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NUMB-ERS V. ir have drunk. And they fetid bim to Ierufolem: f they caul not the fufpeíled woman to drinke , but in the great cotatfell of feventy Elders in the Saniivary. When they are come to Ierufalem, the great Çoun- fell let her among them , and they tenipe her, and make her fore afraid, that flee fbould not drinke , &c. If free fay , I am defiled ; or, I will not drink; flee is put from ber husband .without a dowry. But if flee 'and in her carafe that flee is cleare, they bung ber to the Ea' gate of the Courtyard , wbicb is ever again' the me' boy place , &c. If Thee he arrayed in white garments they put upon ber black: or if Thee bath faire black clothes , they put upon her clothes that are not faire ; and take, off all ornaments of flver and gold that are on her. And they gather a great company of wo- men unto her ; for all the women there prefent are bound to fee ber; ar it it Paid (in Ezek.23.48.) That all women may bee taught not to doe after your lewdnef. And every man that will come and fee , may come and fee. And flee ffandeth among them without fearfe or veik, oney in ber clothes , andher coyfe that is on ber head, as a woman within her boufe, &c. and afterward the Price adjurerh ber, in the language that Jhe knoweth, and nnderf andet h. Maimony in Sotab. cbap.3. fell. 1.2. &c. of barley] it might bee of no other graine, nor any other quantity than the tenth of an Ephah , neither more nor leffe : fee the anno- tations on Levit. 2.1. The Prophet Hofeah, in a myfterie, bought anAdultreffe for fifteene paces of filver,aud an bonier and halfe of barley, . Hof. 3.1.2. The Hebrewes here note, Meale, not ! Aire ; barley, not wheat ; f loe bath done the all of a beafi, and her oblation is the meat of a beaff.Sol.Iarchi,on Num.5. not put] Hebr. nor give frankineen fe : tile figured grace, which was wanting in her a &ions; franitin- cenfe gave a fweet favour, which her workes did not before God; therefore both nmf'1 be wanting, as in all meat- offrings that were for finne.See the notes on Levi;.5.1I.and 2.2. The Hebrewes make thefe two diflinlì precepts : fo that hee which tranfgreffeth and putteth oile, and frankincense, it beaten fir the tile in particular, andfor thefrankmcenfe in particular. Maim, in Sotab ehap.3. fell.' 3. a meat - ',Ping of jealoufies] Hebr. a Minchah (whereof fee Levit. 2. I.) in Greeke, afacrifce of jealoufie. From this word the Hebrewes fay ; If a man be jealous ej bit wife for many men,and foe bath been in fecret with every one of them ; bee it to bring but one Meat -ring for them all, when bee caufeth her to drink for it it faid, It it A MEAT OF FR OF IEALOVSIES : one Meat -offing for many jealonf:es , Maimony in Snob. chap.4. felï. i 6. making memorial)] or, caufng iniquity to be re- membred.And this is the reafon why it might have neither pile nor incenfe, which other Meat- offriugs had, Levitz. -16 Vcrf. 16. mak her 'and] prefent her before the Lord , for the judgement was his, not mans : by fanding, fome underftand, her flaying there, till the Pried went into the Tabernacle, to ga- ll Cher up dull to put in the water, ( werfe 17. ) For hee wen; into the Tabernacle to take dill from thence : lut flee went not in. Chozkuni on Num- Verf. r 7. holy water] the Chaldce expoundeth it, Water of the Laver (whereof fee Exod. 3(3,18.) the Grecke tranflateth it , pure living water. The quantity, Mofes meutioneth not : the Hebrewes fay, halfe a log of water out of the Later and bee mea- fned it by the belle log which was in the Sanlluary. Harmony in Sotab. chap. 3. fell.'.. The halfe Log containedas nmch as three egges : fee the notes on Exod.3o,24, and Levit. 14. 10. earthen vef ll] this they fay,was to be a new veffell,where- with no work bad ever beene done. Maim. in Sarah. chap. 3. fit 1.9. And they make this ufe of it, She bad drunke with the adulterer, good wine infaire goblets : therefore flue is to drink bitter water in a contemptible earthen difh. Sol. larch). on Numb.5. and lonatban in 7hargum. du'] in all uCe, du' was a figlie of bat-ende, forrow and afi &ion, lob 2.12. Pfal. 7. 5. and 22.15. Lam. 3.2 g. it was the food of the turfed Serpent Gen.3.14. Efay 65.25. This was given her to drinke, that if the had hearkned to the Serpents tentation, thee fhould be partaker of his curie. Yet being the dull of the Sánthtary, it was in refpe& thereof, holy, (as the ground whereon Mofes and iofna ,flood where God ap- peared, was holy, Exod.3.5. Iof5.r 5.) fo it taught her to feare judgement from the Lord.' into thewater] or, upon the water: as the Hebrewes fay, bee put it upon the top of the water, that it might be feeene on the upper part of the water. And aga ine, If nee put in the du' begin the water, it was stnlawfitll. Maine. in Soak chap.3. Jai o. and chap. 4, fa' 2. Verf.i 8 w ffand] the fame was laid before, in verfe 16. Hereupon the Hebrewes fay, the woman was led about from place to place in the court, to weary and tyre her, to fee if Jhee would confefjë.Sob lord i, on Numb.5. and Maim. in Sotah. ch.3. fe11.3. uncover the unmans bead.] The covering on the wo- mans head is a figne of her fubje &ion to the man, 1 Cor. r fo theancovering of her head might be a figue that now the was in her owne power, to cleare or condenme her kite. It was allo a Ggne of forrow , Levit. 21. 1o. fo this her cafe and a &ion was torrowfull; and for a woman to have her head bare in filch an affem- bly, was thamefull, I. Cor. this aftion the Hebrewes write: that one of thePriefir came and took hold on her clothes before , and rent them dorm to her heart ; and uncovered her Ingle, and untied the locks of her head, for to mak ber usf emely. Maim. in Sotab.cbap.3. felt,is- the Meat-effring]which being brought by her husband for her, verf 15. theewas to take, as by that fìgne offering her felfe to the Lords tryall ; unto whom this Meat-offring was by her prelented. - in the band of the Prieff] All tthe wink that her hand is bare , and the Meat- efrings it? ber bands , the water is to lee in a vefe/f in the Prfej}s hand, that flee may fee the water. Maim. in Sotab. eh.3. f 14. the bitter mater] or water of bitter - neffe,in Greeke, water of eonvillion; becaufe it con- vinced her if the were guilty: but how was it bit- ter ? $y reafon of the effc &, for it killed her if the were guilty, and death is Paid to be bitter, 1 Sam. 15.32. Ecelef7.28. and afRi &ions are bitter, EfY 38.17. The Hebrewes think¢ alto it was bitter in torte 17 18