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3z NUMBERS Y. writingthis, h s by the Hebrewess thus defcribed ; He (the Prieft) brought a roll of velan, ar the book of the Law, and wrote thereon in the boy tongue (that is, in Hebrew) the woman: name , as in the bill of divorce , and all the words wherewith bee ad- jured her, letter by letter, word by word; but beewriteth not Amen Amen. Maimony in Sotab. ebap.3. feíi. 8. They have moreover divers obfervations , with- out which they fay the writing was unlawful! ; as that it muff not be written by night but by .day, as her drinking, and oblation was in the day time ; nor written backward, or confufedly , but in order ; nor written before the bad taken the oath upon her ; for it a aul (in verfe 25.) bee /bat adjure her, and then (in verf 23.) the Prief pall write. Nor written on paper or any thing fave parchment: nor written by a (common) Ifraelite, or young Prie fi, but by a Prieft that miniftreth; nor written with fuch inke, or any fuch thing, as leaveth a marke or imprefton upon the parchment ; but with fuch as may be all wiped(or fcraped)off into the water:and other like rites,Ibid. chap. 4, fell 7.8.9. blot them out or wipe out, ferape them intothe water, that no word, letter, or marke of the wri- ting should remaine on the booke : if there re- main on the f rot any marks of the writing which maybe known , it is unlawful ; until bee bave wiped it out well and thorawly. Maim. in Sotab. chap. 4. feîl. I o. It fignified,that all the words of the curfe fhould enter into her, that if the were guilty , her name might be blotted out of Ifrael , with infamy, by the judgement of God , the fwifi wimeff ogainft a- dulterers, Ma1.3.5. if thee were guiltleffe,the cur- ies written againff her were blotted out, and Ibouid not appeare to her reproach. So this word is tifed in the defacing of (nne,through the mer- tie of God, as in Efay 43.23. I, Iambe that blattetb out thy trait ref on: for mine °tine fake, and will not re- member thy ftnne:. 24 Verf. 24. to bitterness ] in Çhaldee to curfrng t meaning that they fhall bee evil! and bitter in their effe& unto her. 2$ Verf.25. wave the Meat -offering] that is, move it to and fro : fee the notes one Exodus 29.24. The Hebrewes write, that the Prieft Cooke the mini- firing 'veit wherein the Meat - offering was , and put it upon ber hands; and the Prieft put his band under bers, and waved it. Maimony in Sotab. chap. 3. felt. 55. upon doe altar] bee brought the Meat - offering to the lath-weft borne of the altar, like the other Meat -off rings of particular perfms ; and took an bandfdl thereof, and burned it on the altar, and the re- ftdue rat eaten by the Priefl :. Maim. in felt. 15. Of this they further fay the Meat-rfring be polluted before it bee put into a minifiring veil , it is to bee redeemed as all other Meat- rfrirgs that are poluteábefore they bee fanttifted by a mirnffring vet , and bee is to bring another Meat-offering. If it bee polluted after it is fanttified in a miniffring veil, then it is burnt. And fo if free fay, I am defiled, before the handful bee taken of it; or if [bee fay , I nil not drinke ; or if her husband will rut have ber drinke, or f there come witneffè:that free is defi- led , or if be :fie, or if free die, then the Meat- offering is all burnt. And if any of thefe things hap- pen after the handful is rffered, the remainder is not eaten. If her husband bee a Prüft the remainder of the Meat - offering it not eaten , becaufe ber husband bath a part therein, &c. but the bandfulhofferedby it feefe, and the remainder is flattered upon the place of the afbes, Ibid. chap. 4. f îí.'t 4. 15. That which is fpoken of burning it when it is polluted,is not meant of burning it upon the altar : but in ano- ther place, where uncleane things were burnt, which might neither be offered to God , nor ea- ten by men. Verf.26. the memorial] fo the handlesll is called : fee the notes on Levit.2.2. Verf. 27. to hitterneleet] with molt bitter effe& ; in Chaldee tocurftng; as verf.24. The Hebrewes fay, that if fhe be defiled, immediately her face will turn her eyes will flicke out , &c. and they carry F. ber out of the women court wherein free flandetb and firft her belly will [well , and after that her tbigb will fall, and fhee fball dye. And in the fame heure that /bee dietb, the adulterer fhat die alto, bywbofi meones /bee was made to drink , wherefoever bee bee. Maimony in Sotab. ebaP.3. fell. 16. 17. /rat fall] or rot, fee verfi2 r. This judgement is accor- ding to the tranfgrelliion; that as with that part the finned, fo therein the fhould be punifhed. And thus the curfe entred into her bowels likewater, (as in Pfal. I09. r 8.) not by any natural! effe& of this drinke,but by the power of God ; who often bringeth great things to paffe,by unlikely means as with clay made of fpitrle, Chrift opened the' eyes of the blind, lob.9.6.7. VerC28. frail he free]not have any harm by the drinke : as in verf.19. conceive feed]Hebr. that be fowen with feed;whic}t the Chaldee expoun- deth, fbal prove with chikl.This fetteth forth Gods power and goodneffe, in effelling fuch things for clearing the innocent; and working by one drinke fuch contrary effet}s, according to the uncleanneffe or cleanneffe of the party that re- ceiveth it. Even as his word is to one, the favour of death unto death ; and to another the favourof l f unto life, 2. Cor. 2.16. The Hebrewes write of this woman, Whenfhe bath drunk° the bitter water, f fbe die not out of band, free is lawful for ber husband (to company with) though he be a Prief. And although full net beginne NOW upon her; and fbe have pane its other parts of her body ; yet forafmuch as her belly fwelleth not, nor her thigh begins to fat , free it lawful; but if her belly begin to fret, and ber thigh tofal, ffeeiscertainly unlawful. And if Thee bee undefiled, when free barb drunk free will waxe firms, and her face waxeth e1eare; and if free have any fiekneff it roil leave her, and free /hall conceive and be ere a man child. And if _thee were wont to have hard travel!, free fleet haze fpeedy travel ; and if free were wont to bring firth fe- males, (bee frail bring forth males. Maimony in South. chap 3. fetL.zr.22. Verf.29. under her husband] that is, beingmar- ried : in Greeke , being under an husband: fee v.19. Verf 30. /hall make the woman to f and] or, frail refine her. The Hebrewes hold that fome wo- men might not drinke; & that none was ever for- ced 26 27 28 29 30