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y6 /1 4 NlIMBEAS V1. ttaine front all pollution by the dead, verte 5.6. M which figured out mortification, as in the ar- titulars (hall appeare. and flrong drinke] in Hebrew,Shecar, fo called For that it c:u feth drun- kenne(f ; and hereofthe Greeke borroweththe name Sikora; hut the Ghaldee expoundeth it, old trine ; laying, From wine new and old bee fhallfipa- rate bimjel fe : and in Pfal.69. t 3. the Greek talleth Shecar wine : but the Holy Gholt in Luke 1. t 5. keepeth the name Sikora. And it generally corn - prehendeth all thong drinke made of any fruit : howbeit the Hebrewes reltraine it here to fuch onely as is made of the fruit of the vine, faying, Three foros of thing, arefirbidden oho Nazarite; pollu- tion , and fbaviug , and the fruit of the vine : but firong drink made of Dates, orfuch like, if lawfull for the Nazarite; and the firong drink which is for- bidden him by the Law, is firong drink¢ made with mixture of wine. Maimony in Nezir. chap. 5. fell. 1. But this reftraint may bee their owne tradition. By this prohibition, God taught the Nazarites fan&ification in mortifying the lults of the flet: ; for the drinkingg of thefe indangereth men to forget the Law of God, Pro. 31.45. to mock , and to rage, Prov. 20.1. they take away the heart , Hof.4. r t . the Prielt Sc the Prophet erred through thefe in viffon, andflumbkdin. judgement, Efay a8 7. Therefore Daniel in his mourning dranke no wine, Daniel to. 3. Iohn B. ptilt the Nazarite dranke no wine,and is therefore counted a mour- ner, Luk7. 32. 33. and the Naziritcs by this ab- flinence were taught,in Read of wine, to befitted with the Spirit, Ephef. 5. 18. and with the love of the Lord, which is better then wine ,,Song. Vineger of ireng drink] in Chaldee, vineger of old trine. liquor] or mvifiocre, the Greeke tran(la- teth, whatfriever things are wrrnght (or made) of the grape, tho mixed wich water,or other drinke ; for generally mything that commeth of the vine,is forbid- ' den, as the Angel explaineth this law ill Iudg. t 3. 14. which notwithfìanding the Hebrew doftors do reltrain to that which commeth of the fruit of the vine only, holding the juice of the leaves, or the like to be lawfull. And further they fay, if a little wine bee mingled with honey, or the like fo that there be no tafle of the wine, that it lawful fir the Na- zirite to drinke.Yet for the things here expreffed, aswine, grapes ripe or unripe, greeneor dry, huske or kernell , whofoever did eat any one of theta prefim:ptuoully, was to be beaten by the Magi(trate. Maimony in Nezir. cliap.5. VerI4, of bis Nazarioefbip] or of bis feparation, confeeration , meani$g the vow thereof, as verte 5. fo the Greeke here tranflateth of his vow. made of the wine vine- tree) that is, any of the fruit there- of.: for a tree is fat to make fruit,when it yeeldeth or bringeth it forth, as in Gen. t.t I. therefore in Iudg. r 3..14. it is explained , that commeth of (or proceedeth from) the trine vine-tree : and the word Milli is added to the vine, only here and in that place, to lignifie that wine, or the fruit of the vine (which cheereth God andman, Indg.9.13.) is in fpeciall manner forbidden Nazarite, for the myfterie before touched. And by Iudg. 13'. it ap- peareth , that fuch as God fanetified to be Naza- rites from the wombe,theirmothers alto (whiles they went with child of them) were to abltaine from thefe things ; becaufe by the mothers meat the child is nourished. So is figureda full and whole renunciation of worldly pleafures , even from the time of our new birth,untill the accom- plifhment of our fanecification. from thekp. nelr] that is, either kernell or huske of the grape; which though they have not fuch force as theli- quor to affeEt the mind,yet God here forbiddeth to teach an exalt care to avoid evill, and danger, Octal-ion, provocation,yea or appearance of evill as t Thell.5.22. as we are alto to hate not only pol- lution of the flefh, but even the garment fatted by the fefh, liege verf.23. not Idols only, but allo their coverings and ornaments, Efay 30. 23. And for this the Hebrewes fay,that All things frbiddenofthc vine are equall one with another : fo that if he put greene grapes with dry, or with unripegrapes , and nib and bust s,and eat of this mixture but fit muck at an olive, bee is toe beaten. Likewife if be drink¢ a quarter (ef a Log) of the mixture f wine with vineger , be if beaten. If bee eat the like quantity but of the bilks which are the outward skins, or of the kernels wbieb0r the fee ¿o. within, bee is beaten. Maim. in Nezir. cap.5. íèú.32. Moreover they teach , that it it unlawful for a Na- nitrite to (land in the companyof them that drinke wine, but bee is to keepe bimfelfe farre away, for there is a flume bling- blockbefore him : our wife men have fail, he thou(¿ not come score a vineyard. Ibid.. cap.5. fill. t a. As the Nazirites were to abftaisse from al that commeth of the vine, fo from eating any undeane thing, Iudg. 13.4.14. which alto was a figne of their fanitifi- cation: fee Levit. s a. Verf..'5. of hie Naziritefhip 3 or feparation; in Greeke, of hit fanllimenie (orpursty.) not pale] in Greeke, not come upon hie head; that is, hee (hall not cut his haire. The Nazirite that fhavetb bis head, it to be beaten; whether it be with rafour or with fezers; likewife if bee pluck off hit haire with his band, hee it to be beaten. Maimony in 21(ezirzth. chap.5. fell. t t. till the ¿ayes bee fiflflled] The Scripture fetteth no number of dayes how long a man fhall be a Nazirite; but as he vowed , fo was he to perforate. Howbeit the Hebrew doors write, .4 Nyzaritelhip abflnte f is thirty ¿ayes : as bee that faith , I will be a Nazarite, he if one not lefe then airy dayes ; and though hee fay, I will be a Nazarite -with a very great Nazaritefhtp, bee if one but thirty' dayes y berauf hee exprefed rte time. If hee expreffe a time lofe than thirty; as ifhe fry, I will be a Nazirite one day or ten , or twenty ¿ayes; yet is bee a Nazarite thirty days : for there ie no Na- ceiritefhip Life than thirty ¿ayes. This thing ere have by tradition. If bee exprefê a time more than thirty dayes, a3.1.or 40. or loo. ¿ayes, or 100 Yaw, then bee is to bee a Nazirite according to the time which hee exprefèd, neither lefe nor more. If hee fay, I will bee a Nazirite f r an heure , bee is to be a Nazi- rite thirty one dayes. if he fay,I will be a Nazirite thirty ¿ayes and an heure, hee it to he a Nazirite thirty one Bayer; for there are ne bitter es determined. Hoe that faith,1 will be a Nazirite two T(azaritefhips, or feline, be 5