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NuMSklzs V. and facrifice. arainf Jehovah] in the Chaldee, before the Lord. This is meant in regard of his de- nial] or oathbefore the Lord; as Lev.6.2.3. that fink] inChaldee,that man : ít meaneth manor wo- I man, as before is expreffid. be guilty] or, be ix trefpaffè. 7 VerC7. Thal confeffe] This,though it be here ad- joyned to chis particular, belongeth to all finne, which bee thatcof:Betbdnd forfak thThalhavemercy, Prov.28.13. for and loot{etb upon men ; if any fay, I bane finned and perverted that wbi.b war right, and it profited me not; hee will deliver bit fink fromgoing bete the pit,and his life fhall fee the light, lob 33.27.28. The Hebrewes let downe this duty thus ; All thepre - eepts in the Law,whether tbey commandor forbid athing, if a man tranfgreffi againf airyone of them, eitherpre- fumptxoafy, or ignorant when be maleth repentance, andturneth from his firme, bee is bound toconfefebefore t/e blefedGod, at in Numb. 5.7. T his conftf ion is with words; and it is commanded to be done. How doe they confef ? flee faith , Ob God I box e finned, I have done perverfy, l hate trepaff d before thee, and have done than and than ; and ke I repent , and am afhamedof my do- ings, and lord never die this thing again : and this it ehe foundation of confefflon. And who fit maketha large roteeflion, and is long in this thing, bee is to be commended, and fi the owners of fame and trefpaj of rings, when they bring their oblations for their ignorant , or for theirpre - fumptuoasfanner , atonement ís not mask for them by their oblation , untill hove made repentance , and cenfefon ly wordof mouth. Likely;fi , all condemned to death l'y the Magif rates, or undimmed to Tripes , ne atonement is made for them by their death , or by their f riper, until! they have repented and confeffèd. And fo bee that /note& his neighbour or doth him dammalte , though he pay him what fever bee owith him , atonement is not made for him till bee confef e , and tourne away from doing f againe for ever, as it it written (ia Numb.5.6,) any OF ALL 7HE SINS OF MEN. Maimo'sy in Mires. treat. of Repentance,ehap.s. fell.i. histrefpuff] or, hi, guiltineffe, Hebr. Afbam : intoning the thing for which he is guilty : as is explained in Lev. 6. 4. & noted on Levit.56. The Afbam (Guilrineff ) here token of, a the thing taken by rapine, or theprice thereof, faith Mainony, in treat, of Robber , and lo¡! things, ebap.8. J Fl.6. in the principaU y in the femme (tbehead) thereof; that is, every whit of it: fo inLev.6.5. the ff] fee the notes on Levit. 5. t 6. and 6. 5. Of this point the Hebrewes fey, Hee that fwearetb upon deniati of grads , payeth not the fft part , until bee cif it of bimfei : but if there come witnef es, and be f and f ill in his detti et , hee payeth the principati oney upan themouth (that it, the cef imeny) of the witne s : but pneth not the fift part, besaufe the lift part with the facrifice, doe come for atonement, and hee bringeols not them, but upon hit emu month (or eo f ffm) Maimany treat. of Robbery, chap. y. fe11.8. 8 Verf. 8. nokinfman] Hebr.Osel; which is gene- rall for any kinfman , that redeemeth, avenger], or to whom a thing appertaineth when the other is dead. Hereupon the Hebrewes apply this law to the (ranger ; for they fay,there is no man in If- rael without kinfinen, either brother, or child3r other of his blood, &c. but chit it (meant of) the If h franger that dietb and bath, no heires : Soli. Lrebie on Numb. 5. and Maimeny in treatife of Robberie, ex. rlap.8. fitl. 6. thetrefpale] orguiltineffè, the thing for which hee is guilty ; as verb y. unto the Prieft] who being the Lords minifter, fhould receive it for him. The bob, blefed ( God ) is the Father of the franger , and meet to inherit that which id his , therefore it fhoield bee given to the forme of hifhoufe, which is the Prief, faitbCbao- knni on Numbers 5, If (a man) bave clonere,obe onto a franger , and fweare unto bim ( folly ) end the f ranger dye, then bee is bound to pay the princi- pal! and the fit part , unto the Priefis of that cup- die ( or ward.) If a Priefi rd aJlrcroagerwh,oh bath no heires and fweare unto him , and the frango die; this Prieft bath no right to bis robberie tvricheio under bit band beet it geeth out from ender his hand, to all bit brethren the Prief s, the fanner of the off adj (that is,which ferve in that ward)Maim: treacle of Robberie, &c. chap.8. feel ueou 4.9. ramme of atonements] whereby atonement was made for him with God , by the Prieft : whereof fee Leviticus 6. 6.7. Here alto they fay the trefpafe Piing is not tffred, until! bee that Path done tlerab- berie have refold e the principati to the owners, or to the Priefs, if bee have robbed a (ranger that bath no heires. If bee bave given the principali, and died by trefpaffe-offring , atonement if made for him , and the lift part hindreth not the atonement; and hee is hound to give the lift part , after the atonement. Meintny treatitè of Robberie, Chapter 8. S,l ,i 3. Verf. 9. heave-offring ] or oblation, in Chaldee, figuration (or feparattdthing.) of all] or, with all the bolt' thing: : according to which fence the Greeke tranflateth , and all the bd- lowed things. So in Ezek.443o. the fir( of all the fir( faits of all things , and every ave-oo fring of all , of all your heave- offringo frail be the Priefts, and the fir( af' your dough feel! yee give unto the 'Priefi, that bee may castle the blefJ'ng to ref in thine bottle. fbaIl bring neare] or , fball lie to the Prieft, and fo untoGod by him: therefore the Greeke tranflateth, fbaU offr re the Lord to the Prief , to him fhati it be. Of the giftswhich God appoint ted to the Pricks , fee Numbers 18. In that the Lords offrings were given to the Prielt,it figured, that all things were given of the Father unto Chris, whom hee had made beire of all things, Heb. 1.2. And it taught the people their duty,for the maintaining of his minifters, Malec. 3.8. 9.10. 1. Cor.9.13.14. Verf so. (hall be hit] that is, (ball be the Frills, as in Ezek4430. Verf 12. Lint' man] Hebr. man,matt, that is,who- foever. This is the third Law, for the fan&ifice- tion of the Church,in cafe of innne fufpelted,and not nianifeft . which God would have to be loo- ked unto, and purged. gte afide] to wit,from him to another man, and commit adultery. A fi- gurative fpeech,takenfrom going afide out of the right way : fo in Prov. 7. 25. trot(ref] difloyally and unfaithfully , as the Hebrew Magbnal fignifieth, Levitient 5.15. The Greeke tranflateth it d fpife ; the Chaldee, dealt faljly. Verf. 9 IO I2