Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

NUMBERS V. man,',vlieñ rïé (hall fcparare,to vow a vow of á Nazarite, to (èparate him( lfe untoIeho- 3 'vat) : i4ee (hall £cparate himfelfe frorn wine and frrongdrioke ;he fhall not drink vinegar of wine,or vineger of (bong drink; neither fhall he chink any liquor of grapes, not eat 4 grapes moifl or dried. All the daies of his Nazaritelhip, lace (hall not eat of any thing that is rnadeof the wine vine -tree, from the 5 kernels evento the husk. All the daies of the vow of his Nazarite(hip,the rafour (hall not pa(fe upon his head;untill the daies be fulfil- led,which he feparateth himfelfe unto Ieho- vali,he (hall be holy,letting the locks grow, 6 the haire of his head. All the daies that lace feparateth himfelfe unto Iehovah , hee (hall or 7 for his mother orohis brother father, rf for his fitter ; the (hall not make himfelfe uncleatie for them, whenthey die: fot the Nazainite- g dip of his God, irupörihis head. All the dates of his Nazaritefhip, .hee (hall be holy 9 unto Jehovah. And ifthe dead dieth by him, unawares fuddenly, and he bath defiled the head of his Nazaritefhip, then he (hall (have his head , in the day of his cleanfing, in the io feventh day (hall lice (have it. And in the eighth day hee (hail bring two turtles,or two young pigeon,,to the Prieft,to the doore of II the tent of the congregation.And the Prieft (hall doe the one for a Sin-orfring,and the o- ther for a Burnt - offring, & (hall make atone- ment for him, for that he finned by a foule ; 12 '& he (hall farie `tifie his head in that day. And he fhall feparare unto Iehovah the dayes of i his Nazaritefhip and (hall bring a lambe of his fir(' yeare,fora Trefpaffe-offring : & the former dayes (hall ftull,becaufe his Nazarite- ' fhip was defiled. 13 And this is the Law of the Nazarire: in the day, when the Bayes of his Nazaritefhip are fulfilled, he (hall bring him to the doore 14 of the Tent of the congregation. And lice (hall offer his oblation unto Iehovah, one he lambe of his fill} yeare, perfeEt for a Burnt- offring : and one the lambe of her fir(} yeer, perte &,fora Sin ofring: and one ram per- 5 feEt,f or Peace offrings. And a basket of un- !evened cakes, cakes of fine flowre mingled with oyle , and wafers of unlevened cakes, anointed with oyle : and their Meat - offring o & their drinke - offrings. And the Prief (hall bring them necee before Iehovah , and (hall make his Sin-ofring, and his Burnt - offring. i7 And the ram , hee (hall make a facrificeof Peace offrings, unto Ichovah; with the bai- t ket of unlevened cakes: andthePriefifhall make his Meat_offring & his drinke - offring. And the Nazarire fhall fliave,at the doore of the Tent of the congregation, the head of lais Nazaritefhip : and lace (hall take the haire of the head of his Nazaritefhip, and put it on the fire , which is under the ficrifice of Peace offerings. And the Prieft (hall take the fodden (boulder of the ram,and one unlevened cake, out of the basket, and one unlevened wafer, and (hall put them on the palmes of the hands of the Nazarire, after he bath Ihaved himfelfe of his Nazaritefhip. And the Prieft (hall wave them for a wave ofring before Iehovah ; it is holy,for the pricer , with the wave bref}, and with the heave (hourder : and after the Nazarite may drinke wine. This is the Law of the Nazarire,who (hall vow his oblation unto Iehovah,for his Nazaritefhip , betides that,that his hand Thal attain:according to his vow, which he flail have vowed, fo (hall he doe, according to the law of his Nazarite. fitip. And Iehovah fpake unto Moles, flying ; Speak unto Aaron , and unto his fonnes , laying; Thus (hall yeebleffe the formes of Ifrael : fayinguntothem ; Iehovah bielle hee, and keepe thee. Iehovah make his face Thine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. Iehovah lift up his face upon thee, and give unto thee peace. And they (lral put my name upon the Fons of Ifiael : and I will bleffe them. 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 Annotations. V7He> n heelball fparate ]towit,G:mfeelfe.This 2 v word feparate,fignihcth to exempt, after a fpeciall and marvellous manner, from common ellate, as is noted on Lev it. 27. z. The Greeke tranfiateth it, IYho fob full greatly vam a vow. The Lord having before given order for the purifica- tion of the Campe of Ifrael, in necelfary duties and things commanded, cloth the like here for voluntary fervice,which he would accept at their hands. And this Law for abltincncc from vine 5. and ftrong drinke, is let next the Law for the de- filed or fufpefted woman ; becaufe by drinking `filch things, people doe often fall into fornicati- on,Gien. 1 9.32.: -3 5. as it is Paid, Look, not upon the mine when it it red, tie. thine eyeo will behold f range women, Prov. 23. 31.33. But by abilaining there- from, the body and mind may be kept chatte and pure, a vow] which is a religious promife gale