NUMBERS V defiled by lying with the menfruour. If a Leper come 1,I ùuo lerufilembee is beaten ( with' torty (tripes ;) ¡Ore come cote the monntaine of the hoer (of God) hee is beaten with fecrefc ore 1tripes, &c. Wee may here note the difference and degrees of places, and their holineffe which the Hebrewes lay ¡ were ten , within the Land of Canaan, Icrufa- ; lern , and theTemple. a. The walled tocones; 2. The citie Iern(alen;. 3. The mountain of Gods houfc, (mount Sion ;) 4. TheChel, or ontmoff court ; 5. The womens court, (which Come thinkc to bee that which is called the new court, 2 Ghron.2o.5.) 6. The mens court. 7. The Niels court, (2 Gluon. 4.9.) 8. The place be- tweene the Porch and the Altac.(2 Chron.8. r 2.) 9. The Temple, or Hoare it fclte. 1o. And the moo holy place , or Orade within the Temple 1 King. Of thelè it is written in the Bab. Tha'mrsdin Celfm, chap. t. feEf.6. &c. and by Maimmy in Miffs in Bethhabcbirab, ebaD.7. p.1 2. &e. thus : All the land of.lfr'ael is holy above all other lands ; for they bring out of it, the Sheaf, andThe two loaves, ( Levit. 23.10.17.) and doe Firff- fruits which ¡Joey bring trot out of other lands. Ten boline)ès are in the land of If ail one above another. The walled towns are holier then the ref( of the land, for out of them they put the leprous : neither- doe' they bury the dead within them .without confort of from good then of the city ,. or of all the people of the city, &c. Tanis- lm is holier then other walled dries ; fir they pate the light holy things, and the fcond tithes , within the walls thereof. The neruutaiose of (Gods) b ufe , is ho- lier then it; fir none that have iff &es, are minftru- out , er inchildbed, may come in thither. The Chef (or Rampart) is holier than it , fir no heathens , or defiled by the dead, or that bath lien with the men= flrztour may come in thither. The moment court is holier then the Chel fir none that is waffled (front his undeannef e) that day (beforeSunne,ietting, as Levit. 15.6 ) may come thereinto. The court of (the mennf) Ifrael, is holier then the women court , for none that bath not brought bú. Bring fir atonement (though hee be other wiCeeleane, as Levit. 12.6. 7. and 14.9. 1 o. and 15.) my come into 'it. And she undeane that eommeth thereinto; itguilty of cutting-of The Prieffs court, is holier then that, for no Ifraelites may come in thither, five at the time of their neceffities , for impofing of hands, or for atonement , or for flaying, or for waving (the Sa- crifices.) Between the Porch and the Altar, .H holier then that, forme that are blemifhed, er bare beaded, or have their clot Iseo rent, may come thither. TheTens- plc it holier then beteeieene the Porch and the Altar : fir none may come thereinto , but bee that bath bit hands and fief wafted. The Holy of bolles is' holier then it ; fir none may come in' there, but the high ['deft , on Atonement day, at the time of fend neon. i ll. For the better underftanding of three things , wee may further obferve touching the Temple in lerttlalem , how they fay ; The moues - ff !tame of the honk (of God,) which was mount Morijab, (2 Ciron. 3. t;) was five hundred cubits (long) and five hundred ( broad) and teas inclo fed with a mall. And it bad five gates, one án the Weft and one on 27 the Eaf and one on the North and two on the South; ardthe breadth of a gate wat ten eubits,and the height twenty : and they had dores. Within that war a (madden) finan compaffmg round about the Night whereof we ten hinds breadths , and within that fence was the Chel (or Rampart) ten cubits high; and of Mat it it fa; d in'Lam a, 8. Heemade the Ram - part and the wall to lament : this rods the wallof the corset. Within the Ram art mss the cours, and all . Um court woe in length 1 7. and in breadth t 35. (su- bits) and had feversgates, &c. The Sanl oea:y war Of all of it in a plaine, but in a elii fe (or aient) of the Mount. When a man went in at the Eitflgate of the Motmtteine bee ment to the end of the Chel ( or Rampart ) in a levellground. And hee went up fiom the Chel to the n'omets, court by twelve flips : the height of every (lep was half a Guilt , and the bredtb halfe a cubit. And all the women; court bee ment on a level(: and from it to the chart of If ae! ( the meni court) by fìfteene fleps ; and all the court of If art be went on a levels. Thence bee ment up to the Friel, court, which was two cubits and an halfe higher than ¡fraelo And bee went all the Priefls court , and betemetic the Porch and the Altar in a levelh. Thence hee went up to the porcs by twelve peps. And the Porch and the Temple coat all on a lived. So the height of the (bore of the Temple was above the./do°re of the Eafgateof the mount of the Ionie, two aras twenty cubits. Maimoty in Beth babchirab, obap. 5. b 6s that they rkfìle not] or, and let themnot defile (or mak unclean) their camp, : for the leali of'ihefe three , namely the teneleane by the dead , whatfoever hee touchedwas zit^ cleave, Numb.19,2a. Hag.2.I2. This taught them fanftification , in abltaining from communion with lnneand sinners; as the Apoftle fheweth in 2. Cor.6. 17. Come out from among them; and beyee f parate, faith the Lord, and touch rot the unclean thing, and I mill receive you,-&c., And in Heb.I2.1 5. Look± ing diligently, &c. self any coat of bitterneffè (fringing up, trouble you, and thereby many bee defiled. I dwell] in Chaldee, my divine pr, fence (Shecinah) derelleth. This reafon refpeð not only the former un- cleannelfes, but the Pinnes alto that follow, of tranf reffon, verft,. and leeret adultery,verf. 12.13. So the Hebrewes all() acknowledge as Chazlgmi (on this place) faith , Forafnertch as the Divine pre - fence (f God) is among them, and they eneampe round a- bout the T abernacle : ft isneceffarythat they pen iftetheir camps from uncleamefe , ardcleare themfelves titan rob- bery , and from doubtful! wickedeuJ at of the woman that goeth of/de; and to' obferve the things decreedfrpu -! rifeation. Verf. 6. the floues of men] in Grceke, humane . 6 fieres,that is,any filch finne as men ufe ro fall into through their frailty. to tranf rife a t,anf gregion] that is, to commit (or hycomnitting) a cran( greffon : fo in Levit. 6. 2. where this Law is! more explained. The Chaldee expoundeth it, to falfifre a falfhood, that is , toffea/;e (or- du/0 fad/4 the Greeke, del ifingdefpifed ; inHebrew Maghnal hergf Cee the notes on Lev. 5.15. This Is the fe- cond Law of Ifeacls purity,& it is againft morali fin & pollution thereby ; which the miner was to purge by ceifeffion of lin,reltitution of datisroage, . C c c c 2 and