NUMBER S V. 31 taue, and that the Prieft pztt into the water fume bit - ter thing, as wormewood, or the like. il1aimony in So; áh. cap. 3. fact. so. Salomon, fpeakingof an harlot, faith , t hat the end of berm bitter of wormewood, Prov. 3 .4. as it is to others fo unto her (elfe. that caufetb the curfe] or, the bitter -curfe bringing water : fo called becaufe it brought the curfe into her, it fhe were guilty , verf.22. This finsilitude Da- vid ufeth, praying againft the wicked , let (the curfe) come into biz bowels like mater, P(aim. t 09.18. Ionatban in his Tbar um expoundeth it, she bitter water of tryall; becaufe it tryed her honey : But Onkeloo the Chaldee paraphraft expoundeth it, that caufetb the curfe, or math curled. 19 Vert 19. charge her by oath] or , adjure her , make her to fweare. In ages following, when.Ifrael in dilperlon loft their language , this adjuration was to be iñ that tongue which the woman knew and underlood. Mainany in Saab. tap. 3. fit 1.7. If no man]thatis, no other man, betides thine husband: Rom. 7.3. as in Gen.36.6. untoa land, is by the Chaldee expounded, to an other land. render thy husband] that is , finte thou waft marri- ed : for a married woman is in Scripture phrafe, Paid to be under an husband, Rom. 7.2. Orin ffead of thine husband, that is, belittle him. The Hebrewes fay , Thehusband may Beale by oath with her that Thee bath not committed whoredome with that man concerning f whom be it jealous of her , nor with any other man. And thatflee hath not committed whoredome under him after the war betrothed, before bee married her, or after. But he may not deale with ber,. that flee did not mm- mit whoredome before they were betrothed, neither after Thee was put away , if fhee had been put away and returned to him again : fir if flee com- mitted whoredome in that time, flee is not un/aw- feell fir him. Maim. in Setah. cap. +. felf.17. be thoufree] or, be gui /tlef , cleare, innocent : that is, ithou lhalt have no hurt by this bitterwater.From this example , the Hebrewes hold that in all judging of perlons, they lhould fira fee if they may be cleared. 20 Verlan. had His copulation] or,given his copulation, that is , bit feed of copulation] or, given bit copulation, as is exprelfed in Levit.r 5.18. z1 Verf.2I. by oath charge] or, adjure the woman, lay on oath upon her : as 1of.6.26. x .Sam. t 4.24 oath of eurftng] or, of execration: in Greeke, with the eathesof this earfe. give thee to be for aeuÇee]that is, make thee acurfe and an oath: that thy name and punifhment may be mentioned for an example & terronr to others:as in fir. 29.22. 23. of them fhointetaken up a curfe by all the captivity, &c. faying; The LORD make thee like Zedekiale and like Ahab , whom the Kings( Babylon rafted in the fire ; becaufe they committed villein) in Ifrael , and com- mitted adultery with their neighbours wives. So if any tooke an oath upon themfelves, they might like - wife fay , the Lord make me like fuch a woman, whole belly did fwell, &c. If I have done this thing. And as for a curfe, fo for an oath ; as in Efay 65.1 5. lee fhallleaveyour name for an oath, unto ny chufen ; meaning for an oath of execration, as in this place. thy thigh to fall] Hebt. thy thigls falling: its Greeke, thy thighfallen : its Chaldee, thy thigh diffolved. The thigh is Merl for the place or iniirument of generation , as in Gen. 46.26. the frills that came oat of Iakobs thigh. Falling is oEen Mid for dying, as in t Chron.24. t 1. there fell of Ifrael ; which is expounded in 2. Sam.24.r 5. there dyed. So the falling of the thigh, may be un- derftood of the dying and rotting ofthe thigh or wombe : or properly of the falling downe of the wombe out of the place, whereby it became' unfit for generation. belly, to fwell] in Greeke, the belly burff : fo in verf27. It is a tradition of the Iewes,that the water which Mofes made the Ifra- elites to drinke with the powder of their golden calfe, Exod. 23.20. had like effe& in fuch as were guilty of that finne, and could not be convifted by witneffes, that their bellies (welled. Sol. Iarchi. on Exod.32. and E. Menacbem. Verf.a2. fball enter or, let it enter , and the thigh] that is, thy i/nfl, as theGreeke explaineth it. Amen Amen] in Greeke, So be it,So be it, Amen is an Hebrew word, but retained by the A- potties in Greeke, r. Cor. 14. 16. and fo is now tiled inall languages.By interpretation it tignifi- eth Truth, Verity,or faitbfsdnef,as in Efay 65.16.the God Amen is the God of Truth : and fò Chrif is called Amen, which is expounded the faithfull and' true witnef,Rev.3.t4. Audin fpeech unto men,' it is an earneftaffeveration, as Amen Ifaymttoyou. Matt.24.47. Which another Evangelilt interpre- teth in Greeke Aletboos, that is Verily, or Of p truth; Luke K2. 44. It is alto interpreted in GreekeNai, that is Tea, as in iWatt.23.36. Amen I fay unto you; for which in Luk t 1..51. is written Tea (or Ve- rily) Ifa, unto you wherefore both Hebrew and Greek are joyned together in Rev.' .7. yea Amen : fo in 2. Cer.I.2o.And when it is added ro theend of praiers,or of curfes,as here and inDeut.27.15. it is an approbation & confirmation with defire that the thing may fo bee, which is explained by adding the word Lord unto it, as in I er. I 0.5. I an- fweredand faid,Amen O L O RD: and more fully in ler.28.6. Amen, the L OR D doe fo,the LORD per - forme the words , &c. Wherefore inthe prayers of the Church,they ufed of old (and fo at this day) toanfwer and fay Amen, t Cor. 14.16. and lone .. time twice Amen Amen, Neb.8.6., and in other confiant aflirmations,it is allo ufed,in 2 Car.' .2o. all the promìfs of God arc in Chrift, yea and are in him Amen.Thus the woman by her anfwer,con- firmed the oath and curfe, and tooke it upon her felfe if Thee were defiled ; or telified her faith in God, that he would cleare her being not defiled ; and therefore the word is doubled. Verf.23. write theft curls] all theft words wherewith hee adjured the woman. in a book] or o in a fcro/le The Hebrewes ufe to call all wri- tings, books, whether they be large or briefe all bills, bands, letters or epifiles, and the like; as in Deut. 24. 5. a (woke (that is a bill) of divorce= ment : and in 2. Sam. II. 14. David wrote a booke (that is, a letter, an epifle) to loab, in Efay 39. t; Merodacklent beokea (that is, letters, as the Greeke tranflateth it eptfzles)to Ezekias. The manner of writing 22