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56 4 6 7 8 NUMBERS IX. the S untie inclineth towards bif goingdowne ,&c.betweon Verf io. Airy man] Flebr. Man man; that is, whofoever; and by man underftand the woman alfo. Iona:ban expoundeth it, yotrttg mon or old mars. when be fhai] or, though be be unele.tne. by a Joule] the Greeke and Chaldee adele the foul, of a man, meaning a dead man, as verfe 6. and fo. Iona - tban explaineth it , by pollution of a man which it dead,' This one kind of uncleanneffe, feemeth to be named for all other that continued any num- ber,of dayes, fo the Hebrewes underftand it. Who it the tmcleaie that is put off to the fecond Paffover? Whifoever may not eat the Paffover in the fifteenth night of (the firft month) Nifan, becaufe of hit uneleamtef as men or women that have running iliiues (Lenit. 15.) the menfiruoun and women in ehild -bed, and men that ye with the menfìrseottt. But who fo touebetha deadbeaft , or creeping thing , er she like , in the fetn- teentbday; heels towafh, and they kill (thePafeover) for him after hee a wafbed; and in she evening when boo Jain is fit , hee eatetb the Pall over. [The rea- fon hereof is, that filch uncleanueffe by the Law, continued but till the evening; fo that having wafhed hietfelfe, he was cleanest even,and might eat,Levit. 1r. 24.25.] Hee that if unclean by a dead man, and his feventh day [whichis the day of his cleanfing, Numb. 19.51.12.] begitmetb to be m the fourteenth day ( of the firft month; ) though bee wafh and bee 4rinkled ( with thepurifying water, Numbs 9.59.) fi that bee if fit to eat the holy things at evening; yet they kill not ( the Paffeover ) for Iiae, bise bee ifput off to the fecond Paffeeover, Num. 9.6,- 1 t. wee have been taught by tradition that it we their feeemh 4ay (who then came unto Mofes and Aaron : ) and hereupon they asked if ( the Paffeo- ver) fhould bee Illed for them , and they fhouldeat at evening: and itwas told them that they fbould not kill for them. But hereby is mean, when hee is defiled with !tub unclearmeff as a Nazarite is to fhave himfel for it (Numb.6.9.) for if bee be defiled with other mr cleaneff by the dead, fudi at the Nazarite Adverb not bimfe[Je for ; then thy kill for bim in his fermi, day , after that hee is wafhed and fprinkled, andwben bioSunne is ft, bee eateth the Paffover. Tby ufllnet for the menfiruous in ber feeventb day , becaufe flee it not wafhed till the eighth night , and fr(hee it not fit to ,ate the holy things until! the ninth night. Who fi fearched; in a well to find a dead body , they kill not (thePaffiover) far him, left bee find the dead there in the well , and f bee unckane at the killing time. If shy have killed for him, and bee find not the dead there , then bee may ease it at evening, &a. Maimeny in KorbanPefach.ehap.6. fehi i.&c. a journey] or, a wayfarre of The Hebrew of this word farm off hath extraordinary pricks over it,for f eciall confideration. Hereby the Lord might isgnifie that wee Gentiles which were uncleane,even dead in treJpaffis and fnnes , andfarre of f , Ephef.. 2. 1.13. fhould be made nigh by the blood of Chrift, and fo partakers of him the fecond Pall over,who now íi faerifieedfor to, r Cor.5.7.But touching this legali ordinance, the Hebrewes fay, What is thh journey farre off? Fifteen miles without the was f Ierefa- km,[and fo by proportion fifteene miles from the Campe of Ifrael. ] Who fo u deßam from lernfalem the evening of the day, and the evening of theyaght : the evening of the day it m the beginning of the f venth houre, and the evening of the night , m roben the night begin- nob. See the notes on Exod. 12.6. where the houres of killing the Palfeoverare obferved. It figured the time of Chri(ts contming, inthefe lafi dayes, Hebr. I . 1.2. as towards the evening of the world ; and the houre of his death which was the ninth Inure , that is, three a clocke in the after- noon, Mattb.27.46 - -50. - aHthefiatuses] that is , all the rites and ordinances prelèribed, which the Greeke tranflaceth the Law thereof: So in Exod. 12.43. where it is (hewed who were to eat the Palfeover. the Memoirs] this the Hebrewes referre to the unlevened cakes which were to he eaten with it , and feven dayes after; alto to the putting away of.Leavetí, &c.Exod.ia. 8.15. &c. But here are to be accepted the fpeciall rites which belonged onely to the firft Paffeover inEgypt , as the fprinkling of their pats with bloo the eating of it handing, &c. of which fee the annotations on Exod. Verf.4. to doe] that is ,to keep, (or offer) the Pall o- ver,as ver.2.This was for the fanetification of the whole Church in their perfons ; as the Priefts and Levites were before lànaified to their mini - fteries. -Verf. 6. by the foule] the foil is hereput for the body; and that dead, as often other-where; fee Levit. s p. zS.and Ntimb.5.2. fometime the Scrip - tufe explaineth it,calling k a dead foule,Num.6. 6. The Chaldee, Greeke, and Latine, keepe theHe- brew phrafe. They that were unclean by the dead , were uncleane fevers dayes, Numb. t 9.11. and fuch might not cons, into the Lords Sanau- ary, Numb.5.2. nor eat of the holy things,Levit. 7.2o. Hereupon they came to Mofes .and Aaron, to inquire what they fbould doe : for unto them the Law touchingthe uncleane was commanded, Levit.t Lt. Verf. 7. wherefore are,wee kept back] the Greeke explaineth it, fhall wee bekeptbeak (or deprived ?) A religious demaund how they could performe their duety unto God, being its their legali pol- lution. the ablation of Mynah] the Paffeover is fo called, as being commanded by the Lord, and kept unto his honour; and it is called a fa- crifiee, Exod. 12.27. The Greeke tranflateth it, a gift unio the Lord. So Korban, an Oblation , is by the Holy Ghoft interpreted, agife, Mar.7.r 1. Verf 8. Standßill] or, Stay : which the Chal- flee explaineth, Tarry till I Beare. A religious an- fwer, lignifying that he might doe nothing with- out word from theLord: fo Chrift fpake not,nei- ther did any thing of himfelfe; but fpake things as his father taught him, Ioh.7.16.17. and 8.28. From this, and other the like examples of Mores, lonathan in his Chaldee paraphrafe on this place, faith, That the Isdges of the Sanhedrin (or courts) fhould not bee afbamed to ask, concerning the judgement which if too bard for them; for Mofes who was the ¡Wafter of Ifrael , had need to fay, ¡have not heard.