48 NUMBERS and folemnitie of the a &ion : as alfo to Chew an quail right that all the Princes and Tribes had in the Altar now to be dedicated; and how the Lord efteemed of the religious dutie now to be performed, which he would have donc in diflin& daies. Wherefore healfo writeth their particular offerings at large, repeating the fame things twelve times together. VerG 12. Naaffon] Hebrew, Nachfhon: fo in Numb. a. 7. tf the Tribe] or, far the Tribe ; in which fenfe the oblation was not for his owne perfon, but for the whole Tribe whereof he was i.overnour: but the Greeke tranflateth, Prime of the Tribeof ludas. Here the Captains of the Tribes offer every one in his day,not according to their births,or as they are named in Num. t.but accor- ding to the order wherin God had fet thê round about his San&uary,in Num. 2. beginning at the Eaft quarter,proceeding to theSouth,then to the Weil, and ending at the North, according to the courfe of the Sunne, as may be viewed thus; of t. Judah: Naaffen,verfe 12. 2. Iffachar: Netbaneel,vcrfe 18,, 3. Zabulon: Eliab, verte 24. 4. Reuben : Ehzur, verte 3ó. 5. Simeon: Shaumiet, verte 36. >South. 6. Gad : Eliafaph, verfe 42. 7. Ephraim: El bama, verfe 48. 8. Manaffes: Gamaliel, verfe 54. Weft. 9. Benjamin: Abidan,verfe 6o. s o. Dan :Ab:czer, verfe 66. 7 us.Afer: Pagiel,verfe72. }North. 12. Naphtali :.Akira, verfe 78. VII. Thus God would have that order kept in their oblations , which he had appointed for their /ì- tuation, Nuns. z. and fo likewife for their jour- neyfngs, Num. s o. 14,-17. to Thew that he is not the author of confuted tumult, but of peace, t Cor. 14.33. And ludahinNaaffon his fon,was firftin thee oblations (as in many other things) for to type out the honour of Chrift,who was to be his fonne according to the flefh, Heb. 7.14. 13 Vert 53. difh] or charger, platter,; in Hebrew, Kagbnarab; in Greeke, Trublion :, whichword is ufed for a difh, in Matth. 26.23. Such des were ufed to fet the Shew -bread in, on the olden Ta- ble, Exo.z5.29. and thirtie fhekelsgJ the word fluke], is expreffed in the Chaldee verton, and' rightly, as the next words manifelt: thefhekel fJo- ken orb; the Lam , weighed three hundred and twentie barlef cornes,faith Maimony in treat. of Shekels,ch. I. feet. 2. Se the notes on Gen. zo. 16. bafan] or vial; called in Hehr. Mizrak, of powring out; in Greeke Phiake, a vial: which word is ufed in Rev.' 6. where the vials of Gods wrath arepow- red out. Such bafons or vials were ufed to carry the blood of the facrifices to the Altar, where it was powred out : of them mention is made in Zach. r 4.26. the pots in the LORDS houle, Pall he like the bfou before the Altar, fiekelofthe Sanfuarie] or, ofSanllitie, that is, the holy fbekel, as the Greeke tranflateth it ; which weighed twenie Gerabs, Nuns.; .47. and Exod.3o.53. Meat- offring] or Mmchab: of this fee Levit. 2. Verfe 14. of gold] touching this, Cbaekmei no- teth, the cup it fe f was of gold, and the weight of it war by filter Chekels. So Jonathan in his Thargum, faith, One cusp weighing ten fhekela offilver, and it (the cup) was of golf. This is plaine by the 86 verfe following : there Sol. Iambi faith , that the fbekels of gold weighednot fo much as the filter f ek1S. of Maori] or perfume , in Hebr. Ketoretb: eve - rie Meat-offeing of floure as it was mingled with oyle, fo it had franlonrenfe (Lebonah) upon it,Levit. 2.1. but the incenfe (t<etoreth ) was for the gol- den Altar , the making whereof is defcribed in Exo. 30.34. &c. Sol. larcbi here noteth, We findno incenfi for any particular perfon,nor for the outward (bra- fen) Altar , but för thin only. So it was an extraor- dinarie oblation for this prefent a &ion. VerG 15. balocke] Sn Chaldee, a bull; in Hebr. Par, which is a yong bull of the fecond or third yeere : fee the notes ors Exod. 29.5. "ogling] Hebrew, fame of the herd, (or oxe:) fee Exo. 29.1. ramme] which alfo was of the fecond yeere, aslambes were of the firlt: fee the notes onLev.i. io. his fir ll yeere] Hebrew , fonneof his "ere : of which phrafe, Ièe the notes on Gen.5.32. Exo. r 2.5. Snrnt- ffffering] the law and fignificati- on hereof, fee inLev.1. VerC 16.goat-buebg]a goat of the fecond yeere: fuch was the ordinarie Sin-offring for a Ruler; fee Lev.4.22,23. But this is brought for fin in ge- neral], not for any fpeciall finne, which Levit. 4. treateth of: and fo itwas alto extraordinarie, as Cbazkitni here obferveth , T his (man) bringeth vo- lurtgrie incenfe , whereas m particular perfon bringeth voluntario;netnfi: this bringetba fume- rffring, which ie net for finne, whereas no particular perfon bringeth a fin -off ring, but for finne. Vert 17. of Peace of rings] in Greeke, of alvatisst in Chaldee, of fanlle /oatious: fee Levit. 3. where the law of this facrifice is opened. Thus by facri- fices of all forts, figuring the death of Chrif},and benefits to be reaped thereby, they reconciled, and made themfelves and theirs, acceptable to God , and were made partakers of his grace, to remilfion of fins, juflificatlon and fan&ification through faith, and by the worke of the Holy Ghoft; in the communion and feeling whereof they rejoyced before God. VerC. 18. Netbaneel the fume of Zuar] called in Greeke, Nathanael the finne of Sogar : fee Num.r.8. Prince] this title is given to all the twelve, ex- cept Naaffon of lndah, who offered firft : whereof Cbazkuni giveth this reafon, He is not called Prince, that he might not be puff up beeaufe be offered firfi : and all the other are called Princes, for that they ftbmitted ebemfeIves and offered after him. Verf. 19. He offered] in the Chaldee of Iona;ban there Is added, Heoff¿red his Bing after Judah, by the mouth of the Holy Ore. Sol. larchi here wri- terh thus ; Irby feaketh the Scripture of (the Prince of) the Tribe oflffachar, HE OFFERED; when the like, is not fold of all the other Tribes? Be- caufi 14 15 16 17 18 19