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NUMBERS VI. as it is Paid, lebovah mill keepe thee from all evil!, he nitlkeepe thy fou;e, Pfal. 12 1.7. And for good, it is fpoken in 1 Gill' 011. 29. 18. So ourSaviour pray- eth, Ido(r Father ,1 eepe through thine °ere name thafe whom thbtt haft given me , that they may be one , as we are : and, keepe them from the evil!: John 17. 11, 15. z 5 Verf. 25. bb face to thine upon thee] or, his counte- nance to trine (to be lightfame) unto thee. For face , the Chaldee putteth Shecinab , the Divine Majeflie: whereby Chrift feemeth to be meant, as is noted on Exod.34.9. Gods fare, fometime fignifieth his anger, as Lev'. 2o.6. Pbsl. 21. 0.8c 34.17. force- time his favour, Pfal. z 1.7. But the light or/bitting of his face, uûtally meaneth his loving favour and falvation in Chrilt.; as Carafe thy face to Thine, and we fball be fared, Pfa1.80.4, 8, 20, and, The light of thy face, becaufe thou didfl favour them, Pfèlm 44. 4. So this fecond branch refpe&eth Chrift,tbe Lamb which is the light of the world, and of the heavenly Jerufalern, Joh.8.1 z.Rev.21.23.whofe face fn ined ar the Sonne, Rev.' .16. of whom it is laid, God who commanded the light to fbine out of darknefe, bathfhined in our hearts, (giving) the light of the knowledge of the glory ofGod,in the face of Iefus aryl, 2 Corinthians 4.6. So in him is that Paying fulfilled, In the light of the Kings face is life : and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain, Proverbs 16.15. And this blef- fing implieth deliverance out of miferie, as ap- peareth by Pfal. 80. and Daniel 9. 17. who faith, Cattle' thy face to froze upon thy Saniivarie, which is defolate. be gracious] or, as the Greeke Iran- flateth, be merciful!. This Grace is oppofed to all mans works:, with which it cannot ftand, Ro- manes 11.6. and 4. 4. and it is beftowed on whom God will, Exod. 33.19. Romanes 9.15, 16. by which grace, we are Paved, through faith, God having (hewed the exceeding riches of his grace, in his goodnefle towards us, through arty Iefus, Eph. 2.7,8. by whom grace rattled, through righteoufttefì, unto eternal! life, Ross. 5.21. Therefore the Apo.. file bleffeth the, Churches, with the grace of our Lord lefu*Cbriff, Rom. 16. 20.2 Cor.13.13. For the Law was given h Moles, but grace and truth came by Iefau Cbrif,_Joh. 1. 17. 26. Verf. 26. lift up hit face] this in men,figniteth a comfortable and cheerfull countenance and ca- rtage, Job 29.24.2 Sam.2.zz. fo here in God to- wards his people; and by. fare underhand as be- fore, the light ofhisface, that is,his favour; as in Pf. 4.7. l'bovab lift thou up the light of the fare upon us; and it figniticth the applying and comnnusica- tingof Gods forefaid grace, to mans confcience and feeling, as after it is Paid, Thou haft put glad- neffemmine beart,&c.Pfa.4,8. Thus the firft branch of the bleffing (in verf 24) implyeth the hve of the Father; the fecond (in verse 25.) the grace of the Santee; and this third, the communion of the Ho- ly Ghof; as the Apoftlediftin &ly expounder' this bleffing, In z Cor. 13. 14. And by this Spirit, all gracious gifts,of wifedome,knowledge, faith,prophefie, and the like, are given to the Church, t Cor. 1 2. 8, -1 t. The word face fometime meaneth anger, as before is noted; and the Hebrew Nafa, Lift 43 up, is fometime tiled for taking away; as in Ex. i o. t 19. and fo the Chaldee tranflateth this here, The LORD remove (or take away) his anger from thee. The fame expofition the Zohar alto giveth of this place, that wrath may be taken away, and not fund in the world, and give] Hebrew, and put (or diffofe) unto thee, that is, communicate with thee: which the Gr. tranflateth,give t and in the Scrip- tures, one ofthefe words is tiled for another : as, hc bath put thee, a King. io.9c or, he hath given thee, 2 Chron.9.8, So, putglory, Jof.7. 19. that is, give glory , and to put merde , Efà. 47.6. is to give, or communicate the fame. Peace] this word ge- nerally.fignifieth all prolperitie, and the perfeft injoying of all good things ; it is oppofèd to war, Ecclef.3.8, to difcord and enmitie,Ephel2. 14, 15. Luke 12.51. to tumult and confufion, I Cor. s 4.33. and to alladverfitie, Gcn. 43.27. 2 King. 4.26. Joh. 16.33. and is thereforeadded for a conclnfion of, PIa.29.1 t. & 125.4. t Pet.5.14.This peace is obtained by Jefus Cbrilt, Ephef.2.14,15,17. Rom.5.1. and enjoyed by the Holy Ghoft, Rom.8.6,9. & 14.17.And the peace of God which paflèth all underflandug, frail guard our hearts and minds. through Chrif Nees, Philip. 4. 7. And the Hebrew DoEtors expound Ibis peace, to be the kngdome of the !mule of David ; R. 2atban in Siphri : which is true, for when the Angel fàid, Vetoyou is borne this day, in the citie of David, a Saviour, which is Chriff the Lord; then the hea- venlyholt fang, Glory so Godios the big/bell , and on earth Peace, Luke 2. 11,-14. and one part of his . name is, THE PRINCE OF PEACE; Efa.'9. 6. Vert, 27. And they /hall] the Priefts in all ages,, filch as were meet to ferve in the Sah &uarie, per- formed this as the other fervices. The Hebrew Canons have here their limitations they fay,. Six things doe let from lifiirig up the hands (to blefé) 1, the tongue, 2,blemifhes, 3,transrefion, 4,yeeres, 5, wine, 6, and uneleannefi of hands. The tongue, as if they Hammer and cannot pronounce the letters aright, or lifte , &e. Elemifhes , at i / -they have any blemiflees in their face , bands , or. feet ; as if they haze crooked fingers, &e. Tranfgrefon, as if a Priefl hash killed man, though unawares, and though he have repented fir it, yet may he not lift up his hands, r. 15. Or, if the Prief baveferued Idols, &c. though he bave repented for it, he may never kfi up. bands; at it is written (in 2 King. 23. 9.) The Priefis of the high places came not up to the Altar, &c. and bief. fing u as a fervice, Deuteronomie 21. 5. leeres, at a Jong Prièfi liftcth not up his hands till he be fully come to his age. Wine, as if he haze drunk a quarter (of a Log) of wine , re map not lift up his hands till he bath put away his trine from him, Leviticus t o. 9. Vncleanm f of bands , as a Prieft that bath' not, wafhed bit hands, may tot lift them up (to blefê) but be muff wafh his hands s as they sift to Tani ifie them for fervice, and afterwards be blef etb. Maimony treat. of Prayer, chapter 15. fie &ion 1, -5. put my name] or,impofemy name which the Chaldee expoundeth, fball plat thebleffmg ofmyname; and CbazJyuni faith , the memorial! of my name is in eve- 'rie 27