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o The Lampes. NUMBERS V I I I. The Levites. mat fìníflied. and bee fpake unto him] the He- brewes obVerve how this , H E E SP A K E VN7O HIM, it doubled; to thew that the voice cane from heaven 0 the mercie -feat, and from thence 1palb with him : for all the fpeech with Mofes was fromheaven, in the day time, and war heard from be- tweene the two Cherubims, according to that (in Deut.4. 36.) Out of heaven bee made thee to heare his voice, ére. and thou heardefi hit words out of the midf of the fire. R. Menachem on Numb.7. tizinitiTtli2i2i.12 112ektit CHAP. VIII. I How the Lamppees were to be lighted, and rebat war the wor(emanfhip of the Candleflieke. 5, A commandement to cleanfe the Levites , with f rinkling. fáaving, and wafhingof cloatbes. 8, TO offer trw bul- lockes for a Burnt-offering and a Sin - offering to make atonement for them. t o, The Ifraelites were to impute hands on them. iv, And Aaron to wave them. t 4 , The Levites are feparated to ferve in the Tabernacle in Pad all the frfl- borne uf Ifael. 20, The comman- dement it performed concerning the Leviers, and they enter upon their fervice. 23 , The ;age and time when they were to begin, and when to leave dc. their fervice. nD D t Nd Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, fay- 2 Aing ; Speake onto Aaron, and fay un- to him when thou makeft the lampes to afcend up,the leven lamps flail give light over againft the face of the Candleftrck. And Aaron did fo; hee made the lampes 3 thereof to afcend up over again(( the face of the Candleftick , as Iehovah commanded 4 Moles. And this worke of the Candleflick was of beaten worke ofgold; unto the !raft thereof,unto the Route theteof,it was beaten work:according to the pattern which Ieho- vah had (hewed Mofes,fo hemade the Can- s dleflick. And Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, 9 laying , Take the Levites from among the 7 Ions of Ifrael, andcleanfe them. And thus fhalt thou doe unto them to cleanfe them ; Sprinkle upon them the finne water, and let them canfe a rafor to paffe over al their fiefh, and let them wafh their clothes and cleanfe themfelves. And let them take a bullocke, a yongling of the herd ; and his Meate- offiing, fine flowre mingled with oyle: and a fecond bullock , a yongling of the herd 9 fhalt thou take for a Sin- afring. And thou (halt bring necre the Levites before the tent of the Congregation; and thou fhalt gather together the whole Congregation of the Fons of Ifrael. And thou (halt bring veer the so Levites, before Iehovah : and the formes of Ifrael fhall lay their hands upon the Levites. And Aaron (hall wave the Levites fora is wave-offering,before Iehovah, ofredofthe formes of Ifrael; that they may bee to ferve the fervice of Iehovah. And the Levites is (hall lay their hands upon the head of the bullocks,& make thou the one a Sin-offing, and the other a Burnt-offering , unto Ieho- vah, to make atonement for the Levites. And thou (halt Cet the Levites before 13 Aaron , and before his fonnes ; and wave them fora wave -offring unto Iehovah. And thou (halt feparate the Levites from among the Connes of Ifrael, and the Levites (hall bemine. And after that (handle Le- vites goe in to ferve the Tentof the Con- gregation, and thou fhalt clenfe them , and wave them for a wave - offring. For they aregiven,are given unto me from among the Ions of Ifrael ; in (lead of fuch as open eve- ry wombe,inffead of the firft -born of every one of the Fons of Ifrael, I havetaken them unto me. For every firft -borne of the fous 17 of Ifrael,iss mine; of inan,and of beaft:in the day that I fmote every firft- born in the land of Egypt, I fandtified them untome. And I have taken the Levites , in Read of every firft -born of the fonries of litar!. And I have 19 given the Levites as given to Aaron and to his fonnes, from among the Eons of Ifrael, .to ferve the fervice of the Eons of Ifrael, in the Tent of the Congregation, and to make atonementfor the formes of Ifrael,that there be no plague-among the fonnes of Ifrael, when the formes of Ifrael come nigh unto the SanEtuary. Then did Mofes and Aa- ron, and all the Congregation of the tonnes of Ifrael tothe Levites;according to all that Iehovah commanded Mofes,concerningthe Levites , fo did the fonnes of Ifrael unto them. Andthe Levites purified themfelves, 21 and waffled their clothes ; and Aaron wa- ved them far a wave - offring before Jeho- vah : and Aaron made atonement for them to cleanfe them. And after that went the Levites in to ferve their fervice in the Tent of the Congregation, before Aaron and be. fore his Connes : as Jehovah had comman- ded Mofes concerning the Levites, fo did they unto them. And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, laying, This is it , that belongeth unto the Leviten, from five & twenty yerres old,and upward; he (hall goe into warthe war -fare in the fer - vice r4 r5 r6 18 20 22 23 24