NUMBERS VIA. caufe Reuben carne and made a fl irre, andfaid, It it e- nough that my brother Iudab offered before me, I will offer after him. Mofesanfwered, It was Pia rmto me by the mouth of the A/mi;hty, that they fhottld fr according to the order of their journeying by their flandsrds. 7hereFre is it faid, Hee'nffered hit ffring: and the word [HiI crib offered] wantetb the letter jod that af- ter the plains writing ( by the confonant letters) it is Imperative [Hakreb , offer thou ] fir that by the mouth of God hee war commanded to offer. 42 VerC 42. Degnel] inNumb. 2.14. bee is called Reguel; and fo the Greeke here hath Elifapb the fmne of Rigevel: feeNum -1.54. V.48. the feventh day] the Hebrewes note this to be extraordinary that on the Sabbath day the tame courfe of offring was kept as on the other dayes without intermiflion. Ammihud] in Greeke, Semioud: fee the notes on Num, r. t o. 54 VerC. 54. Gamaliel] in Hebrew, Gamliel. Pedal,~ur ] in Greeke, Phaddafcur : fee Numbers I.10, 72 Verf. 72. In the ¿eventi, day]fo the Greeke tran- Ilateth it, which in the Hebrew and Chaldee phrafeis, In Hoe day of eleven doges. So in verf. 78. In the day of twelve dayes; which the Greekeex- poundeth , In the mwditti day. Pagieï] in Greeke, Pbageel thefenne of Pecan. Verf. 84. dedication of the Altar] The Chaldee called Ionathans expoundcth it the dedication of the anointing of the Altar. Here God fitmmeth up the offrings of the Princes, the number of veffels, and the weight of them, and the number of all their facrifices ; to thew how acceptable this their fervice was unto him, which bee fo largely fet downs in the particulars and in the generally And as the Altar now dedicated , was a type of Chrill: fo the oblations of the Princes of the twelve tribes, [hewed the faith,hope, and love of Ifrael towards God in Chrift ; of whom the A- poflle giveth this teftimony; Now Iland andam judged,for the hope of the promife made of Godunto our (others: unto which promife, our twelve tribes infamy sing [God] day andnight, hope to come, A11.26.6,7. Add they are an example unto all Princes of the earth, how they fhould honour the Lordwith their perlons and fübffance, and willingly offer to the maintenance of his continual) publike fer- vice: as is promifed unto Ierufalem,They'ball bring gold, and incenfe,and they fball fhew firth the pray - fees of the Lord. All the flakes of Kedar(ball be gathered together unto thee; the rams of Nebaioth pall minif er unto thee: they (hall come up with acceptance upon mine Altar, and I will glorifie the houfe of my glory. And the fences of flremgers (ball buildup thy malt, and their kings fball mint er unto thee, Efay And the Na- tions of them which are fazed , ftiall walle,e in the light of it : and the kings of the earth d'e bring their glory and . honour unto it; Revel.z1.24. See the example of the like liberality, in Neh. Ezek2,68. 69.1 Cbron.29.6.7,8, 85 Verf.85. Every] Hebr. our. 2400. fhekela] The reafon of this exaftneffe of their weight fe- verally and joyntly , was for the honour of the Lords SanEtuary, and ve[ls of the fame, all 48 84 which were holy : for which caufe all() at the re- turne of the Iewes ont of Babylon, the veffels of the houfe of God, were delivered by weight;and received againe at lerufàlem by weight ; for they were holy, and therefore warily to be kept, and they were taken by number , and by weight of every one : and all the weight mat writtèn at that time, Ezr.,3o ,33.34: Ver.86. an hundred and twenty] Co there was juft the twentieth part of the weight of all the ulcer veffels in thefe twelve golden cups. And Ionathan in his Thargum maket h thefe 520 íhekels, anfwe- rable to the 120. yeeres of Mofes life. Verf. 87. Their Meat- offering ] the Greeke ver- fion added', their meat- offerings, and their drinks, fe- rings : which though they were not mentioned before, yet were to be underflood by the facrifi- ces that were offered.For by the law every burnt offering was to have with it a meat-offering of flowremingled with oyle and wine for a drinke- offering: the appointed tneafure of them, is to befeeneinNnmb.t5.3 -t2. Verf. r88. fixtie] lò all the beafts which the 12. Princes offered at this dedication,were two hun- dred fifty and two : of which two hundred and foure were Peace-offerings ; whereof rhemfelves with the Priefts did eat, and fo kept a feats with joy before the Lord , for his mercy towards his people. See Levit.7. t 5.29.. -34. Verf.Sp.tofpeakewitbhim] that is, with God: of him fpeaking]or, f one feabng; which the Greeke tran[lateth, of the Lerdfealfing. And Thar - gum Ionathan expoundeth it, of the Spirit fpeakbtg. Herein Motes excelled all other Prophets;itt that the Lord fpake fo familiarly with hitn. See the notes on Numb. t 2. 8. the covering mercie fat]thus the promife was fulfilled,/ will meet with thee there ; and I will fpeake with thee from above the co- veriugmery(at, Extol. 25. 22. And hereupon the molt holy Place of the Sanetuary,where the Arke and the Mercy -feat was, is called Debir, the Ora- cle or fpealing place, I King. 6.23. And the Covering mercy fiat (or Propitiatorie) being a figure ct Cbrif, Romans 3. 25. (as it is noted on Exod. 25. 57.) it was a Teftirnony of Gods grace to his Church in Chrift his Sonne, by whom hee alwayes fpake unto our fathers, but more clearly unto us intbef'!af dayes, Heb:I:a. And whereas it is faid in Levit. t, t. the Lord fpake unto Mofes out of the Tabernacle ; this place fheweth how it is to be underltood ; as Sol larch': bere faith , Twwó Scriptures contradi¿I one another , the thirdcommet., and decideth the cat betwene them. One Scripture faith, The Lord fpake unto him out of the Tabernacle which wat without the veile ; and another Seripsure fitb I will yeake unto thee from above the Mrrcir feat. This commetti and decideth it between them; Mofs went into the Tent, and there bee heard the voyce that came from above the Mercie -feat. The voyce came out from heaven to between the Cherubims ; and/rum thence it came out into the Tent of the congregation, From hence alfo foure of the Hebrewes gather (asCbagkyeni here noteth) that the beginning of the bake of Le- micas , was when the dedication (bere fpóken of) Eeec WAS 86 87 88 89