r3 NUMBERS VI. I unawares, nullified) many dales puritie; for the Law reguireth perfeet obfervation , and curfeth him that continueth not in doing all things commanded, Deuteronomie 27.26. Galatians 3. t o. and eehofoezer /hall ke<pe the whole Lam and yet faiktb in one point , be is gothic of all , James 2. 10. And here this nullític of the former dales is added onely to the third dutie of the Naza- rite, that he thould not defile himfelfe by the dead ; and not to either of the former two, which might lèeme to be greater. Of this the Hebrewes have there oblervations. A Nazarite that drinker' wine , or eateth that which commeth of the vine; through many laies , h¢ deft rlet h not (or fin [Cra- ted; not) the dales of his Nazarit !hip, no not one day. And fo if hefhall!haze o_f a link /mire of behead, or either ignorantly or prefionptuoufy ¡have all his bead, &c. he frufirattth (but) 30 daiet o lid he bare locker agaiue, and after that be beginnetbr to rcclign: As if be vowed to be a Nazarite an too dales, and after 20 daies bit bead ú fbazen; then be muff wait 34 daies, tole the haire of hit head be grorrne : and after. 30 daies, he is to reckn 8o dales, for the complement if the dales of his Nazaritefhip. And all tbofe 3o dales, all the particular duties of a Nazarite, lye upon Hirt 5 'only they con :, toot into bis reckdning. A Nazarite that is defiled, whether prefitmptuoufly or ignorantly , yea , though it be by the pollution of an Hea- then, by\ e¢tßraint , hefrufirateth all ; and mull be fba- ven wrtheale4aving for uncleannef ; and bring the ob- lations fin. tneelearmef ; and it to begin again to reckon the dates of hie Nazaritefbip, Numb. 6. t2. Tea though be be defiled in the day , when the dales of hit NazariteJbip ace fulled , and in the end of the day; all it finfrate. If be be defiled the day after the fulfilling, that is', the day when be bringetb the oblations of ppueb le; hefruflrateth3o dales only: and thuolxittode. He is to bring the oblations for uncleannef , and Aare for un- eleamtef and begin to reckon: the Nazaritefbip of 3o Lies ; and then he it to(have for cleannef fi, and bring the oblations fdeannes[mentioned ìnv.t 4. &c.] And if be be defiled 41er any one of the bloods be "winkled for brim, he fruff rateth not a whit, but beingetb the ref! of the ob- latioits far ekatmcli. Ifhe vow to be a Nazarite be it zinettem by the dead, bit Nazaritefhip beginrreth upon him: and if he defile himfef the fenced time, or drink wine, ar!have bit bead, be is to be beaten. And if be continue in bit u» cleanmffe many dales, they profit him not (fir bit account) until! he be (ßrinM/ed the third day and the feventb,and be wafhedin the fevcntb: and that fi- venth daygoetb into his account of Nazaritefhip , fir him that zeroed, while be it tmdeane : but a cleave 2azarite which defiled, he begitneth not to reckon till the eighth day, and forward. If be base an ifrte in his fk(h, be be manor woman, all the dales of their ifce, gee in their reckoning ,although they be unclean, (Leviticus 15.) and this was taught Mofes at Mount Sinai. And Itecednot fpeake, how ifa Naz:rritebe mmleane with other nttelceomef s, the Lies of bit uncicannef goe on in his reckoning, and be lofeth not any. Maimony in Nezir ch.6. feEt.1, -8. and ch,7. feEt.9,1o. Verf. 13. the Law]the third part of the Naza- rites Law,hoW he thould thew himfelfe thankful! unto God, when through his gracehe hath ful- filled his vow, and is orderly to be diCcharged of the fame. helloed bring him] he (hall prelènt himflfe to the Lord by the Pried; or, the Pried !hall bring him. It appeareth by Alts z1. 26. that the Nazarite was to goe into the San&uury, to fignife the accomplifbment of the dales of the fanfli- ficatton, or Nazarite(hip. Some tranllate, he (hall bring it , the oblation after mentioned; and this the Greek Verson favoureth. Sol. Iarcbi expoun- deth it, hefhall bring himfetfe. Verl: t 4. !ball offer] or, frail bring neére, as the Greeke tran(lateth, be (ball bring birgift. perfefl] in eareeke, without blemifb: fee Exodus t2. Peace- offrings] in Greeke , Salvation.. Of there C<a- crifices,fee Lev.t. & 3.& 4.chap. for according to the rites there fpecified , were they to be offered. And whereas the Nazarite, though hi had tùl(il- 1ed his vow without any pollution ishere cons - manded notwithftanding to bring a fin - offering, &c. it taught the ferret and unfàene guiltinelfe which cleaver' to the mote holy men , in their heft and moil perfeth works ; which without at- onement by the blood ofGhrif, cannot be pure and plcafing in the light of God. For though a man know nothing by himfelfe,yet is he not hereby ju- (Iified;but he that judgeth him,is the Lords Cor. 4.4 in whole fight no man can be jutified by the works of the Law,Gal.2.15,a 6.TheCe three Geri - fices Èhazkooni here faith,were to lo, f3 the three prohi- bitions of the Nazarite, the fruit of thevìne,his (ha- ving, and defiling by the dead. R. Menacbem ap- plieth the male Lamb fir Burnt -pff ring, to theproper - tie of mercies and are female for a Sin - offering, to the pro - pertie of judgement ; and thePeace-el/feting! to the glory of Ifriel , that fetteth peace in theworld. Vert: 15. and wafers] The Hebrewes (as Sol. larche) here fay,there were tenof 'each fart, ten cakes and ten wafers; which Maimony in Nezir. chap.8. felts. declateth thus : And be bringetb with the rain for Peace- ofrings, fix tenth - dealer of fame &c. of them be baketh t wentie cakes,tencakes of «nlezened bread, and ten wafers of unleavened bread, and anointed, the twentie, with the fourth part (of a Log) of Doyle ; and be brinaedi the twctttk in one reel/. See Levi t. 7. 12. their Meat-tiring] betides the former e raordi- nary cakes and wafers he was to bring the ordi- nary Meat - offering, and drink -offerings appoin- ted for all facrifices, whereof lee Num. 28. Verf. 16. fhall offer then] or fhall bring them neere; which words doe one explaine another, in the Hebrew Text, as, they brought fleece burnt facrifi= Chronic. 16. 1. that is, offered burnt facriftres, 2 Sam:6.17. For the order, it is laid, He killedthe Sin - offering firlt; and after that, the Burnt -tiering; and aface that,the Peace - rings; and after that, be was fba- ved. And if he Were fhaved after the 'gong of the Sin- offering, or of the Burnt - (ring, it wouldferve. Maim. in Nezir. chap. 8. feft.z. !hall lee] that is, /ball ofr, (as ver.11.) hit Sin - offering; whereby the Na- zarite acknowledged himfelfe a fnner,even in the mo(i.ftnftified tiineand'aEtions of Isis hfe ;and that her could have no accelfe unto God, but by the Cacrificeof Cu rile, fo mans belt works have no place in jufification, Rom.3. 20. D d d d 2 VerCe