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60 NUMBERS X Silver Trumpets. 18 r9 z0 22 23 the Chaldee paraphraff (on that place) applieth to this cloud and the effeâs thereof. Verf. s 8. At the mouth ] that is , as the Greeke tranflateth it, By the commandement; or,as theChef- dee faith, At the word of the Lord: for this ligne from heaven , the removing and refting of the cloud,was to them as themouth or word ofGod. For God fpeaketh by his Pignes, which are there- fore called,the words ofbit ftgnes, Pfal.r o5.27. And it fignified, that whatfoever we doe, in word or deed, we fhould doe all in the name of the Lord Iefue, Colon .17. Vert 19. tarred long] or, prolonged the time : here the fpaces of time, (hooter or longer, betweene the journyings of the people, are alto (hewed to be by the Lords cloud : that fo, not only the workes, but the times and feafons might appeare to be in Gods handand power, Ali. 5.7. kept the charge] or, the watch : Hebr. ob erved theebjerva- tian: of which phrafe fee Levit..3 5. The Chal- dee here tranflateth thecharge (orobfrvation) of the word of the L O RD. They kept watch and ward night and day,co fee when the cloud fhould mire; o>~, they kept the charge (in the meane while) of ferving the Lord, whiles the Santtuary was ere - ded. So after in verte 23. Verf..zo. afew dales] Hebr. Bayes of number : that is, dales eafily numbred, meaning a few : fee this phrafe in Gen.34.30. Verf. 22, a yeare of days] that is, a whole yee:re : fee the notes on Levitz 5.2 9.& Gen. 4.3. Verf..23. tbemoutb]chat is,as the Chaldee faith, the word; in Greeke obi commandement : and that the Lordfignifed his will fomhtimes by word, and not by ligne nely of the clouds removing ap- peareth by Dent.'.6.7. and 2.3.4. by the hand] that is, by the miniffery of Mofes, who both go- verned the people under God, and ufed prayer at their journeying and encamping , Numb.' i0.3 5. 36. Compare Pfal.77.2I. Efay 63.12. IMAAMMAAAAMAIMA CHAP. X. 1, The Lord commandetb to make two fiber rum- pets, and to ufe them fir calling of the afmbly, and for the journeying of the camps, and when theyknent to warre , and when they tired facriftce in their fo- !enmities. r r The cloud rifing , the Ifr ?elites remove from Sinai to Paran. 14, The order of their march. 29, Hobab is intreated by Mofes not to have them. 33, The prayer of Mofes at the removing =drifting of the Ark. 2 RNd Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, fay - ing; Make unto thee, two trumpets of frlver; of beaten worke (halt thou make them : and they !hall bee unto thee , for the calling of the affembly , and for the 3 journeying of the camps. And they (pall blowwith them ; and all the affembly (hall affemble themfelves unto thee, at the doore of the Tent of the congregation. And if they blow with one , then the Princes,, the heads oftlre thoufands of Ifrael,fhall affem- ble themfelvesunto thee. And (if yet blow an alarme, then the camps,thatencampe on the Eaft -fide, (hall take their journey. And if ye blow an alarme the fecond rime, then the camps, that encampe onthe South -fide, lhall take their journey : they fhall blow an alarme for their journeyes. And when yee gather together the Congregation, yee (hall blow , and (hall not found an alarme. And the fonnes of Aaron the Priefts, fhall blow with the trumpets ; and they fhall be unto you, for a flatute for ever, throughout your generations. And if yee goe to want in your land, againft thediftrelfer that diftref- fed you ; then yce (hall found an alarme with the trumpets, and ye fhall be remem- bredbefore Iehovah your God,and ye (hall be faved fromyour enemies. And in the day of your gladneffe,and in your folemn feats, and in the beginning of your moneths, then ye (hall blow withthe trumpets, over your Bernt.offrings and over the facrifices of your Peace - offerings: and they !hall be unto you for a memorial' before your God; I, am Iehovah your God. And it was in the fecond yeare, in the fe- cond moneth, in the twentieth day of the moneth , the cloudwas taken up from off the Tabernacle of the Teflimony. And the fonnes of Ifracl journeyed,by their jour - neyes, out of the wilderneffe of Sinai ; and the cloud relied in the wilderneffe of Pha- ran. And they journeyed, at the u rft, at 13 the mouth of Iehovah, by the hand of Mo- fes. And the ftandard of the campe of the 14 fonnes of ludah,journeyed in the firft(place) according to their armies : and over his army wan Naalfon the fonne of Amminadab.And 15 over the army of the tribe of the fons of Iffachar , was Nathaneel-, the fon of Zuar. And over the armie of the tribe of the Cons of Zabulon,was Eliab, the fonne of Helot). And the Tabernacle was taken dome : and the Fons of Gerfhon,and the foes of Merari journeyed , bearing the Tabernacle. And the ftandard of the campe of Reuben jour- neyed , according to their armies : and over his army was Elizur, the fonne of Shedeur. And over thearmy of the tribe of the fons of Simeon was Shelumiel, the fon of Zurifhad- dai. And over the army of thetribe of the foes of Gad,was Eliafaph,the fon of Deguel And 4 S 6 7 8 9 IO I,1 12 16 17 18 rg so