26 The bitter water. NUMBER S V. 22 belly to fwell. And this water that caufeth the curie, (hall enter into thy bowels, to make the belly to fwell , and the thigh to fall : and the woman (hallfay,Amen,Amen. 23 And the Prieft (hall write thefe curies in a'. booke : and bee (hall blot them out, into the 24 bitter water. And hee (hall caufe the wo- man to drinke the bitter water, that caufeth the curie : and the water that caufeth the curfe,fhall enter into her to bitternelfes. 25 And the Prieft (hall take out of the womans .and, the Meat - offering of jealoufies, and (hall wave the Meat - offering before Ieho- vah , and offer it upon the Altar. An the 26 Prieft (hall take an handful' of the Meat - offering, even the memoriall thereof, and .borne it upon the Altar ; and afterward hee (hallcaufe the woman to drinke the water. 27 And when bee bath caufed her to drinke the water, then ir (ball be if' (he be defiled, and have tranfgreffed a tranfgreflion againit her husband ; that the water that caufeth the curie, (hall enter into her to bitrerneffes; and her belly (hall fweh,and her thigh fhall fall, and the woman (hall be for a curieamong 28 her people. And if the womanbe not defi- led, brit be clean, then the (hall be ffee,and 29 (hall conceive feed. This is the law of jea- loufies, when a woman goethafldeunder 30 her husband,and is defiled. Or a man, when Ithe fpirit of jealoufie paffeth upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and 'hall make the woman to Band before Jehovah and the 31 Prieft (hall doe unto her all this law. And the man (hall be free from iniquity : and that woman 'hall beare her iniquitie. Annotation. COmmand]After that God bad fet his Church and mininery in order, he next giveth lawes for the purity and holinelfe of his Church in that order,by removing all fin and uncleanneffe from among them; and after, by appointing the exer- cifes of godlineffe. Of this he faith, Command : wherebythe weight of the things here fpoken of, is fignified. that they fend away] or , as the Greeke tranilateth, and let them fend away, that is, put out of the campe; and there were three Camps, the San &uary, called the Campe (or tents) of the LORD, z. Chron.31. 2. the Campe of theLe- vites, Numbers 3. and the Campe of Ifrael , the twelve tribes, Numb. 2. See the annotations on Exod.4o.33. And as the tinctcane were to bee put out of the Camp, pitching about the San&uary: fa out of the camp which went to warte againft ¡¡. their enemies,Deut.23.1 0.1 1. The Campe of the Lords San &nary was molt holy : none which war unclean in any thing, might entre in, 2 Cbron.23. 19. Leper] who was defiled and unclean, all the dayes that the plague was upon him,and was to dwell alone, without the Campei,Lev. t 3.46, fee the an. notations there. ansffìse]theLawoftheir uncleanneffe is given in Levit.a , afoule]that is, a dead foule, as Numb.6.6. meaning a body ; the Chaldee here tranflateth , by the bones of thefoule f a man ; taking the fiole fora dead carkaffe; as in Levit.2 t.1. there theChaldee hath, the dead Who fo touched any-dead man , was unclean feeven dayes, Numb. t 9. 1 t . &c. whereas for touching other dead creatures, they were uncleanebut until'eve- ning, Levaba 1.2439.40. Thefe legal! pollutions, figured our pollution by firme of all forts, (as in their places is lhewed:)and the removing of fuch out of the Lords campe, figured the removall of unrepentant (inners out of the Church; into which aty thing that defileth may in no wife enter, Re- velations 21.27. the tencleane may not come into u, Efay 52. Ir. cjaaoB' Verf. 3. male and female] Hebr. From male unto female, whereby he meaneth both forts : and as Chazkni here obferveth , hee faith not man and wo- man, to teach that in cafe of uneleanneffè , the great and the fmall are all alike Vpon this Law , Mary the finer of Moles and Aaron , beingftriken with le- profse,was put out of the Campe, Numb. ta.14: t 5. without the Campe] or, to without, that is, so a place without the Campe. But were they all to be together in one place ? feeing the Lepers were to remain alone, Levitt 3.46.The Hebrew do &ors expound this Law thus ; T here were three camper the campe of the Divine Majefly (that is the San &uaìy : ) about that the campe of the Leziter, and from thence unto the end, the campe of the fiandardr on all foute quarters, that was the campe of Iliad. The Leper mas put forth out xf, them all: he th had an iffite might bee in the campe of Ifrael , but mar putforth out of the frond : and /be defiled by the dead, bee might bee even in Levies campe , and war not put forth fave from the campe of the Majefly (of God Sol. lare-bi. en Numb. 5. This, though it feemeth contrary to Mofes, is the common opinion of the Hebrewes, as may bee feeue in Talmud. Bab. in Pefachim, chap. 6. and Mai mon) in Mifo. in Biath bamihdafh,cbaP.3. where he rendreth thisreafon; T he Leper besauf bit uneleanneffè is greater, hee it fnt away further than bis feliomes ; for every one whofe uncleanneffr is greaser, hit putting forth is fin - therthan his neighbours. Therefore they fend firth the Leper out of the three campes, which it out of Ieru- falem , beeaufe bee defileth by entran,e, whereas bee that barb aniffìse, defileth nor fa. And they fend forth men and women that have iffieee, themenfiruons, and women in ehildbed, out of the two campes, rebieh is, out of the mountain of the boufi (of God :) be- caufe they defile bed, and feat, which the uncleane by the dead doe not. The Chel] that is the Rampart or Courtyard , in the Temple, which was snore outward than the womens court, as the womens was more than the mens court; they put forth out of it, heathens, and fach at are defiled by the dead, and defiled 3