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NUMBERS VIII. vice of the Tent of the Congregation. 25 And from the age of fifty yeares,he (hall re- turne from the warfare of the fervice,& (hall 26 not ferve any more. But hee (hail minifter with his brethren in the Tent of the Con- gregation, to keepe the charge ; and (hall not ferve the fervice : thus (halt thou doe unto the Levites in their charges. vinnotations . a a a Here beginneth the 36. Le6ture of the Law ; fee the annotations on Gen.6.9. 2 Ampes to afend] that is,to burne, as the Chaldee Ltranflateth : fo in Exod. 25.37. and 27.20. Levit.24.z. The Greeke interpreteth, when thou (halt fet up the lampes, to wit, upon the branches of the Gandlefticke: howbeit in the next verte, the Greeke tranflateth, bee kindled. As the Princes of the twelve tribes (in the former Chapter) offe- red to the dedication of the Altar; whereby the fanetified worker of the body of the Church was fignified : fo here followeth the like,touching the Minilters, both Priefts and Levites, which tribe offered nothing at the former dedication over againf the face of she Candlenicke ] that is, towards the middlemoft of the liven branches: for this word Candleflicke, fometime comprehendeth the whole, conflting of the Shaft and leven branches joyntly,Exo. 25.31 .fometime the middle branch which went right up from the fhaft,ont of which the fix other bowed branches proceeded, Ex. 25. 34.35 .So the meaning is,that al the lamps Should bee lighted on that part which was toward the middeft, as looking all to it, fromwhence they fide aroCe and had their light. For they ufed to light the middlemoft lamp, from the fire on the Altar, and all the other lamps were lighted from the middle lampe,and others next them as is no- ted on Ex.27.2 r.The Hebrewes fay,7be fix lamps that were fanned unto the fix branches that went out of the Candlefieke , all of them had their faces towards the middleman lampe which win on the branch of the Caid'e- nicke: and this middlemen lampe the face of it war to- wards the moil hob place and it it called theWeferne Lampe, Maimony in Mifn, tom. ;. in Beth. babehirab, chap. 3. fiCf.8. Accordingly Sol. Iarchi here explai- neth this, Over againfi thefice of the Candlef icke, that is, the middle lampe , which it none of the branches but of the body of the Candlenicke. The fevers lampes fiallgive light ; fix which are upon the fix branches, the three that are Eafiward, having the wiekes in them turned towards the middleman ; and fi the three that are Wenward, ha- ving the tops of the tpiekes towards the middleman. This Law God briefly gave before in Exodus 25.37. 4 Verf. 4. And this worke] or, And this was the workeof theCandleffiek; or of the Light venèll. The making hereof is defcribed in Exod. 25.31 --39 and 37. t 7.24. beaten work] inGrecke, f rosg(orfolid;)meaning,it was found,not hollow, beaters with the hammer out of onepeece, not of many preces : underltanding thewholeCandle- flick with the branches, bowies,knops,and flow- ers. But the Lamps weremade apart, (as were the tongs and fnuffe d her) Ex. 37.23. and were fet up- on the tops of the (even branches. So Chazlgeni noteth on Ex. 2 5.that the tamper were vejls by them- flu!, andmight be removed from the branches, unto the fhafti eat.] that is, both the fhaft and the flower (which the Chaldeecalleth Lilie, and the Greeke Lilies)were of beaten worke. This Sollardai ex- poundeth thus, as if heefhould fay,the body óf the Can- dleflieke all of it, and all that pertainetb thereto. Maiteto- ny in Beth babehirah (or treatife of the Temple ) ebap.3. defcribcth the manner of the Candleftick thus ; that it had fare bowler ( or crops) and two knaps, andtwe flamers in the branch of theCaidleficke, Exodus 2 5.34. and moreover a third flower was neler to the (haft of the Cand /ef ieke, Numbers 8.4 . And it had three feet. And three other lnnops were on the branch of the Candlefiieke , from which knaps there proceeded, fix branches , three on the one fide , and three otthe other: and in every of them branches were three bowler , and a knop and a flower , and all made like Almonds. Se there were in all, two and twenty bowler, and nine flowers , and eleven knaps. And rl.ey all were requi- fzte, fi that if there wanted one of theft two and fir- tie , it hindered all the ref. The bowies were like the cups of Alexandria , wide at the mouth and narrow at the bonome. The (naps were like the apples (er heads) of leeks, fimewbat long like an egge. The flowers were lik the flowers of Ammudims , which are like a dip whofi lip it doubled on the outfide. libe height of the Candle- flick were eighteene band bredtbs [that is three cu- bits.] Thefeet and the plower were three band - bredtbs: then two handbredths fmooth , then a handbredth wherein wort a bowie, a knop , and a flower. Then two band - bredtbs fmoath and then a hand-bredth knop ; and out of it iffued two'branches , one on this fide, and another en that , which went up at high a the Can - d/eficke. Then an h.mdbredth fineoih, and an hand - bredth (rasp , with two branches iffuing out of it as high of as the Candleficke. Then an handbredth fmoatb, and an handbredth knop, with two branches i(fìsisg from it as high ae the Candleficke. Then two handbredths fmooth, fa there remained three handbredtbs, wherein were three Insoles, a knop, and a flower. And there was a flan before theCandle/licke, wherein were threeflepr, on which the Priefi food and trimmed the Lampee; and upon it bee fee down the veffièll of ogle and the tongs and the feufe difhes , when hee trimmed the Lampes. Other things touching the manner of trimming them, and the meafure of oyle in every one, are noted on Exod.27.21. This Candlefficke figured the Law of God fhining in the Tabernacle of his Church, with the ogle of grace in the (even lampes which are the(even fpiritsof Gad,Revel'4.5 The Commandement is a- Lampe, and the Law a light, Proverbes 6.23. fo is the prophetical! ward, as a light fbining isz a dark place, 2 Pet. 1..19. And as the Candlelticke was of folid beaters work ; and the oyle of beaten olive, Levit. a4, a. fo is the preaching and pra &ife of the Law, laborious & with much affli &ion, 2 Tim. t.8, and 2.3. And the worke of Ecee 2 aria