10 II I2 13 '4 15 NUMBERS y Ill, Congregation was affembled at the Gonfeci.ati- on of thePrie{ts,Levic.8.3 4. Verf r o, thekrnnes of If ael]that is, fome of the chiefe of then , '( as the firit- borne) in the name of the ren, (hall lay or impofehands on the Le- vites : which rite was kept at the ordination of officers both in the Old Teftament and in the New, A. 6. ó. and x3.3. Chatkrmi here expoun- deth it thusy The formes of Ifrae!, that is, the firfl -born which were in If sell; for the Levites gave an atonement for them and every firfl -borne layedon (hands) on (the Levite) that war for him. This ordinance fitted the prcfent ()M ineffe, for the Levites being taken to ferve the fervice of the forms of Ifrael, and in ftead of every fsrfl -borne, and to make atonement for them, verfè 18. t9. and Offered by them , verfe i 1. they were by this ftgne, toput the charge and fervice of the Church upon them, and to confecrate them unto God in their name. And herein they figured the Church of Chrift, called the generall affèmblly and Church of the firf!- borne, which are written in Heaven, Heb.1 2.23. Verf. rr. wave the Levites] this waving the Greeke expoundeth feparate; whichword is ufed for the mininers of Chrift; as Separate meBar- nabat and Saul, for the worke whereunto I have called them, All. 13.2. fo in Roma . t. And herein verfe 14. God faith, thou (halt feparate she Lcvites. But waving is ufed for nffring, as the facrifices that were waved or moved to and fro ; whereby the troubles and afiEtions of the minifters of God were figured: -fee the annotations on Exod. 29. 24.27. Waze-offring] inGreeke,agift. So the minifters of the Church are calledgifts, Eph. 4.8-11 to force she firvice] in Greeke, to worke (or doe) theworkes of the Lord ; fo in verfe 15. This phrafe the Apoltle a feth, nee worketh the ,nark of the Lord,at I alto doe,e gór.6.1o. fo of the Priefis and Levites, he faith, that they did work (that is, mi- itilter, or ferve about) the bob things, i Cor, 9.13, Verf 12. the head] that is, the beadsoftbe bullocks, as the Greeketranflateth: but called beed,becaufe it was to be done on each of them feverally : fo. Chavkuni explaineth it, on the head of every mu of the buüoeks. By this rite they teftified their faith in Chrift (figured by thefe facrifices) from whom they expefted forgiveneffe of finnes, and fanEti- fication unto the worke of their miniftery. make thou] in Greeke, thou fbalt make, that is, offer to God by the hands of Aaron the Prieft. to make atonement] this fheweth the unworthineffe of all Beth, to minifter before God, untill recon- ciliation be made for their finnes by Chrift. So Paul fheweth mans infuf iciencie (or unworthi- neffe) for fuck things, and fheweth our fuf lcien- cie to be of God, I Cor.2.16. & 3:5,6, Verf. s3, (halt fit] or , £halt prefent , fhalt man to fland, as a ligne that they were given to him and his formes ; as in verfe 19. Verf, 14.fhall be mine] which the Chaldee ex- plaineth , fhall be minìflers before me. See the notes on Nnmb.i6.9. Verf. 55. to ferve the T ent] inGreeke, to doe the the works of tbeTent : this is explained in ver.19. 53 to ferve the fervice of the f nnes of Ifrae! in the Tent. A like phrafe in Ezek.48, i 8,19. to f rz a the citie : and in 2, Chron ,24.t8. they ferzedthegroves. and wave them] in Gr. andgize them before the Lord. This is the third time that the waving of the Levites is commanded,SaL Iambi faich,thac the firlt(in verl 1 I .) refpeeted the Koathites; the fecond (in v. t 3.) was for the Gerfhonites; and this third for the/We- n/rho. Verf 16. are given, are given] that is, as the Greek tranflateth,rbey are agift given :or,the doub- ling of the word meaneth,they arc wholly given : and the gift confirmed, and now prefently they were to be imployed in Gods fervicc; fee Gen.4x.32. (ai- ving is fontetime ufed for confirming, as , Thou haft given thy people,' Cor. 17: 22. which is the fante that Thou haft confirmed thy people, 2 Sam.7.z4: So inEfay 33. t6. his bread fballbe given , birwaters (hall befare. Cbatkuni applieth it thus, Gizen of the limner of Ifrael unto God, andgiven of God unto Aaron : SoL Iardai referreth it to their divers workes given for the bearing (of the Tabernacle) giz en for the flag: as in I Chron.25. fad' atopen]Hehr. the opening of everymrambbe: whereof fee Exod. 13.2. thisisex- plained after,to mean the firfl borne. . unto ivlejor, for me: which the Chaldee expoundeth for mj fervin. VerC 17. the day that I fmote]in Chaldee, the day that I Wed : by day ; comprehending the night aß.ò, as in Gen, r. where the day confitteth of eve ning and morning; for properly the firft borne of Egypt were fmitten at midnight, Exod.12.29. Ifanílifiedthem j as is to bee teenein Exod. s3.2. 243. The prerogative of the firft borne, was from the beginning before the finking of the E- gyptians, Gen. 25.31. and 49.3. but upon that deliverance in Egypt, the ordinance was renew= cd t that they might know the heavenly birth- right (hould be of grace,not by nature,lam.s. i 2. and obtained through faith in the blood of the Lambe Chrift,Heb.i r.28. & 12.x 6. x 7.23,Rev.t4, 4.5.So the firft- borne,& the Levites taken in their itead,were figures of the Eleft,whons i ,od of his grace hath chofen out of many,unto himfelfe. Verf. x 9. as given] in Greeke, ag yigiven to Aaron: who being a figure of Chrift , thew Levites (in ftead of the firft- borne) figured the Elea chila dret,given cf God the father unto Chdit, loo; x 7. 6. 9. 1 1, Hebr. 2.13. to firve the fervice] in Greeke , to doe the works of the formes of Ifrae! that is which the firft -borne of Ifrael fhonid have done tsemfelves, and not the Levites beene taken for then. to make .tenement for the forms of Ifrae!] this the Levites did, not by offering facri., fices for the peoples finnes, ( which was done by the Melts only) but by their other fervice in the Tent ; which being performed according to the will of God, he was pleated with the people,and fent no plague upon them, either for negle& of his fervice, or for doing itamiffe: and this the words following doe confirme, that there beetle plague among the formes of If ael, ch -e, Thus Phineas, when bee had killed the Whoremongers , whereupon the Plague war flayed from the Ifraelites is Paid to have made atonement Eeee 3 for 16 17 14