a NUMBERS VII. of the haufeofGold, gold, filver,brafïe,&c.1 Chron. 29.637>8. Verl. 3. their oblation] Hebrew, their Korban ; in 3 Greeke , thtirgifts. This oblation was for the publike fervice of the Tabernacle , to carry it when it removed, verte 5. Cbazkuai here faith, it was to tnal,e atonement , for that they had numbred If- rael, as in Numbers 31.49, 50. Thy f ruants have taken the fismme of the men of marre, &e. and there lac, tb not one man of ur ;,Fw..e have therefore brought an oblation for the L 0 RD, (l C. to mak an atonement f r our foules before the L 0 R D. covered wagons] or, coach wagons, according to the Greeke verfion: and fo the Hebrew 7fabbim is uled for coaches, in Efa. 66. 20. The Chaldce and other Hebrews expound them, covered wagons. In Levit. Yí.29. T tab is a Tortoys, fo called of the !hell that cove - reth is : accordingly here they may be called wa- gons 7fab, of be T ortoys, (or ecovering) becaufe they were like to a Tortoys, covered above. Chazkuni expotandeth 7fab for Tfaba an hoff (or armie) by cutting off the Taft letter, and fo they were na- med , wagons that went in the armie fir the fervice of the Tabernacle: to which one Greeke verfion a- greeth, tranflating it Dunameos. a wagon] that is, one wagon for twoPrinces. for one] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth, for every one. Thus' in their gifts they were partly feverall , partly joyned in communion , two and two, for a wagon. The Hebrews compare the number of fix , with the fix feverall bleffings, in Num. 6. 24,25,26. and the twelve oxen,according to the number of the twelve Tribes : R. Menachem on Numb. 7. before thé Tabernacle] to prefent them there unto God. Ionatban in his Chaldee paraphrafe addeth, Moles would not receive them of them , and they brow,ht theñs neere or opted them) before the Tabernacle. And Sol. Iarchi to explaineth it, becoufe Motes re- ceived them not from their band till bee woo commanded by the mouth of God. 5 Verte 5. that they, may be to firm ] or, and let them be to fine the fervice, that is, to doe the worke; as the Greeke tranflareth, and ¡bey fhall be fir the mirrifleriall workes of the 7abernoc1e of 7efrimonnie. S Verte 8. feure wagons, &c.] Became the fervice opine Merarites was heavier than the Gerfonites, as having the charge of the boards, bars, pillars, and facbtets of the Tabernacle ; whereas t he Gerfonites carried but the curtoines,coverings and hangings, Numb. 4.,25, 3 t. therefore the Merarites had as many moe wagons and oxen , as the Gerfonites. in the hand] that is,under the guidance and go- vernment oflthamar: fee Num.4.28033 Verl 9. of the Santludry] or of the hob things, 9 Hebr. of the holivef : meaning, the Arke , Table, Candlellicke, Altars, &c. fee Nnmb4.5,-15. was up n them] the Greeke tranflateth,tbey bave the m5nifleriall things of the holy. with [boulder] that is, as the Greeke explaineth it, they fhall beare them on (their)(boulders, and no otherwife ; there- fore when the Arke was carried on a wagon,God was angry, and killed 4lzzab, 2 Sam,G. 3,7. then David acknowledged that the Lord had made a breach among them,becanfe they foug th him not in due order, t Chron. í 5. 13. Verf. 1o. the dedication] or, the initiation, confecra- tiort ; called in Hebrew, Chanuccob -, whichwhen it is fpoken of men,meaneth the Cat echifrng,initiatiatt, information and training up to any new thing which they were not accnl'omed ro before r When of o- ther things, as of Tcmples,Altars, Houlès,or the like, it meaneth the firit ufing of them,or dedica- tion and confecration to their firft ui'e, which was done with folemnitie; as Solomon dedicated the bottle of God, 2 Chron. 7.5. and kept the dedica- tion of the Altar ¡even daies, 2 Chron.7.9. and at the returne out of Babylon, they kept the dedication j the bottle of God, with joy, and .fired at the dedicatim thereof, 200 bullockes, zoo ramme: 400 Lambs, &e. Ezra 6. t 6,17. So they kept the dedication of she wallof lerufalem, with gladnelle, thanksgiving, finging, Cymbals , Pl Iteries, Harpes, &c. and with offering of facrifices and great joy, Nehem. 12. 27,-43. And David madethe3o Mime , for the dedication of his houle. And all the Ilraelites ufed to dedicate their dwelling houles, Deut. zo. 5. Likewife in the Macabees time, they kept the dedica- tion of the Altar eight daies, with facrifices and glad- ncs,andordained it to be fo kept yeerly,t Mac.4. 54, 56,-59. which ordinance was kept inChritts rime, Joh. ro. 22. The like obfervationis found an among the Heathens, who dedicated their Idols with muficke and folemnitie, Dan. 3.2,3 This Dedication is named in Greeke, Egcainifmos, and the feaft is called Egcainia, Joh. t o.2z. of Hem making or ufing, or in memorie of the newma- king of any thing. So the folemnitie of the Law at mount Sinai,in Ex.24.was a dedication; as the Apoftle faith, it was net dedicatedwithout blood, Heb. 9. 18. and Chrift is laid to have dedicated fir us a new and living way into the holy heavens, Heb. 10.- 20. And now, that theAltar might be- confecra- ted for the oblations of all Ifrael at all times , the Princes of the twelve Tribes dedicate the faene with gifts and facrifices of all forts,and great fo- lemnity a daies; fo tellifying their faith and joy in Chrift (whom the Altar figured) by whom they Ihould offer the facrifice of pralle to God continually, Hob. t 3.10, -15. And this was a di- ill net thing front the former oblation,as S.Iarchi here obferveth; After they bad voluntarf/ygiven the wagons and oxen to carry the Tabernacle , their heart flirted them up to fr voluntary offerings for the Altar, ti dedicate it. before the Altar] to prefent them there unto the Lord: whereupon larchi againe faith, that Mofes received it not front their band, untill he was commanded by the mouth of the Power, that is, of God. And here we may obferve the Hebrewes phralè, which call God the Pager; as doe the G. vangelilia, laying, Te final! fee the Sormeofman fitting on the right hand of the Poweer, Matthew 26. 64. and Marke 4.62. which is explained in Luke 22. 69. the power of God. So, the Sonne or the Bled, Marke 14. 6s. that is, the Some ofGod, Mat- thew z6. 63. Verl e t.0ne Prince far a day] this fentence twice written , is for more plainneffe and exáftneffe, and 47 10 It