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rd NUMBERS V. 13 VerC 13. Amara] inGreeke , any : meaning a- nother manbefdes her husband. from the eyes] that is , from the knowledge. Of the way of an adulterous woman it is faid, Shea eatetb and wipetb her mouth , and faith ; I' have done no wiekednef , Prov.3o. 20. bath bid her felfe ] or bath bin bidden, hado bane infecret; meaning either that thee hath dilfembled her iniquity, or, hath beene in a fecret place with Come other mean , whereby thee may juftly bee fufpe &ed, and her husband hath carafe to be jealous. In this latterfenfe, the He- brewes underitand,it, and make it the ground of the Law following, for her tryall. They fay, The jealoufie fokn of in the Law, Num. 5.14. is when (the man) bath faid unto his wife before witneffes , bee not in fierce with fetch a man. The hiding [or feerecie] nken of in Numb. 5. 13. it , when fbee bath beene in ferret with that man , touching whom bee bath faid unto her before two witne f r , bee not in ferel with hint : if flee bath flayed witb him fa long at till flee might be defi- led, then it it unlarofidl for her husband to company with ber , until! flee hatte drunk¢ of the bitter water and the thing bee tryed. And at fucb time at there it no water for her that goeth ofide (to drink) flee is unlawful! for him fur ever , and it put away from him without a bill of dowry. If bee be jealous of her for two at once, and have faid unto ber , bee not in fecret withfucb and fuck : f fhe have Beene in feette:jwith them two together, and tarred fo long at till foe might bee defiled , though they were both ber brethren , or ber father and her brother , flee it unlawful! (fir her buf- band) untili flee have drunk. If bee have faid unto her before two , /freak not with fuch a man ; this it not jeabufte ; yea though (hee have Beene m feeret with him by (by teflimony of) raiment , and Poled tillflee might bee defiled, flee is not unlawful! ( for her husband) neither cloth flee drink for this jealou fie. Likewife, if bee have faid unto her , bee nowt fecret with him ; andflee be feene Jeaking with him, this is not to bee in floret , neither is flee unlarofu/l ( for her husband) nei- ther it flee to drink¢. Alfo, if there have not beene jeabtefebefore, though two doe come and teffifie, flee was in fecret with this man , and taried till fbee might he defiled, floe is not unlawfull for leer husband, nei- ther is flee to drink. If leehave beau jealous of her be- fore two (witne s) and bee hash f ene ber infecret with him touching whom bee was jealous, andthat fheetarried till flee might bee defiled; loe flee is unlawful! for her husband, and is put from him, and hee fba' give abill (of dowrie) for hee cannot caufe her to drink upon hú own¢ mouth (or teflimony.) Maimony in Mifn. tom.2. in Sotab. chap. r. fetl.1. -8. Theft and the like caue tions they put concerning this Law : forne of which feeme to be nncertaine traditions. no witneffe]that the is defiled: for upon tech-Irony, or if the were taken with the manner , thee was not to drinke , but to dye by the Magilirate, Levitictu So. to. lob. 8.4. 5. And whereas hee fpeaketh here Gngularly of a witnef the He- brewes obferve, that if there bee but me witnef a- gainft ber, who faith , flee it defiled , flee is not to drink, Sol. larch!, on Numbers 5. Shremunlawfull (they fay) forher busband (to company with her)for ever; and dotb not drink, but it put away without a dowry. 111111.1;MMEEMMIR If two witnefjis come together , and one fay, fbeeúdefi- led, another fay, flee is not defiled : or, if one f flee ís defiled, and afterward two other come and fry , flee it colt defiled ; then Thee drinketh, Maimony in Sotab. chap. 1. fe6.14. t y. Verf. 14. the firit of jealoufie paf upon him] or, pap over him e the .ireeke faith, came upon him, that hee be affe &ed with a jealous mind ; as the wind is faid to pal over the graffe , when it i5 fmitten or bladed with the wind, P fel. i o3. t 5.16. which in EJiy 40.7. is aid to blow upon it. And the fpirit of jealoufie, meaneth a jealous motion or affe &ion of the mind,wherewith it is carded, as the Scrip- tures elfewhere fpeake, of the fpirit of roifedome, the fpirit of counfell , the fpirit of knowledge , Efay 11. 2. EpheC 1. 17. the fpirit of farnications, Hof. 4. t 2. the f irn offerre, 2. Tim. .17. the fpirit of meekteffe, Ga1.6.1. the fpirit of flamber, Rom.11.8. And in 1. Cora 4.1 2. fpirits are put for the gifts and mo- tions of the fpirit. jealoufie] or, after the Greeke Zealoufie, a zealous affe&ion , which ii fonsetime ufed in the good part, fometime in the evil! ; as Zeale alfo is fometimes good , I h. z. 17 2. Cor. 7.11. fometmme ¢viii, Ga1.5 20. called bit- ter zeale , Iam. 3. 14. So the Hebrewes have one word Kinah, for zeale , jealotfie, envy, and emulation ; as Phineas was zealous for the Lord, Numb.2 5 t 1: Elias wasjeaktu for him, r King.19.10. Iothuah envied for Mofes fake, Numb. 1s.29. And jealoufie is an affeltion hard (or crurll) as thegrave; the paler thereof are cooler of fire, Song. 8.6. it is the rage of a man ; therefore hee will not filare in the day of ven- geance, Prov.6.;4. This affection is faid(after the manner of men) to be in God hind-die, Exod.2o. 5. and Paul was jeabus for the Corinthians, fea- ringlets they fhould be corrupted, 2. Cor. i 1.2.3. upon him] the husband , who only had the power to bring his wife to this trial!. Wherefore the Hebrewes write , that if a man be out of the countrey, or in prilon, or the like ; and his wife bave an evill report for lightneffe, &c. the Magi- !hates are to call ber , and fay unto her bee not in fe- cret with fuel, aman. If witneffes afterward come , that flee was with him in fecret fo long as that floe might tee defiled; the Magifirates are to forbid her her huf- bands company ever after , and rend her bill (of dowry.) And when her husband comes home , or out of the prifon hee gives her a bill of divorce ; but bee cannot caufe her to drinke, beeaufe himfelfe was not jealous of her. Maimony in Sotab. chap. 1. feil. 11. VerC. 15. bit wife unto the Prieft] who was in his office a figure of Chrifi, by whom God willjudge the ficrets of men, Rom:2. t 6. the order of this a &i- on is faid to bee this; The husband cnmrnetb to the Magill rates of his citie ( where hee dwelleth) and faith unto them; This my wife, lam jealoitr of her fir filch a man and Thee bath beene In fecret with hihi, and theft are witnef s ; and Ice , fee faith that flee m cleare, andis willing to drink frtrial!of thetbin4, Then the Magiftrate' fhall heart the words of the witnef!es: and they appoint two to bee with the man, to keepe him that hee company not with her, before flee have drunk: for, fire io unlawftell fir bim, semi' (Tee Cccc3 ba.e 14 15