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+4 The Princes NUMBERS VII. ry b /ef"mg. It feemeth to be meant of the Priefts gèfture, that they Ihould lift up their hands to- wards the people, as did Aaron, Lev. 9.22. for a figne that the name and bleffing of God was impofed upon them ; and , The name of Jehovah it a firong tower : the righteous immesh into it and io fafe,Pro,18, t o. So now in Bajseifme,tbe name of the Father, Senne and Hob, Ghef,is put oponus, Mat. and they that inhabit Jerufalem which is from above, fee the face of God, and his name it in their fore- heads,Rev.2 2.4. I will blef them] the Greek addeth, I the LO.RD will bleffi them : and Jonathan in hit Thargum paraphrafeth, I Gy my word will bleffe them; and Cbazlemti explaineth it, that the Priefts fleouldnot [ay. We have bkffidlfrael. God here annexeth a promife to this ordinance, for to ftrengthen the faith of Ifraetwalking in his feare; and fo the word them is to be underftood,both of people and Priefts ; as it Is faid, He will blef the boo fe e Ifrael, be will bile the b000fe of Aaron ; be will blef/e them that feare Jehovah, the (mall with the great, PI;I1.115.12,13. and his Offing, it maketh rich; and be added, no forrow withit,Prov.10.2 2. And whereas the Priefts were fometime fimpfe, and fometime wicked men ; as, the fames of Eli, werefanner of Be- lial, a Samuel 2. 12. 1eR any fhould defpife the ordinance of God for their unworthinefle, this promife is here added. And in the HebrewCa- nons, they have this rule; Doe not marvel andfay, what avayleth the bleffing of this fsmple (Prief ?) For the receiving of the bleffing dependeth not on the Priefts, bet on the holy Gild God; os it it written, They fall put my name upon aloe Tonnesof Ifrael, and I will blef them, Numbers 6. 27. The Priefts doe the commandement. which is commanded them ; and the holy Meted God, in hu merrie bief/eth Ifrael, accor- ding tohis pieafure, Maimeny, treat. of Prayer, chap- ter 15. fcttion 7. I 2 CHAP. VII. r, When the Tabernacle was feet up, anointed and fanliified, the Prieces of the Tribes give fix wagons and twelve Oxen , for the fervice of the Sanli'uarie , which were given to the Levites of Gerfhon and Me- rari. r o The twelve Princes offer every one in his . day, vegls of and gold, and caiteü for facrifices of all forts, at the dedication of the Altar. 84,T he femme and weight of all the vefel, and member of all the facreer which the Princes did offer. 89, God ffeaketh unto Motees from the Mercie -feat in: the Ta- bernacle. ANd it was,in the day when Mofes had finifhed the rearing up of the taberna- cle,and had anointed it,and fan5xified it, and all the infruments thereof; and the Altar, and all the inftruments thereof ; and had anointed them,& fanétified them: Then offered the Princes of Ifrael, heads of the houle of their fathers; they were the Princes Oblations, of the Tribes: they were thofe that flood over them that were muttered. And they brought their oblation before Jehovah ; fix covered wagons,andtwelve oxen; a wagon for two of the Princes , and an oxe for one : and theybrought them neere,before the ta- bernacle. And Jehovah laid unto Mofes, laying; Take it ofthem,thatthey maybe to ferve the fervice of the Tent of the congre- gation : and thou shalt give them unto the Levites , to every man according to his fer- vice. And Mofes tooke the wagons and the 6 oxen,and gave them unto the Levites. Two wagons and foure oxen, he gave unto the Eons of Gerfton, according to their fervice. And foure wagons and eight oxen, he gave .8 unto the Eons of Merari, according to their fervice , under the hand of Ithamar, the fon of Aaron the Prieft. 13ut unto the formes of Kohath hegave none, becaufethe fervice of the Sanétuarie was. upon them , they lhould beare with (boulder. And the Princes offered, far the dedicati- on of the Altar, in the day that it was anoin- ted: and the Princes offered their oblation, before the Altar. And Jehovah laid unto Mofes; One Prince for a day,onePrince for aday Mall they offer their oblations, for the dedication of the Altar. And he that offered his oblation in the firft day , was Naalfon the fon of Atgminadab, of the Tribe of Judah. And his oblationwas one flyer difh, an hundred and thirty fhekels was the weight therof; one !Ever bafon, of feventy fhekels; by the fhekel ofthe Sanótu- ary: both of them full of fine flouremingled with oile,for a Meat-offring. One cup,often fhekels of gold,full ofincenfe. One bullock, i5 a yongling of the herd ; one ram, one lamb of his firft yeere, for a burnt offering. One 16 goat- buckeof the goats, for afin.offering. And for a facrifice of Peace-offerings, two 17 oxen, fiverams, five he- goats, five lambs of the firft yeere : this was the oblation of Na- afl'on, the fonne ofAmminadab. In the fecond day, offered Nethaneel the fon of guar, the Prince of Iffachar. He of- fered his oblation, one fiver difh, an hun- dred and thirty Ark& hear the weight there- of; one ftiver bafon of feventy fhekels,by the fhekel of the Sanftuarie : bothof them full of fine flowre mingled with oyle, for a Meat-offring.One cup oftenflekelsofgold, 20 full of incenfe. One bullock a yongling of the hertl;one ram,one lamb of his firft yeer, fora burnt -offering. One goat -bucke ofthe 22 oats, 3 4 5 7 9 'To II IS 13 14 18 19 2I