. And g the Pideft (hall make the woman to (land before Jehovah , and (hall uncover the wo- mans head, and put in her hands the Meat - offering of memo,. iall ; it _ it the Mear- of tying of jealoufies: and in the hand of the Prieft !hall bee the bitter water, that caufeth the curie. And the Prieft !hall 19 charge her by an oath; and fay unto the wo. man ; If no man bath lien with thee ; and if thou haft not gone afide to uncleanneffe, un- der thy husband, bee thou free from the bitter water that caufeth the curie. But 20 thou, if thou haft gone afide under thy hull band, and if thou be defiled, and fame man hath had his copulation with thee, betide thine husband : And the Prieft !hall by aI oath charge the woman, with an oath of curling ; and the Prieft !hall fay unto the woman; Iehovah give thee, to be for a curte, and for an oath', among thy people, when Iehovah doth give thy thigh to fall, and thy C c c c belly 9 II I2 I3 14.