N U lvl B.E R s VI. fhouller , and the fat : and he layetb tbem all on the Na- zarites bands ; and the Prit put his hands under the owners bands , and waved all before the Lord. Mai- mony in Maafeh hakorbanoth, chapter 9. feáion 6, 9. After the waving , the fat was faked, and burned upon the Altar : the bref and (boulder was meat for the Priefs; but they had no right unto them, till after the fat war burned And the cake which was waved, and the *den fioulder were eaten by the Prief s ; and the refi ofthe bread, with the refidue of the fefb, was eaten by gee owners ; as is (hewed by Maimony in Maafeh hekor banoth, chap.9. fell. 6, 9,12. See the notes on Le- viticus 3. &y.chapt. In that the other !boulder (betides the ordinary gift) was here given to the Lords Pried, it taught the Nazarites as they had received more fpeciall grace of God,to perforase their vowel, fo they fisould give him more fpe- ciall thankes. 20 Verf. 20. wave them] this fhóulder was waved (of which word, fee the Annotations on Exod. 29.24.)the other was heaved upward,called ther- fore the heave Con /der, by which motions perfor- med by the Priefts.bands under the Nazarites God taught theta that the perfe&ion and accep- tation of all their allions , was through the me- diation of our great Prie(t,Chrift Jefus,bywhom we are to offer the facrifce ofpraifi to God continually, that is,tbe fruit ofthelips,confefng to his ll\ramr,Heb. r 3 15. boy] Hebr. holinef ,that is,an holy portion for the Pried to eat;fo the Nazarite was taught to give the glory of his Sanáificatiou unto Chrift; whom the Pried here figured. wave bref ] Hebr. breJi of waving, and,(boulder of heaving; thofe which' the Pried had ofall the Peace- offerings; Levit.7. may drüeke wine] orJh drink¢, if he will, and alto (have his head when he will, andbe uncleane by the dead; for now bee was difcharged of his vow. Though here f- peciall mention is made of drinking wine, which being for the comfort and cheering of mans heart, might fignifie the fruit and comfort which followeth a%illion and hu- miliation, when forrow andmourning (hall be done away. And where it is faid, and after bee may drinke ; it fheweth , that before the !having and facri(iceshere appointed,he might not drink wine, though the time of his vow were expired. The Hebrews fay, A N.,tzarite that bathfulfilled the dales ofNs Nazaritefhip , and is not fbavedwith the (ha- ving for eleannefJi; it is unlace frsl for him to beß aved, or to drinke wine, or to be defiled by the dead, ashe was be- fore: and all the parttculars of NazariteJhip are upon him; andìfbebefhaven,ordrinkewine,er bedefiled, be is beaten. Maim. in Neziruth, chap. 4. fe &.12. 21 Verf. al. his oblation] underlland,this is his ob- lation; or, as the Greeke faith, bitgift. for his Nazaritefip] in thankfidneffe to God for giving him grace to fulfill his Nazarite(hip;aSd to make atonement for his Cannes committed under that his vow. This ordinance of Nazarites,was a fpe- ciall glory in Ifrael, Amos 2.11. where their Na. zarice: were purer than fnaw,they were whiter than milk, thy were more ruddy in body than Rubies, their poring was ofSapleir, Lam.4. y. all which denote the hear venly graces wherwith the Saints that faithfully kept this vow, were iodued. Yet was it but a le- gall fervice, which by Chrift is taken away ; in whom we have obtained a more glorious (tate, being wafhedfrom our finites in his orineblóod, where- by we are whiter than fnom, Revel. r.5. Pfa1.51. 9. and being fauáified by his Spirit,we have our con - verfation in Heaven, from whence alfá tee look for our Saviour, the Lord lefu,Cheif,Philip. 3.2o. Thea- bolilhing of this ordinance is declared in Aá. 21.25. A: touching the Gentiles which beleeve, we bave written and concluded, that they obferve no fuch thing and it is a Callan of the Hebrew Dolors, that The Samaritan (or Gentile) bath no Nazaritefbip; ;1 balmud in 2(azir. ch. g. And by the overthrow of the Citie and Temple of the Jewes by Nebu- chadnezar, the Nazarites vifage became blacker than a oak , they were not Towne in the fireets , their skit cleared to their bones, it was withered, it became like a flicke, Lamen. 4. 8.. that they Might be taught to looke for a better fanáification, which Chrift fhould dive in the heavenly Jerufalem, in the light whereot ì the nations of them which are feed do walk, and into Which, nothing that ekftleth floal enter, Rev. 25. 24, 27. where that is fulfilled which the He- brews fay of the Nazarite that be is warned not to defile himfe/feby the dead, becaufe the power of unclean - neß may not enter into the holy Temple; as it ie written(in Song 4. y.) Thou art all faire, my Love, there is nit lilemijh in thee. R. Mena/tens on Num.6. - Verf. 22. Jehovah Itake] after that the people 22 were inftruáed wit h Gods Covenant,fet is order round about his Sanáuarie,and faráified in that their order ; the Law is here given for the blef- fing of them in that holy date of life. For.who for loaketh into the perfl flaw of libertie, and cvntinueib, be, being not a forgetful bearer , bier a doer of' the work, he fhallbeblefjedin hie doing, Jam.r.25. Verf. 23. hio fa ner]] the Priehs to whom this office of bleffing the people is in fpeciall manner committed; as it is (-aid, them bath Jehovah thy God chafen,.to minter unto him; and to bleffe in the name of Jehovah, Deuteronomie 21.5. And Aaron was fe- parated, that he 'build faniiifze the mot holy things he and his formes for ever; to burnt (inceetfe) before Ie- hovah, to minif er nitro him, and to blefk in hie name for ever, r Chron, 23.13. Herein the'work of Chrift (a Prief for ever after the order -of Melehifedek, Pfal. rlo.), was figured ; whom Godfens toblef us, in 'turning away every one of us from hls iniqui- ties, Aá.3.26. whofe firltDoltrinebeganwith manifold blelfings, Matth.5. 2j r 2. who altoha- ving fulfilled his minilterie here on earth,lifsed np his bands andble /d his Difciples, and fowas car, Tied up into heaven, Luke 24. 5o, S 1, Therefore when he was to come into the world, the Pried of Aaron: feed, when he should have bleffed the people, wan Inechleffe Luke 1.21,22. to fignifie that the end of his Priesthood was at hand, and that the people fhould looke for another Pried, in whom all nations fhould be ble /d, Galat. 3.8. And its this'refpeá wee may have ufe of the Jewes tradition, that their Prie(tS (of Aaróiu (locke) were to lift up their hands and bleffe the people in the Morning, but not at the Min- Dddd 3 hab 23