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38 NUMBERS VI. the Nazarites with the high Pridfs,for fan &imo - nic. The Priefis might drinke no wine,or thong drinke, when they went to minifler before the Lord, Lev. i o.9. fo the Nazarite might drinke no wine,or f {Tong drinke,whiles he was feparated to be holy to the Lord. The-high Prieftmight not gee Mk, any dead body, nor defile him feelfe for hi father or fu, bis mother, Lev.2I. 10,1I. fo neither might the Nazarite. The high Priait had on his head (the Nezer (or ermine) of the anointing yle ofhis God,Lev. 21.12. the Nazarite here hath the Nezer(or crown) of his God upon hit head. Thefe both of them in their office and Gin &inaonie, were types of Chrift, on whofc head, his Never (or crown) was to ffourifb, as is promilèdinPlàl. x32.18. And Chriftians, made Kings and Priefis unto God, ev.1.6 have on their heads, erownes of gold, Rev. 4. 4. 8 Verf. 8. holy] thus God, befides the former out- ward obfervations, requireth inward and fpiri- tuall holineffe; without which, all the other were but vanitie. 9 VerC q. unawares] or, on a fitdden, which is by another word after repeated, to Thew that what- foever hidden unexpe&ed death it were, he was thereby defiled. And here is the fecond part of the Nazarites Law, when his fan &imonie begun, thould be by imcleanneffe nullified, and fall ; till by artifice he was reconciled unto God, and be- gan a new through his grace in Chrif. and be bath defiled] or, then be bath defiled, &c. (hall fhave bin head: fo the Greeke explaineth it, defiledfhall be the bead of bis vow, and he fhall /have, &e. Becaufe all the daics of his Nazaritefhip he fhould be pure from pollution by the dead. fbave bis head] this (having was to cleanfe him from pollution ; and differed' from the (having, when he sad ful- filled his vow , safe 18. which was to beat the doore of the Santtuarie; and the haire burned there. When the Nazarite fbavetb bimfif for bit mneleannef , be steed not fhave him at the doore of the Santhuarie, nor Gaff bis Haire into the fire. But whe- ther be le fhaved without or within the Santivarie, hit Haire it unlawful/ to be put to any uf, but muff be buried, faith Maimony in Nezir. ch.6. C14. This had like ntyfferie,as the (having of theLeper when he was drooled, in Lev. 14. and fsgnified the renouncing of his owne righteoufneffe by the workes of the Law,as being defiled by fin : comparePhil. ;.8,9. the ferendo day] which was the day when all defiled by the dead, were cleane, being fprinkled with the holy water, Num.19.1i,i 2. 10 VerLro. twoTurt /es] This accordeth with the Law, for making atonement for fuch as had un- cleane iffues, when they were cleanfed, Levit. 15. 4. &e. Pee the Annotations there. The Hebrews fay, Whin a Nazarite is defiled with any uncleanneffe, for which be is to (have himfelfe, one it to fprinke upon him on the third day, anion theferendo day, (Numb. / 19. 12.) and he is to /have off the boire of hit head, in f the ferendo day, and to waft in the fiventh day, after be rt fprinkled, as doe all that are defiled by the dead, (Num. 7 9.19.) and when his Sun is fet, be fhall bring bis fe- rings on the eighth day, and they are two turtles, or two Yong dotes, cite. Maim. in 2(gzir. 6.6. feet. i 1. Verfe i t. frail doe] or mare ready, that is, offer' unto God : as that which is (aid in r Chro. 2i. 23. let my lord she King doe ; is by another Pro- phet explained, let my lord the King tale and of; fer up , 2 Samuel 24.22. If a 2(gzarite be unclean with many undeanneJrs, be bringeth fir them but one oblation ; to wit , if he be uncleone the frond time, In- fore he bring his oblations for the firfi uncleamnef ; yea though be delay many dales after his cleanfing, before he bring his Sin- ofring and it defiled in shefe dales, be bringeth but one oblation. But if be be undeane, and then cleanfed, and bare brought his fin-offring, agelis defiled the frond time after that bee barh-4reught bit Pau- offering although he bath not a yet brought his trefpaffe- offering, and his burntoffering, be if bound to bring other oblations. Maimony in Neziruth, chap.6. fe &.15. het:tmedbyafiule ]inChaldee,by the dead : that is, for that hemiffed of his fan&ification or Naza- ritefhip, having beene polluted by the dead. So, finning is ufed for miffing of the thing aimed at or intended,Judg.zo.i6.This taught the contagion of fin, which a man unawares, and inevitably of- ten falleth into, (far in many things we offend all,Jam. 3.2.) for which , when we know that we have fin- ned, we are to make confeffion untoGod, and by faith to apprehend the facrifice ofChriff,where- by atonement is made for us, t oh.2.1,2. faa- Clife his head] that is, the bead of hü Nazaritefhip, as vert. 9. by beginning anew, the dales of his vow of Nazaritefhip, during which; the haire of his head mutt grow, and he keepe himfelfe from un- cleanneffe.So SoLiarchihere explaineth it; fanili- fie his head,to begin`ogaine she count of bit Nazaitaflip. And the verle following confirmeth this. Vert. 12. ftati feparate] to wit, as. a Nazarite, I2 for fo the Hebrew word meaneth, which the Greeke tranflateth,fanEfe. HerebyGod taught, that as he hath given Chrifi to be an atonement for our fins; fo when we are cleanfed by faith in him, we mull not continue in finne, that grace may abound, btu indeavour anew to fulfill our vow, and walke in newneffe of bf , and yeeld our / elves unto GOD, at tbofe that are alive from tile dead, Rom. 6. 1, 4, 13. And as by facrifices figuring Chrift, theNazarite was cleanfed for his former uncleanneffe; fo by atrefpalfe- offering, which alto figured Chrift, he was prepared for the ob- fervation of his vow renewed : becaufe all grace and abilitie to doe good, is of God, obtained by Christ Jefus our Lord, James I.1 7. John 15. 5. the daies of bis Nazaritefhip] in Greeke, all the dales of his tom ; that is, fo many daies as hee had vowed at the firft. And when begomtesh bee to reeks; i From the time that bee bringeth hit finne- offering: but his burnt -orrng and his trefpaffe ffering, hinder him not from reckoning [if they he not brought.] Maimony in Nezir: chap.6. let. 12. of bis firli yeere ] Hebr. finne of his yeere, fo hi verfe 14. of which phrafo, he the notes on Gen. 5.32. Exod. 12. 5. and of the :refpaf(e- offaring;.feeLevit.5. (ball fall] that is, (halt be loft and counted as none; as the Greeke tranhlateth,pall be rmuannted, or, not reckoned; in Chaldee flttflrate. Thus one little pollution unawa, rs, II