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ltlUAáBERS.X. 61 z r And the Kohatbites journeyed , bearing the SanEtuarie : and they letup the Tabernacle zz againft they came. And the flandard of the camp of the Ions ofEphraim journeyed, according to their armies; and over his army, 23 was Elifhama, the Con ofAmmihud. And over the armie of the tribeofthe foes of Ma- naffes,waw Gamaliel,the fonne of Pedahzur. 24. And over the armie of the tribe of the fons of Benjamin, reds Abidan , the fon of Gide- z5 oui. And the flandard of the campe of thefons of Dan journeyed; the rereward of all the camps throughout their armies: and over his armie, was Ahiezer, the forme 26 of Ammilhaddai. And over the armie of the tribe ofthe foes of Afer, was Pagiel,the 27 fon of Ocean. And over the armie of the tribe of the fonnesof Naphtali was Ahira, z8 the fon of Ely). Thefe were the journey- ings ofrhe fops of Ifrael, according to their armies,when they journeyed. 29 And Moles laid unto Hobab the foil of Reguel the Midianite, the father in law of Mofes ; We are journeying unto the place, of which Iehovah faid, I will give it unto you; goe thou with us,and we will doe thee good , for Iehovah bath fpoken good con - 3o cerning Ifrael. And he f hid unto him, I will not goe : but unto my land and unto 31 my kinred, I will goe. And he faid, Leave us not I pray thee;forafmuch as thou know- eft our encamping in the wilderneffe; and 32 thou maieft be to us for eyes. And it fhall be, If thou wilt goe with us ; yea it (hall he, that thatgood,wherewith Iehovah (hall doe good unto us, we alto will doe good Unto 33 thee. And they journeyed from the mountain of Iehovah, three daies journey: and the Arke of the covenant of Iehovah journeyedbefore them,the three daies jour - 34 ney, to fearch out for them a reft. And the cloud of Iehovah war over them by day, when they journeyed out of the campe. 35 And it was, when the Arke journeyed, that Mofes faid ; Rife up , Iehovah , and let thine enemies be fcattered ; and let them 36 th hace ,fl from th fa And when it rifted, bee faid; Retury ce. n Ieho- vah, (untote ) fa theten ee tboufands thoufands of Ifrael. Annotations. A A Ake unto thee] After the con(titution and order of the Church about the Lords San- etuarie, &fo r their journeying towards Canaan; here followeth the appointment of filch publike initrnments as were requifite for the congrega- tion , both when they Journeyed and when they refted,wheu they went to war,or were in d i ttrefie andwhen they were in peace. taro trumpets}+ trumpet (called Cbatf rf ab) was of meral1, a Cone: (called Shophar, whereof fee Levit.a3. z4. ) was of borne ; both there were ufed after in brae], 2 Chron. r 5.14 Pfalm. 9K6. Here at firlt were but two trumpets as Aaron had but two tons Prieds, Eleazar and Irhamaeafter as the Prielts and bull- neffewereincreafed,fo were the number of trum- pets,that in Solomons tinm t here were r ac.Pei f s fòunding with trumpet'. , 2 Ch,on. 5. 1 Z. From which places compared,thc Hebrew canons fhew, that there never might be in the Saneruarie at Gods publike worfhip there, f wet than tova t, um- pets , nor mot than 120. Maimorry in Cle ham - m ltdafb, eh.3. feel. 4. off-fiver] which was the pored metal', and litteft for found; fir olio for fig - nifieation,for the word of God. and lively graces of his fpirit , were figured by there trumpets as Efai.58.1. and 27.13. Ezeh33.3. Rcv.4 1. 1 Cur. r4.8. So the Hebrewes fay , the trumpets were to be made of lilver; if of any other kinie of 4e- tall , they were unlawful! , Maim. in Clc hammilt- dafh, eh. 3. ßîí. 5. The tongue of the juif is as ehoif flyer , Prov. r o. 20. and the worda r f the L 0 R D, are pure words ,as fzlvertri.d, &ç. Pfalm. 127. beatenworJe] wrought with the hammer , beaten into a plate of one whole peece : to the golden, Candlefticke was, Exod. 25.3 r. It fignified the labour of the niinifers of God , giving them- felves continually to larder and to the minißerie of the word,Aiï.6.4.that the trumpets may give a cleare and certain found, for and unto the people. for the calling] for to call together the congrega- tion. This was the of there trumpets, when the people relied, to af- femble them unto the Lord inhis Santtuárie, for to hare his word,to pray,& to doehim worlhip. As , Blow the trumpet in Sinn, fan11 j ie a faß , call a flemne almblj , Gather the people , [isMhfie the congregration , &c. Joel. 2. 15, 16. and , Blow the trumpet in the Isere moose, &c. Pfalse. 81.4. It fig nified that al.l.the meetings of the Church fhould be fanftified by the word of God andprayer. for the journeying] to cauf the camps, ( that is, the people in their camps or tents ) to take their journeyes. This was the fecond tire of the trum- pets, to faháifie by their found, the journeyes & travels of Gods people; that as their reit, fo all their motions might be In God , by the condo& of his word and fpirit. Thus were there three things to be obferved at their removings 5 the Lords taking up of the cloud,Num. 9. r 8.22. the found of the trumpets, Num. 50. 2. 5.6. and the prayer of Mofes, Num. s o.3 5. Verle 3. And they ] that is, the Prieß.rPall blow, as is expreffed in verf: 8. The Greeke tranflateth, thou (halt blew , meaning Mofes, by the Priefts whom he appointed thereto. with them] with both of them : for when but one was blowne, the Princes onely afhembled, verf 4, Fff _t7erfe4. 3