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58 N uV s E RS IX, U expre f fed in the Scriptures,for it is faid(in a Chro. 30. 17 ) Fer there were many in the Church that were net fanthfed; therefore the Levitet(had the charge) of the killing of the Pafeavers , for every one that was not eleane, to faaïlifie (them) unto the L O R D. For a multitude of the people, many of Ephraim and Manages, Iffaehar, and Zabulon, had not cleanfed themfelves. o 4nd what. is that which is fad (in i Chron, 3o. r 8.) yet they did eat the Pale- over otherwife than it was written ? Becaufe they made an intercalation of that yeere (that io added amoneth) becaafeofuncleanneffe, at it is faid (in z Chron,3o.2 ) And the King confulted, and hit Princes, and all the Congregation in Ierafalem, to keepe the Pafeover in the fecond maneth; for they could not keepe it at that tiare , becanfe the Priefls had notfanllifted themfelvesfafciently. And elfe- where I have Jbewed that they are to make no inter - calation of the yeere at all becaufeofuncleanneffe, There was alfa an ether thing in thatyeer,tbat King Ezeki,umade intercalation of theyeere, in the 30. day of Adar (or February) which fhou/d have been the beginning ofthe maneth 21(i,(an (or March) and he made that mouth midair the fecond : but the wife men agreed not unto him, for they are to make no in- tercalation in shat day , at I have Jbewed in the treat- tile of fanilifying the New Moone, vfndfor there things which hee did not according to thecuflome,ir :Vend , they dideat the Paffeover otherwife than it le written, eA'nd he brfoagbt mercy for himfelfe and for the wife men that contented to hit doings, as it is laid (ix a Coron, 3 o. r 8,i 9.) The good LORD pardon every one, that prepareth his heart, erc. and it is (aid (in vert to.) andthe LORD hearkned to Ezekias,and healed the people, that their ofering was acceptable, Maim, in B bath hammikdafh,cap,4,¢c. The fame man, in Korban Pefach, ch.7.writeth thus : Many that are ancleane by the dead at the ferfiPaffcover, if they be the leffer part of the Church , ,they areput of to the fecond Pale- over , at other teneleane perform but if themoflof the Church beuncleane by the dead;or if the Priefls, or the miniflting ?Ile!: be ancleane by pollution of the dead,they are not put of, but doe all of them offer the T a ffeover in uncleanne fe, the ancleane with the cleave. e/!s it ie fad, And there were men that were uncleane, &c. Num.9 6. particularperfens are put of, and not the congregation; and this thing is for ancleannefe by a dead (man) onely. If the Church be halfe of them clean , and halfe uncleane by the dead , they all keepe it in the fell (month) and the cleave keepe it by themfelvesin cleannefe,and the an- cleane keepe it by themfelvar in uncleannefe, and doe eat it in ancleannefe, cAnd if they that be uncleane by the dead , be mot than the tisane, though bat one, they all keepe it in ancleannefe,&c. If them fl part of the Church have running irises, be lepers,&c.and the !oferpart be defiled by the dead; there that are ancleane by the dead,keepst not in the frfl(maneth) becanfe they are the Icier part; neither keepe they thefecond (Tafeover, ) for no particular perlons keepe the fecond, faveinthe time when the moflof the Church have kept the fart. If the moll part of the Church be uncleane by the dead , and the lofer part have running iffues,or the like ; the uncicaneby the dead keepe the firft (Taffeover;) and theft that have running iflues or the like, keepe neither the fisr.# nor the fecond ; for there ii no keeping of the fecond Pa ffeover,(ave when thefirft ie brought in cleanneffe; if thef4rfb be kept on uncleanneffe , there ions. fecund Tafeover. Ifa third part of the Church be eleane, and a thirdpart bave running Ores , or the like,and athirdpartbeunrleaneby the dead chafe that are ancleane by the dead, keepe neither thefirfl Paffen. ver nor thefecond : net the firffbecaufe they are rhe le f ter part in re f t/I of thecleane,with chafe that have ifaes; nor the fecond, becanfe the leferpart kept the frfPa/eover, How doe they eflimare the Paffe. over, toknoïv whether the naafi of the Church be an- cleane or eleane ? they eflimate it not by all that eat ; for it may be that x2. are reckoned for one Pafchall lamb; and they fend it by the hand of one to kill itfor them: Bat they eflimate it by al that come to the court (of the San£luary ;) and whiles they are yet without, before the frfl company cometh io,they eflimate them. Vert. r 3. not in a journey] the Greeke explai- neth it, in afarjeurnep, as ver.I o. Here other like neceffary and inevitable hindrances are likewifc implyed, by reafon whereof they could not keep: the firft Paffeover, bat might the fecond , or were difcharged of both , without rune or danger : as the Hebrew Doors note,if a man be forcibly let - ted,or if he have ignorantly erred, & not ofred Ube the firfi (moneth)then he u to bring the Peoffeover in the 14. day of thefecondmeneth. Who fo loath igno- rantly erred, or hitch bane violently hindred , fo that he o frod not in the firfl moneth; i f he prefumptuoufly ne lei! to offer in the fecond, bee is guilty of cutting - o f : but if he ignorantly erred, or was violently hin- dered in thefecond alfo,he io free. If he prcfumptu- oafly neglebledto offer in thefirfl, then bee offereth is thefecond e and if he offer not in the fecond,though he faileth of ignorance, he is guilty of cutting off; be- caafe hoe ofred not the Lords offering inthe appoin- ted time, and neglefled prefumptuoufly, Maim, in Korban fell, r.2. Now for inflames, they giverhefe ; If a man in a journey bee travel- ling towards the San/huary , and reacheth not thi- ther, becanfe he is hindred by the bearer which bee driveth: or being (come) to Ierafalem, is fore on his feet, that he cannot come to the court (of the Sanlla. ary) ti II the time of the ofring be pall this is force(or atonfiranted let. )Ibidem ch.5. fell.9. Five men that have the skins of their Pafchall lambs mixed together, and there is found a wart [which isa figne of uncleanneil ]in the skin of one of them ; all thofe lambs are to be carried out to the place of burning ; and if they were mixed before their blood was fprinkled on the Altar , the men are bound to keepe thefecond Pafeever e but if they were mixed after thefprinkling, they are difcharged from keeping the fecond Pa feove r, Ibidem có.3.[..9. If the owners of a Pafchall lambe be defied ,after that the lambe is killed for them; the blood there- of may not be fprinkled on the Altar, and if it be fprinkled it is not acceptable , therefore they ere bound to keepe thefecond Pafeover, Ibidem chap.4. fell, 2. A pro/ilyte that joyneth himfelfe (to the Church) 13