NUMBER S- IX Church) between the firf1154 over and the feond; hke- wife a child that is come to full a;e between the two Palo_ err [that is, to the age of thirteen yeeres, at what tithe hee is Barmitfbah, a forme of the commandement , that is , bound to keepe all the Law, as his father was, and fo bound to eat the Paffeovcr ; ] they are bound to kepe the Pafover, lhid. cbap.5 feti.7. and Guidry the like. andfor- beareth] orceafetb, in Greeke, faileth; meaning wittingly and prefumptuoufly, as appeareth by Numb.' 5,3o. that fau/e] which theChaldee explaineth, that man : nd io Mofes fpeaketh in Lev it.i7..}.9. cot off] in Greekedeftrayed. The Hebrewes underftand it of death by the hand of God , when the fin is fecret and unpunilhable by man : fee the notes on Gen. 17.14. And it may be meant ot`fo'ule or body,or both, Cutting oo,isfome- timer of the foule, and fametimee of the body. Of the body, when he dietb in the middefl of bit clayey; ar if hee die at fifty yeeres of age,that is death by cutting of á'e. R. Menwbem on Gen. 17. The fame man there further fheweth, that the fate of a manmay bee fuci;, that though he be cut off in his body from this life, yet bee goeth not down to Gehenna (or ¡Hell) but hath his portion in the garden of Eden (or kingdorne of of cutting off who è but iniquities are fo ma- ny g that he is cut off from the life of the garden of Eden, of whom it is written that fouleThal1 be eses offfrom my prefence, Levin. 22. 3. and, I will ezett de- flroy that fide , Levit.23.3ó. and thefe wicked onesáre not cut off in their body , but waxe old in this world, at it is fsid, There is a wicked man that prolongetb (bit life) in his wickednle, Eec /ef.7 15. from bit peoples] in Greene , frombia people: by peoples meaning the tribes of Ifrael , called the peoples of Ifael, in. Ali. 4. 27. So Mofes elfewhere explaineth it, Paying, hoe (hall bee cut offfrom Ijloel i Exodus 12. 15. Numbers 19. 53. and !from the congregation, embers 19. 20. and, froth- the congregation of Ifrael, Exod. 12. 19. and , from iamong bit people, Leviticus 17.4.10. and 20.3.6. and 23. 30. Beare his finite] that is, the punifhment due for his firne: So inLevit.22.9. Numb.' 8.32. 54 VerC. t 4. fajourne with you] this the Greeke ex- plaineth, if a Profely:e come unto putt in your Land. QE lirangers to be admitted to the Paffeover, fee in the annotations on Exod.12,48.49. I S Vert 15. MN reared up] or, that he (Mofes) rea- red up the Tabernacle ; which was the firit day of the firlt moneth,in the fecond yeera,after they were come out of Egypt,Exod.4o.1.t 7 . the cloud] a figne of Gods favour and prefence, poffetfing and proteafing the Tabernacle, and dwelling amonglt his people in Chrill: fee Exod. 33.10 n 1. and 40.34. and the annotations there. Alfa Numb.' 4.14. Ezek.10.3.4. even the Tent of the Teflimony]or, for she Tent, which the Greeke tranflateth, and the houfe of the Teffimo- nit; meaning the matt holy place, inwhich was the Arke with the Tables of the Teftimony (or Law) in it ; over which place the cloudfpecially was to cover the fame. The Hebrew word 59 which ufually fignifieth ta,or fir, is by the Greeke ' tranflated ane4 as here, fo in Leek. i 6.2 t . and Ex- odus 17. lo. Cometiese it ferveth but to tiranifie the thing covered, as in Efay s s.9. and Co in this place Sol Iarchi expoundeth it thtis ; the Tabérna- ele which was madeto be a Tent f r the Tables of the Te- flimonie. m the appearance] or ,the wry appea- rance of fire: in Exod. 40.38. it is laid; and fire war en it by night. The fame cloud , was darkeneffe by day, and fire by night, as in Exod. 14:20.24. both fignified Godspretence and defence of his Tabernacle ; as lc is Paid, The L O RD will cre- ate upon every dwelling place of mount Sion, and upon ber affimblies , a child and fmoake by day and the fhi- ning of a flaming fire by night:' fir upon all the glory pan bee adefence, Elay 4. 5. And inPfalm.105. 39. Wee fpred acloud, for a covering ; and fire, to give light in the night. SoChrift, by the Scrip- tures of the holy Prophets and Apoftles ( which are a cloud of wimefer, Hebr.t 2.1.) and by his Spi- rit, is a fhadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, Eloy 4 6. as it is written , Thou (Lord) halt beene a refage from the fiorme, a fbadow from the beat, Efay 5.4. and the Prophetical) word, is a light thatfhineth in a dark plate , 2. Pet. s . r 9. See the annotations on Exod. t 3.21. Verf.16. clued catered it] to wit, by dry, as is expreffed in Exod. 40.38. and to be under-flood here, therefore the:dreeke verlion a1(ò addeth by day; and fo Both the Chaldee called Ionathans. The Continuance of this figne(notwithftanding -the peóples unworrhineffe)is remembred by Ne- hemiah thus ; Tet thou in thy manifldmerciu,for- fookefi them not in the rvildernef e: the pillar oft/sockntd departednot from them by day, to leadthem in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night tofh, ew them light, and the we wherein they fhould gee , Nehemiah , 9.19 Vert: 7. wasr taknup from oo the Tent] or, from upon (or over) the Tent; which the Greeke tran- flateth, went up from the Tent. journeyed] or, removed, fet forward. encamped] or pitched, relied. Thus God in Chrift,was the taufe and be- ginning of all raft and motion, and the direlior of his Church, in the way that they fhould goe. ThcrforeMofes fan&ified both their journeyings and their reltings by prayer unto God, Num. t o. 35.36. According to this ancient figne,Chrift is laid to come with dosds,Dan.7.13.Rev. 5.7. and appeareth cloat bed with a cloud and hie feet as pillars Ore, Revel. ro.1. for the falvation of his peo.. pie, and dilruEtion of their enemies. The lame grace is Pet forth by the ftmilitude of a fkeepherd, leading his flock in and out whomthey follow, Pfal.80.1.2. loh. 10.9. Vnder whole condu& they feed in the wages, and their pafiurrs are in all high- places ; they hunger not, nor thirfl, neither both the beate orSunne fmi¡e them; for bee that bath mercy on them, kadetb them, &t. Eloy 49.9.10. Revel. 7.16. Wherefore the Church defireth to be told, where flee feedeth his flock, and where he maketh them to refs at noone, Song. t. j. And that which the Church faith of Chrilt, His left bandie under mine head, and his right band both embrace met, Song. 2.6. mho i'6 I