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42 NUMBERS' VI. ebah (or Evening facrifice,) Maimony, treat. of Freer, chap. t4.feft; 1. for in thefe lap dates (the Evening of times) God hath fpokcn unto us by his Sonne,wham be bath appointed beire of aP things, Hebrews 1. t, 2., The Hebrewes alto fay, The reafon why this bdfng is mentioned when the Taber- nacle war ereiled, was, becaufe from the Tabernacle that is above the abundance of bleffing is Fred abroad on them that are beneath :.R. Menachem Raltanat, onNum. 6. Which is indeed fulfilled in Chrift, the Minder of the true Tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not a man: who, if he were on earth, fhosdd not be a Prieff but, through the teile that is his fi fb, he is entred into heaven itlfe, now toappeare unto the fare of God for us : Heb. 2,4.& 10.2 20.& 9.24. Tbusgall ye blef ] The Prieft bleffed!landing, as it is written, To fland before lehovab, to minder unto him, and toblef in his name, And it was with lifting up ofhands,as it is Paid,And Aaron lift up bit band towards the people, and bided them, Le- viticus 9.22. which gefture our Lord Chrift alto ufed, when he blefied his Difciplcs,Luke 24.50. The Hebrew Do&ors underftand the wordTbut, to imply both matter and manner, whereof they have fitndry Traditions; as, Tbew fhallyeblefe, handing; T hoe, with lifting up of hands ; T hiss, intbe holy Tongue [that is Hebrew;] Thus, with your fa- ces ageinft (the peoples) faces; Thus, with an high voice ; Thus , by (Gods) exprefd name [Jehovah] if (ye blette) in the Sanftuarie. It is not lawfull fir the Priehs in anyplace, to adde any blefng unto theft three verfes; Of to fay (li/eiDeuteronomier. t1.) The Lord God afyour fathers, make you athoufandrimesfo many moe at ye are, or any the lib,/. Maimony In treat. of Prayer, chap.14. feft t r ,12. The manner they alto fay was thus , The Priehs went up to the banlre (or Stage) after that the Prie(fs had fnifhed the daily Morning fervice, and l f ed up their hands on high above their beads, and tbeir fingers Bred abroad; except the high bid , who might not lifi bis bands higher than the Plate, (whereof fee Exodus 28. 36.) and one pronounced (the biding) word by word, till the three verbs were ended. And the people anfwered not after every veld , but they made it in the Saniinarie one bleffng, and when they had finiflred, all the people anfwe- red, Blef d be the Lard God, the God of Ifrael, for ever and ever. And he pronounced Gods name, as it is writ- ten with Ihvb: but in the cute (or countrey) they pro- nounced if Adonai (Lord) for they mention not the name at it it written, fave in the Sanftuarie only. And after Simeon the juil was dead, the Priefs left ofblefmg by Gods proper name [ Jehovah] even in the Sanîtu- arie , to the end that no man which was not hand of good eftceme, might learne it. The Priefis Ref - fntg it not pronounced in any place, but in the holy (He- brew) Tongue, at it it faid, THV S SHALL 1 7 E BLESS E, d-e. The lifting up of hands, it by ten Priefis of the number. A Synagogue which if all of Priefis, they all hfi up bands , and the wemeu and children an fwer Amen. If there remaine ten Price it mee than they which are gone up the banite, the ten anfwer Amen. A Congregation wherein there is no Frieft, but a Minifier oney, he l f ethnot up his hands : but when he is come to conclude with peace, he faith, Our God, and the God our fathers blef us with the'breefld biding in the Law writtcnby Mores thy fervam, which was pronounced out of the mouth of Aa- ron and his Cannes the Priefls with thy Saints , as it itfaid, THE LORD EL ES SE THEE AND KEEPE THEE, Èrc. {I Prieft that bath lift up his hands in one Synagogue, and geed, to another Synagogue, and findeth the Congregation at prayer, and they are hat come to the Priefis bleffing, he kjtetb up his bands for them and blef tb thorn , though it be of times fit a day. Maimony, treat. of Prayer, chap. 24. feft. 9, to, n. and chap. 15. fe &.9, 1 c, 1 t. By thefe their Traditions it appeareth, that the not pronouncing of Gods name Jehovah,, as it is written, was a device of their owne, brit reltraining it to the Sanftuarie and Melling on- ly ; at laft, omittingit in the Sanftuarie,alto, left it Mould be by the unworthy polluted5 'as they fuppofed. Yea fo far went they in this their pre - cilenefte, as they fay,that theirfirlï wife men taught not this name to their nipples or fmnes which were of homfi converfation, but once in fevenyeeres e Alaimo)), ibid. ch.14. And this it tiemeth they did becaufe the nations corrupted the name, calling him , lao, lave, lathe, levo, lovis, and fimdry other waies, (as in humane Writers is yet to be feene;) and applied thofe names Corned= to falfe gods. Of the meaning of this name Iehovab, fee the An- notations on Gen. 2.4: and Exod. 6. 3. and of blefng,fee Gen. 14. 29, 20. Verf. 24. Jehovah bleffe thee] The name Jehovah thrice repeated in this bleffing,is a myftery of the Trinitie in the Godhead , the Farlxr, the Sc ne, and the Holy Gboft, into whofe name we are baptifed, Mat. 28. t9. whirl; Iehovabis one, and his name one, Dcnt.6. 4. Zach.t 4. 9. So the Apoftle beginneth wilhing Grace and Peace, from him which Ts, and which War, and Which Is to come, [that is, Jehovah God the Father] and from the fit-oust Spirito which are before hirThrone.[that is,the holy Spirit,whofe graces are feven, that is, manifold and plentifitll; but though there be diverfities of gracious gifts, yet it is the fame Spirit , t Cor. t 2.4.] and from lefus Chrih,Rev.'.4,5 And another Apollleconclu- deth, Tice grace of the Lord Iefur Chi-ill, and the lone of God, and the communion ofthe holy Spirit, be with you all, Amen, 2Cor.t3.14. Which, as all otherblef- lìngs,are derived from this pet downe by Mofes: who lhewèth the grace ofGod the Father, in ble f- fing, that is, giving all good things, both for this life,& that which is to come;as it is written, E efdbe the God and fatherVour Lord lefut Chrh,who bath blefd ur with all fpirituall b/efmgs, in heavenly (things) in Chr f,&e. Eph.1.3. This biding God offered the Jewes, when he Pent his Son jefus to blef them , ñn turning away every one of them, from his inignitie, Aft. 3. 26. The Hebrew Do&ots (as R. Menachem Ra&attat on this place) have alto noted how this naive of God [Jehovah] is thrice mentioned, and every time with a different ac- cent in the Hebrew, implying myfterie : which cannot better bee applied, than to the three di(tinft perfbns of the holy Trinitie. tteepe thee] in grace and good ettate,and fafe from evill, a? 24