II I3 NUM BERS* X. Ierufakm , on the 14 day (of the firfl mmetb) rshen the Suns: riftb, 15. miles or me ; lee this it a journey off: if left than this , hee it not in a journey farre re for bee may become to Ierufalem by after mid-day , though /feegit on foot ealily, Maimnny in Kuban Pefach.d,.5. fa8 g. your generations] that is,your poferity hereafter : fo this was not a temporary Law, but perpetual!. Vert. It. In the fecund month] of this fecond Paffeover the Hebrewes fay ; It is acomnsandement by it felfe ,and therefore to be done even on the Sabbath : f r the frond it no recompense for the ßrß , but it a feaji by it felfe ; therefore they are guilty of cutting offfor the breath of it. Maimnny in Karbala Pefach, chap. 5. feel. t. betweene the two evenings] to Greeke, towards evening; fee verfe 3. unlevened cakes] which figured fincerity and truth, i Cor.5.8. See the annotations on Exod.s 2.8. Sol. larehi here faith, There is no prohibition of Leaven , fave with it when it it eaten. But bee might have leavened bread with himin the haufee. Otherwife than at the firft Paffeover, Exod. 1 2.1 5.19. which therefore needeth further inquiry. bitter herbs] Hebrew, bitterner: the Latine verfion counted Hieronls, expoundeth it Wilde leaticer; which are laid to be bitter in tafle: Diofeorid. lib.2. chap. i 66. though it is not to be re- ftrained to that herbe onely ; fee the annotations on Exod. 12.8. So the Greeke tranflateth it Pie- ridaon, which are herbs of bitter tale, as wild ei- rhorie and endive. There were to the Iewes a re- membrance of their bitter life in Egypt, Exod. 1.14. and fo a figure of the bitternelfe of Chrills affliEtions,whereofwe that beleeve,are made par- takers by the fellomfbip of his fairings , being made conformable unta his death, Phil.3.10. VerC r2. till the morningl if any were left till then, it was to be burnt ; tee Exod. 12.10. with the annotations. not breake abone] this was fiilfilled in Chrift himfelfe, as Ioh.;9.33.3 6 . See Exod.1246. The Hebrew Doflors fày, that for breaking a bone a man was to bee beaten. But he is not guilty, fave for breaking abone, whereupon fume fief it, or wherein it fume marrow. For breaking any other bone hee it not guilty. But if there bee any flcyh upon it, though bee break the bone in any other place than where the ßef , is , bee he guilty; although that place of the bone where bee breaketh it bee bare without flefh. Alfa hee that breaketb it after another bath broken it, is to b,ebeaten. Maimnny in Korban Pe Each, chap. 1o. feed. 5.3.4. eveyflatute of the Pafiaver] inGreek, The Law of the Paget. This feemgth to be meant of the fiefs Palfeover, the Law whereof is gi- ven in Exodus 12. Howbeit here,the Hebrewes have their exceptions and differences, but how warrantable, I leave to bee confidered. What dsreth (fay they) the fecond Pafover from the ßrß ? At the ßrß there it a prohibition that no leaven bee fene or fatmd (in their houles) neither may it bee killed with leaven (in them:) neither may they carry any of it out of the company : and they mull ufe the Prayfi (or hymne) ira the eating of it: and doe bring with it the Chagigah (or Feaft- offering fpo- ken of in Í$eut.16.2.) And it may bee kept in un- ckannefè , if the thof part of the Church be undone by the dead But the fecund Pafeover may have leavened and unleavened bread with it in the houfe : and they are not bound to of the hymne in the ea- ting of ìt : and they may carry it out of the houfe where it is eaten : neither bring they the Chagigah with it: neither may it bee kept it unekanneßi. But both of them put away the Sabbath (that is, are to be kept even on the Sabbathday)and the prayfe(or Hymne) it to be nfl in the doing of them and they mull bee eaten rolled in one houfe with unleavened cakes and bitter herbes : and thy mull not leave ought of them (till the morning) nor breare a bone of them. And w{y is not the fiend ( Paffeover ) equal, to the ftrß in all things, feeing it it faid(in Numbers 9.12. ) according to every flatute of the Pafeaver they fall doe it. Beeaufe there are exprd in it fame of the f atuter of the- Pafover: to teach that it is not equal! to the ßrß, fave in the things that re expellee concerning it : and th y are the'tommandementr cementing the bay (or Alliance) of it : and they are the flatuter of the Paf éo- ver. For this is a general! rule that their dill eerfion in Egypt, their taking of the PaféhaU Lambe on the tenth day, and the charge to pike, the blood with a bunch of hyfope an the upper doare pofl,andenthetwofde paf:, and to Bate it in baf e: they were not things to be abfer- ved in the g /orations following, but ira the Pafênzer of Fatyptonly. MaimwnyinKorbanPefach, chap. ao. feel. i 5. Touching the eating of the Paffeover by the uncleáne (forementioned ) thus they fay of it ) and of other the like : All the offerings of the Congregation , their time is fit, (Leviticus 23.) there- fore they all doe put awaytbe Sabbath anduncleannef by the dead. ...Ind every oblation of them which isoffered in ancleatmefi , it not eaten ; but they burn on the Al- tar ftsch things thereof at are to be burned thereon; and the refidue which fhould bee eaten , are burnt at other holy things that are defiled, (Leviticus 7.3r 9. ) How dotb itput away uncleanne fli If the time of that oblation bee come , andthe miff part of the Church that offer it be unclean by the dead : or if the Churrhebee cleans , and the Prie /s that fha:s/d off r it be unclean by the dead: or if the people and Prie fir be clean , and the mini /ring vefele be unclean by the dead: loe then it is performed is unleannefe; and the unckane and the cleaneare employed therein together , and came ally them into the court(of tbe Sanaateary.) But they are unclean by other uve/eane- nefe, .0 by running ii fetes , &c. or by creeping things , or dead beafts , and the like ; they are not imply }'ed there- about, neither came they into she court; although it be per- firmed inuncleatmefe. And if they tranfgrefe and doe it, or come into the court , they are guilty of cutting off far summing in; and of death for feruing: far nothing is put of but uncleannefi by the dead ( man) only; eiire. Ynlearmefe by a dead man , air put away concerning the Congregation; at it ú written in Numbers 9.6. And there were men who were unekane by the pale of a man : wee have been taught by word of mouth that they are particular men which are put of to the fecund Pafeover if they lee unclean. But if the congregation bee un- eleaneby the dead, they are not put away, but the un- cleatnte it pm away, and they doe the Pafèover with tan- deaconffe. And the fame Law is for everyoblation 'which bath the time appointed therefore with the Paffiaver, that it putteth away unc /eacme. Asad loe the thing