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NUMBERS IX, for the finites of Ifrael, N u m b. 2 . no plague] which the Chaldce expoundeth,nodeath. unto the Saniivary ] Hebr. unto the Holineffe; that is, the place and things of Holinefle, which the Greeke tranflateth; the Holier. Vnto which if they came neere, and fhould performe the worke amiffe, they were in danger of death,as there bec examples inNadab and Abihu, Levit. to. 1.2. in Vzzah, t Chran.13.I o. and the like. Chazkent ex- plaineth it thus ; If all the firfi -borne fbauld have ferved , there might have beene a plague among fs them. For the father of a firfl -borne perhaps woe nofirJl -borne bimfelfe, nor hit fathers father , neither were they in- ured with doe fervice : fo wbrn (the forme) came to ferve, bee,fhould bave no experience or skill therein; and doing that which mar riot meet , bee fhould bee pla- gued, at wee find in Nadab andAbihu. But the Le- vites when they were chofen , thy and their fines, and their pines tonnes throughout their generations , they were inured and inftrueJed in the fervice to doe ae era meet. vfndtherefore the. Scripture faith , The Levite !ball bave no part nor inheritance , &e. (Deut. 18. I ) that they might not imploy themfelves in any works firve in the fervice of the Sanilaa y: left if he Pauli learn 'bit bands profane work, his armes and fingers Amid thereby become hard, and unfit to be applied to minifferanthe Pfakery, Harps, d'e. 20 Verf. zo. Then did Mofs ] Hebr, And Moles did,P e. Motes let, or prefcnted the Levites, verfe 13. Aaron waved them, verfe t I. and the fónnes of Ifrael laid their hands on them, verfe 1 o. eve - ry one- his worke as God had commanded. 21 Verf. 21. purified them elves] from finne, as the originall word implies ;the outward rite where- of, was by fprinkling the finne water upon them, verfe 7. waned them] the Greeke faith , gave them for age : fee verle 1 r. made atonement] by offring their facrifices, verfe 12. 2 2 Verf..22. to frve their fervice] inGreeke, to mini- fier their r, rinifiery (or liturgie.) 24 Verfe 24. fromtwmty five yeeres old] Hebr. from a faun of twentyfiveyeares: lb in verfe 25. In Num. 4.3. it was faid, from thirty Jeerer old: there bee (fpake of their entrance upon their full admini- firatio.n; here, of their beginning to learns the fervice : fee the notes on Num.4 3. bee (ball] that is, every of them (hall ; as the Greeke tran- flateth, they floatgee in : fo in verfe 25. to war the warfare] in Greeke, to minifier the minifiery (or lturgie.) Why their fervice is called a warfare, fee Numb.4.3.23 25 Verfz5. from the age] Hebr. from afnne of fifyy Jeerer. bee fhall return ] that is , every of then: fball return, or ceafe ; in Greeke,ball depart from she liturgic , and fhall not werke arty more. Mea- ning of the hard labour in bearingthe SanBua- ry , but not of other miniftration , as the next verfe fheweth. Maimony (in treat. of the Imple- ments of the Santluary, chap.3. fefi.8.) faith, Tb.,, which is fpeken in the Law of the Levites, Fromfifty yeeres old, bee fball return, dye. is not meant butfor the time that they carried the Sanlltearyfrom place to place; andit is not a commandement f force in the generations ( fálowing.) But in the ages (following) a Levitt war The Pafreover. not difallowable ` byyeeres, neither by blemifler, but by voyce, when bio vayce failed through much age bee was difabled fromferving in the Saníluary. And it feemetb to mee, that bee it not difaliowable, fave fir finging the Fong , but bee might be of the Porters. ' Vert-. 26. the charge] or, the cufedie the watch or ward ; in Greeke, the cufìodies. not fervo the fervice] in Greeke, not wenig she worker. This the Hebrewes ( as Sol. larchi and Cbaoskpni on this place) expound to bee the fervice of bearing (the holy things) on the fboulders; but bee was to keepe thecharge, to eneampe roundabout the Tent ; and to fing, and to beware that no fl ranger came into the Tabernacle, Hereb God taught, that his Miniflerslhould be both for yeares and graces , fitted for the worke wherein they are imployed ; and no longer con- tiriued therein, than they have ability to per - forme their duty , but imployed in more ea/le fervice. AM IdiAAMIAMMIAMA GHAT. IX. t, Pafrover is commanded again to be kept intbe fir( month, 5 and f it war. 6, Vpon occafion of fame that were etncleane , and could not &ape it , a fecund Pay over it allowed in the floored monetb, for them that were before uneleane or abfmt, 13 but not fir others. r 5. Tice loud that covered the Tabernacle guideth the removing: and encamping: of she Ifraeliter. 26 ANd Iehovah fpake unto Mofesinthe t Wilderneffe of Sinaí -, in the fecond yeare after they were gone out from the land of Egypt , in the fifty moneth, Pay- ing ; And let the fonnes of Ifrael doe the 2 Paffeover in his appointed feafon. In the fourteenth day in this moneth, between the two Evenings,yee !hall doe it in his appoin- ted feafon : according to all the flanges of it , and according to all the judgements of, it, yee (hall doe it. And Mofesfpake unto' 4 the fonnes of Ifrael to doe the Paffeover. 5 And they did the Paffeover in the firfy motet the fourteenth day of the moneth, betweene the two evenings, in the Wilder - neffe'of Sinai: according CO all that Iehovah commandedMofes,fo did the fons of Ifrael. And there were men who were uncleanc 9 by the foule of a man,that they could not do the Paffeover in that day : and they came neere before Mofes , and before Aaron in that day. And thofe men Paid unto him, Wee are uncleane by the foule of aman. wherefore are wee kept backe, that we may not offer the oblation of Iehovah in his ap- pointed feafon among the fonnes of Ifrael e And 3 7