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NUMBERS V. ad to drinke, except Thee would her felfe. They fay, A woman of whom (her busband) is jealous, and i flee bath, been in ferret (with another man) they compel/ her not to drinke : but if free agree , andfay, Iam defiled: pee is put array without dowry, and is un- lawfull fir her husband ever after ; and elrinketh not. Lil(ewif if free fay, I am not defiled, neither will I disk; they compel) her not to drinke , but fbee is put away without dairy. Alfa if her husband fay, I will rust carafe her to drinke, or if bee -bath ben with ber after that fire war in ferret ( with another ) (bee drinketb not but taker her dowry, and goes ber way, and is unlawfuil for him ever after. Some women ( they fay ) are not meet to drinke, though they be willing , and their husbands alto would have them drinke, but arc put away without dowries: as thee that iswife to a man blind,or larae,or dumb, or deafi, or that wants a banal: likewife if the wo- man her felfe be lame, or dumbe,or blind, or wanteth an band, or is deaf¢; or flee that is but betrothed, and not married. But if a man be jealous of his be- trothd wife, and fbee be in fecret (with anotherman) after/bee it married, tben fbee drink& as all other wo- men. A woman that ßandeth es drinke, if her buf- band dye before lee doe drinke then fire drinketb not, neither receivetb fate any dowry. Iklaimony in Sotab. chapter 2. fel.1.2. etc. There and the like exceptions they make,fome of which feeme to be deviled for to favour divorcement, whereunto the lewes have beene overmuch addi&ed, as ap- pearethbyMal.2.s6. Matth.19.3. -8.9. Moreo- ver they lay , If a woman bare drunk of the bitter hater, and bane beetle cleared thereby, and ber buf- band bee jealous again of ber concerning the man for whole fakefbee was made to drinke, and flee bath beetle in ferret with him; bee cannot make her drinke for bú fake the frond time , bit fire is unlawful' for her but.: band ezer after, and it put away without dowry. But if bee be jee /,tu ever ber for another man, and it be proved by wwitneflit , that fbee barb beene in fecret with that other, fbee it made to drinke the fecund time ; yea though it bee many timer, if bee caufè bet to drinke fee fevers/ men. Maimony in Sotab. chap. 1. feii.rz. 3o Verf. frominiquiy]or, guiltleffl, inocaet f om.nigrsity , by doing what in hint lyeth for to had out and purge this time in his wife, and not nourifhing jealoulie in his mind )lilt. Where s by not doing this, hee partaked after a fort With his wives finne. So Cbazkrmi on this place faith, 7be man /)all be free for that bee lettetb not his wife l aline playing the whore wider him. The Thargum !called Ionathans, tranflateth it thus ; And if the man be flea from fines, that woman Pall brace ber line. And the fame expofition others give of there words, laying, Any man that bath nfid len- lawfeli copulation in his dayes after that bee is waxen great, the cerfé- bringing water cloth not try bit wife, Numb. 5.3 o. When the man isfree from iniquity , the woman beareth her iniquity. Maim. in Sotab. chap. 2. felt 8. and cb.3. fete, t 7.23. Therefore among the Ifraelites it is Paid, that no roan which had him- felfe beetle guilty that way could bring his wife jealculie, it is thus recorded : On thefifteenth day of Adar (which was the Hebrewes twelfth monetb, Ef b.9.1. (called nowFebruary,) the Magi/ r rtes looked unto the neceffities of the multitude , and made examination of filch as were meet to drink, to eaufe them to drinke ; and of fuck at Pang bee jealous ofa woman, and tscouJe ber to be put away without dew- rie. And at all timer they made tin faffeeiled wo- man to drinke. The wifemen commanded the fins of Ifiael to bee jealous of their wives, &c. but not in the mid/ of laughter or ligbtnef, nor in the raid/ of contention, nor to bring serrour upon them, &c. It is not meet for a man to romaine himfe f, and to bee jealoua before witneffie at the fief (nut betwixt bim and her, in gentle:4i and by way of purity and admonition , that bee may guide her in the right way, and remove fcandall. And whofaever is not carefee l ofbit wife , and dildren, and family, to admonifi them and vif:s their wayes continually , until! bee b aw that they are as peace from all fleme and iniquIty, bee is a finer; at it is written (in lob 5.24.) AND THOU SHALT KNOW, THAT THE TENT fhdllbeinPEACE: AND THOV SHALT VISIT THINE HABITA- T ION, AND SHALT NOT SIN.Maim. in Setab. chap. 4. fell.1.18.2 9. fball bears her iniquity] that is, the punifhment of her iniquity, Lev. 20. 17. 19,20. Ezek4.4.5. And this tended to the glory of God (who lindethout and puns fheth all fin, and adultery in fpeciall,Ezekt 3.38 Mal.3.5.) to thepurging of the Church, (which should be as a new lump without the leaven of for- nication,) Cor.5.7.)and to the pacifyingofinelt jealous fpirits , with peace in their families. By this feverity of God again/} fecret whoredome, above other fns, we are taught what judgement remaineth for fuck as commit idolatry, which is fpirituall whoredome, Eze1,, 23.37. 8( often done in fecret, Ezek;S.1 s, forwhich fin, God is jealous, to vifit the iniquity of the Fathers upon the chil- dren, Exod. zo.5. and will give them blood, in wrath and jealoufre , and they (hail beare their lewdneffe and their abomination, Ezek. 16.38.58. and 23. 35. fo that the curie of the Law entreth aswa- ter into their bowels, Dan.9.11. Pfai. 109.18. *ti*P ***114244*12 CHAP. VI, I. The Law of the Nazarite, what bee muß ate- f ainefrom in his dyer habit , and converfation , whiles the vow is upon him. 9. How when Tire is defiled he fhall make an atonement by faerificer, tea all fall which was done before, and begin againe to obferve bit vow. 13. What facrifices the Nazarite muß bring , when his vow it fulfilled, and whet rites bee it to pe>frme withal). 22. The Law hew thePrieft fhoteldbleßr the peopleof the Lords. A N D Ichovah fpake unto Mofes, fay- fling ; Speake unto the tonnes of Ifia- to this triall.And of their are about this cafe of el, and fay unto them : A man or wo- man, 3