NUMBERS yI, made unto God fee the annotations on Lev.27. 2. And whereas he fpake of man or woman, it is to Lt be underftood of Cuch as are free,& in their owoe power; for they that were under the power of an other, their fuperiour might difanull their vow, if he would,by the Law in Num.30.4. &c. So in this fpeclall vow,asthc Hebrew canons fay, The father (of a child) or the husband (of a wife) may difanull the Naziritefhip of his wife, if he wili,as inother vower. Maim. in Mffis. tarn. 3. in Neziruth. éhap.2 . fee.12. a Nazi, ire] this name we retaine of the Hebrew Nazir; ( whom the Greeke fome- time calleth Nazeraios after the Hebrew, Iudg. 13.5. fometime expoundeth Santfified or Confe- erated, Amas 2.12.) and Nazir by interpretation is one Separated or exempt unto Conte fpeçiall fan - &ity, or dignity , as Iofeph is called a Nazirite, or, féparated, Gen. 49. 26. Dent. 33. t 6. ánd Nazir is uled for a Croon, : fee Exod.29. 6.And where- as our Saviour Chrift is called a Nazarene, Mattb.2.2i. it was not .of this name Nazir, nor of this vow (for hee both dranke wine, and was polluted by the dead , Luke 7.33.34. and 8.49-- 54. which the Nazirites might not doe :) but be- caufe hee was Netfir the Branch out of, the roots of Ieffe Efay t r. I. and was brought up in the citie Nazareth (or Natfrath) Mat. 2.23. therefore he ssas called a Natfarene, or (according to the Grecke pronunciation) a T`ázarene : which title the Evangelifts give him fundry wayes,Nazarenos theNazaren, Mar .26.6. Nazaraios the 21(;,azaraan, Mat,2.23.and 26. 71. Nazaraios, theNazarean, All. a.22. ànd 6.14. and 'refits of Nazaret,Atf. t o. 38. all which differ front Nazeraias, the word by which the Greeks fometime expreffe the Nazir or Nazirite mentioned in this Law. Notwithltan- ding though Chrill was no Nazirite according to this carnali commandement (as the Apottle fpeaketh of the Priefthood, Heb. 7.t6.) yet the truth of this type was fulfilled in him,by the fpi- rit of fan&ification , and after the power of an endleffe life. to feparate himfelfe] or ,to make him - felfe a Nazirite;for thereof here it bath the name, and differeth from the word feparate uled before, which was more generall.The Greeke tranflateth to fanaifie (or purifie ltimfelfe:which word theHo- ly Ghoft ufeth in Alf- 21. 24. fantlifie. (or purifie) thy !eye with them, that is, be a Naziritewith then[. Nazirites were fonte appointed of God , as Sam - fen, Iudg. 13.5. and lohn the Bopoijl, Luke 1.15. fome by men, and they were either Nazirites all the dayes of their life, as was Sam.l. Sam.l. t l .or but for certaine dayes, as the lawes here given by Mofes,fhew. And for the vow of a Nazirite, the Hebrewes have thefe rules : Hee that faith, l will not depart out of this world until! I be a Nazirite ; beck to be a Nazirite out of hand , left bee dye prefently : and if lee deferre his Natiritefhip,bee tranfgreffeth againfl(this law in Deut. 23. 21. ) Thou fhalt not delay to pay it. When a man bath purpofed ire bit heart , and uttered with his lips , róorde which carry thinfen fe that he wilt bee 2(gatirite ;" though they carry this fenfe afarre off (not plaisely) he is a 2itdrioe. Hee that faith, foe I will hee a Nazirite from the kernels of grapes only, ,í or from the husk, onely;'or a Nazirite from fliaving, or from undearmeffe ,oney ; bee it a full Nazirite ; and all the particular (rites) of Nazi, itefhip are upon him; yea though it was not in his heart to feparate himfelfe but from that thing enely; fvrafretw h as bee bath ffoken that bee will feparate from that which is forbidden the Nazirites bee it a full Nazirite. If they fib him a cup of wine , and give it bim to drink, , and bee fay , I am a Nazirite from it ; a full Nazirite. But if bee have a grieved feule, or mourneth , and they requeft him to deinke that bee may forget his furrow, and hoe fay, I am. a Nazirite from it ; then that cup oriel), is unitw- full unto him , and bee is nó Nazirite ; for there was no further intendment than that bee would not drink, this cup. Hee that frith, I will bee a Nazi- rite , upon condition that I will drinbe. wine , or bee polluted by the dead, or (have my bake lee bee is a Nazirite, and is forbidden theft all ; beeaiefi bee con - ditionneth againft that which ii written in the Law and who f conditioneth'againft that which is written in the Law , his condition ie fruffrate. Hee that faith, I will bee a NaziritembenIbaveafm; when afenneisborne unto him , ,bee k a Nazirite. Hee that vowcth Nazi- ritefhip in ignorance , or by confl ramt,be. is free , at for other vowel. But bee that is by perfwafron brought to vow Naziritefhip; it a Nazirite. If a father fay to tom little tonne, Tbou (halt bee a Natirité, and the fonnebe filent; then bee is a:Natirite, and ;be father is bound to direll him in a! the particular; of 2V.azi- ritefbip ; if the forme will not , &c. bee is no Nazi- rite. Maimany in Neziruth, chap .1. fetï.4, &c. and chap.2.feell:l.3.t4. Unto lebovab]tobe holy unto him as verfe 8. inChaldee, before the Lard and Ionathau explaineth ir, to the name of the Lord. This fheweth the end and ufe of theft vosses to be religious , for the ftrengthningcif faith, and increafe of vertue, and for honour and thankful- t effe ún[óGod, atter men have obtained his tile: fings,as 1.Sam.,.t1.27.28. Wherefore it was a favour of God unto his people, when hee railed trp fuch among them, whereby they might be in- cited unto holineffe of life; as he faith, I raifidoep of your tonnes for Prophets, and of your young men for Nazirites, Amos 2. 1 s. Hereupon the Hebrewes teach; Hee'that faith, Loe Twill be a Nazirite if I doe foorfo; or, ifI doe it not , and the like; bee isaw:e keel man, and/itch Nazirite fhip is like wicked mens. font bee that vowed) to the Lord by way of holineffe, ¡Jim nefi and commendable; and of him it is fold (in. Num'b.6,7.)theCrowne of bis God is uponis bead : and the Scripture comp areth him with a Prophet,Amos 2, t 1. Maimoop in Nezirutb, fit' i.14. It appeareth by a. Maccab. g.' 4g. that in publike calamities they ufed to make and keepe this vow more Ipe- daily ; for there, when theywarred againit An- tiochus , they fl irredup the Nazirites, who had aedo, plifbed their dayes. Verf3. fepar.uefrom wine] or, bee a Nazirite, (in 3 Gr. be fantlifed) from nine, that is, abltaine from drinking it. God giveth order for the Nazirites diet,to abftain from al fruits of the bine- tree;for their habit, to abltaine from cutting their haire, & for their converting with others, that they ab laine