. NUMBERS VI. I 7 Verf. i7. flaall make] or, [ball dogthat is, offer (as verle 16 ) for, afact i ice of Peace- ferings to give thankes unto God , by whole grace he had fulfil- led his vow. Therefore he rejoyced, keeping a feaft before the Lord ; for the Seth of the Peace- offrings waseaten by him that brought the fà- crifice, when the Lord and his Pried had their portions, Levit. 7. 14, 15. 18 Verf. 18. the Nazarite] in Greeke, he that vow- ed ; in Hebr. Nezir, pave] this the Hebrewes call, the[having of pnritie (or , for cleameeffe) and it differeth from the former (having, in v.9.which was for uncleanneffe; and figured the purging of his uncleanneffe ; but this [having was in thank - fulneffe, to fignifie that he had the perfection of his Nazaritefhip from God, and therefore bur - ned his haire under his t-scrifice. This [having was to be of all his haire : the Hebrewes fay, If be left but two haires, be had done nothing, neither had he kept the commandement f (having, whether he were a clean Nazarite, or an undeam. If be bad left two haires, he wm to let all his haire ow, and fhovc it all again, with thole two haires , [after thirrie daces.] Maim, in Nezir. chap. 8. felt. 6, 7. at the dorre of the rent] afterward when the Temple was built, they fay it was in the women, Court, in the Nazarites chamber , which was there in the South -Fall corner , and there they byled their Peace-offerings , and cefi their haire into the fire. Andifhe floated in the Ci- tie, it would feerve: but whether it were in the Citie or Sanfivarie, under the Cauldron he woo to calf haire ; and he might not- /haze , till the done of the It Court were opened; as it is faìd, at THE DOOR E OF THE TENT : not that he fbaved before the dorre, for that were a contempt ofthe Sanèluarie. mony in Nezir. chap. 8. left. 3. Compare here- with, that in Ait. 18.18. where it is Paid, having fhaved his head in Cenebrea, for he had a vow; by which it feemeth, the (having was not of necef- ficie to be in the Sanituarie, or in the Citic of Ierufalem. of his Nazaritefhip] in Greeke, of hie vow : fo the vow in Aft. 18. 18. and 21.23. meaneth Nazsritefhip. under the facrifce ] to borne it there,and confirme it, hgnifying the end of his vow, performed acceptably to God in Chris, and prefented unto him by the Spirit, which is like unto fire, Mat.3. r i. The Hebrews fay, If he be fhavedbythe Peace- ofrings, and he be found dofallewable, hi: fhaving isdifallowable, and hit f ertficei profit him not. If he be fbaved by the ftme- ofring, and it be found that it was not ,lain by the name of a fen - fering; andafterward he bring the Peace- :offerings and burnt- ofring, and oblations as they are commanded, hit fhaving ú dofallowable, and his facri- fees profit him oat. If he be floored by the burnt- ofring, or by tlx Peace-offerings , and they be Hain not by their name , and afterward he bring the other oblations to tier them by their name , his_Paving it di]allowable , and bia I facrifces profit him not. If he be fhaven by them three, and any me of them be found right , bis fhaving it 1 right And he is to bring the otherfoerifices , and of- fr them after their manner. And wherefooeter we fay, his [having i1 difallowable, It fruflrateth 30 dales ; and Ikeis to count 30 dales after bis difallowed [having , and bring his offerings. Maimon) in Nezir. ch. 8. (eft. 8, 11. p Peace-offerings] in Greeke of falvation ; in Chaldee,ef Sunllifuatiens: fee Lev. 3. Though every Nazarite was to fulfill his vow, andbring his owne làcrifices, yet are there certaine obfer- vations by the Hebrews , which are of ufe for un- derltanding fome things in the new Tellament. They fay, If a man vow to be a Nazarite, he may bring hi fathers oblations for bimfef, and be fraud fair them : but a woman it not fhaved for 'her father, off rings ; this we have learned by tradition. As, he wbafe father was a Nazarite, and be f parated mony to buy obla- tions therewith, and he die, and leave the money abfo- lute (without expreffmg fir what facrifee it it) and the fìmu fly after bit fathersdeath, I will be a Nana- rite upon condition that I may bring my offerings with the money which my father feparatcd for his wrings; loe, he may bring bit wrings with that money. -And fit , if he and his father were Nazarites, and bis father fiparated money abfclutely,' and dieth; and the fin fay afer his fathers death , I will /have fir my fathers money : loe , he may bring his wrings with the fame: but if he fay not fo, the many f lleth to a voluntary w- ring.' Ifthefather die, and leave.many fans, they (hare the money among them , fir it Is their inheritance, and every one f them muff be fhavedfor his portion; and the frli borne bath a double portion. Ide that faith, Vpon me be the fhaving of a Nazarite, be is bound to bring the offerings of fliaving for cleanne , and may oiler them by the hand of what 21(azarite he wilt If he fay upon me be halfe the oblations of a Nazarite ; or, on ms be the halfe of the fhavingof a Nazarite; then be bringeth ba f the i ferings by what Nazarite be will ; and that Nazarite meth bis offerings out of that which is bis. But if be fay ,'Upyon me be the offrings of balfe a Nazarite ; then he is tobring the wrings of afull Na- zarite : for we have no halfe Nazaritefhip. Mainstay is1 Nezir. chap. 8. felt. t 5, -18. by this, we may fee the reafon of that which lames laid unto Paid, though he had no Nazarites vow upon him; We have forre men which bane a vow anthem ; them take, andfanftifie thy felfe with them , and be at charges with them, that they may fhave their heads, ere. Then Paul torte the meu,,andthe next day fanllifying himfelfwith them, emredinto the Temple, to fignifie the accomp/f- ment of the dales of Sanfitfìcation, [or, Nazaritefnip] mntll that an offering fhould be offered for everyone of them; Aft.21.23,24,26. For though Faul had not vowed or fulfilled a Nazarite(hip hinsfelfe, yet might he contribute with them,and they be par- takers of his charges about the facrilces. VerCi 9. the fodder fhoulder] or, fodder arme, mea- ning the left fhoulder, for thersghtfhoulder was due unto him raw, of all Peace- offerings, Leviti- cus 7. 32. this was peculiar of the Nazarites Ram onely , and not due to the Prielt from any other fa,crifice. The manner of this fervice, was thus; The ham was killed, and the bleed#),rinkled, and the beat, flayed, and shofar of the ;smalls takn out. Af ter this , the fe[h woe cut in pieces , and the bref and the fhoulder were pert apart : and the ref of the Ram was fallen in the women Court. And the PriefI took the fdden fhoulder of the Ram, with one of tot of the cakes brought therewith, with the bref and the (other) (boulder, 19