The Cloud. NUMBER S Ix 55 or a yeere of dayes ' when the cloud tarried long upon the Tabernacle , abiding upon it; the fonnes of Ifrael encamped and journeyed not : but when it was taken up they journeyed. At the mouth of lehovah a they encamped ; and at the mouth of le- hovah they journeyed ,they kept the charge of Iehovah , at the mouth of Iehovah, by the hand of Mofes. 8 And Mofes faid unto them,Stand ffifl,and I will heare what Jehovah will command concerningyou. 9 And Jehovah fpake unto Mora , faying ; Io Speake unto the fons of Ifrael,faying; Any man when he fhall be unclean by a foule,or be in a journey a farre off of you,or of your generations; yet hee (hall doe the Paffeover unto Jehovah. In the fecond moneth, in the fourteenthday,betweene the two evenings, they !hall doe it : with unlevened cakes and Ia bitter herbs fhall they eat it. They fhall not let ought remaine of it until! the morning ; and they fhall not breake a bone thereof: ac- cording to every flatute of the Paffeover 13 they (hall doe it. But the man that is cleane, and is not in a journey,and forbeareth to do the Paffeover ; even that foule (hall bee cut off from his peoples : becaufe hee offred not the oblation of Jehovah in his appointed t 4 feafon, that man (hall beare his finite. And if a firanger (hall fojourne with you, and will doe the Paffeover unto Jehovah , according to the flatute of the Paffeover, and accor- ding to the judgement thereof, fo (hall hee doe: yee (hall have one ftatute,both for the firanger , and for the home-borne of the land. 15 And in the day , that the Tabernacle was reared up,the cloud covered theTabernacle, even the Tent of the Teflimonie : and in the evening there was upon the Tabernacle, as the appearance of fire ,. until! the morning. 16 So it was continually, the cloud covered it : 17 and the appearance of fire by night. And when the cloud was taken up from off the Tent; then after that , the fonnes of Ifrael journeyed: and in the place where the cloud abode, there encamped the fons of Ifrael. 18 At the mouth of Jehovah the fonnes oflf- tael journeyed;and at the mouth of Jehovah they encamped : all the dayes that thecloud abode upontheTabernacle,they encamped. 19 And when the cloud tarried long upon thr Tabernacle, many dayes; then the fons of Ifrael kept the charge of Iehovah, and jour - 20 neyed not. And it was when the cloud was a few dayes upon the Tabernacle, according to the Mouth of Iehovah they encamped ; and according to the mouth Of Iehovah a I they journeyed, And it was when the cloud was from evening untill morning , and the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed , either by dayor by night , when the cloud was taken up, then as they journeyed.Ottwo dayes or a moneth, ..4 notations. IN the frfi moneth] This Commandement to keep the Paffeover, was in time before the num, bring and ordering of the tribes mentioned in the former part of this booke: for that was com- manded in the first day of the feeorsd moneth, Num. 1.1.2. Whereupon the Hebrewes (as Sol. Iambi here) doe obferve that there it no order of fernwr and latter in the Law; but things done after , are sometimes fet before. The reason why it is men- tioned here , is because of the fecund Paffeover kept the 14. day of the fecond monethaverfe t t. which was after the forefaid mutter, after the de- dication of the Altar andordination of the Le- sites. And the cause why God commanded then to keepe the Paffeover in the Wilderneffe,wasfor that by the first inflitution they were bound to keepe it when they C0ntf into the land of Canaan, Dead.' 2.2 5. and therefore without fpeciall war- rant , theywould not have kept it in the delert : neither kept they any moe but this, till they came into the land, Iof 5. Verla. doe the Pleaver] that is , keepe, tor, or _purifier the Palaver, called in Hebrew Pefacio, in Greeke Pafeha; fo named becaufe the Lord when hefmote all the first -borne in the houfes of the Egyptians, pafdover the houfes of the Ifraelites ( whore doore -posts were sprinkled with the lambs blood)and flew not their firff-borne.Here- upon the Lord appointed a yeerely feat in re, membrance thereof, which fhouldcontinue till Chrift came, who is our Paffèover (or Paschal Lambe) faerfiicedfor tee , in whom we keepe thefeafi in spirit and truth, i Cor.5.7.8. See the annota- tions on Exod.12. in his appointedfeafoon]erery fourteenth day of the first moneth , as verl3. which the Greeke herecalleth the boere tberbof; and in verse 3. the feafon thereof, and the Hebrewes ex.. plaine it, though it be on the Sabbath. So all the feaffs in Ifrael were to bee kept at the times ap- pointed of God, Levit.23.4. &c. Therefore le- roboam keeping the feat} of Tabernacles in the eighth moneth,which God had appointed in the seventh, Levit.23.34. it is laid to bee uso mo-asti' which bee had devised of hit owns heart , t Kings 2. 32.33 Verf.. 3. between the two evenings ] that is, in the afternoon ; Sol. Iambi (on Exodus 12.) kith,, from the fixt honre (which is át mid-day) and up- ward , it it called between the two evenings, for that the Í 2 3