(62. NUMBERS Xs 4 Verle 4. with one ] the Latine tranflateth it, once : but the Greeke better , with one trumpet. bcadr] that is, captains (gozernaars)o thou - fandr in Greeke Chrdiarcbs : fee Exod. 18. 21. Thus was there one trumpet for the rulers , and one for the people,that all their aflèmblies might be in the name,and by the fine of the Lord:and the Governoursmight have their meeting apart, but not, the people without the Governours pretence; for wh,tt'oever concerned the people, it belonged alto to the Princes with them , in raking or journeying, peace or warre. And all alfembled unto Motes the chiefe , and figure of Chrilt: Heb.3.1,2. Verfe 5. And ifyeblow] or,Andyefhall blow an alarme , and the camps , &c. So after : and thus the Greeketranflateth it. an alarme] or, 4bro. lenfound; in Hebrew , Trttmab, which is general- , /5, any loud broken ringing noire, either with trumpcts,as here; orwith meow voices and fhou- tings.,as in 1 Sam. 4.5. and this, eithera joyful! fhout,and triumphant noife,as Num. 23.21. ?fah ', 47.6. Ezr. 3. 5 r, 52. ora mournfell cry, as Ier. 20.0. See the notes on Levit. 23.24. This bra- ; lien found or alarmo, was fittest to ftir vp and incou- rage the mindes of the people to rife and march Í forward to battell againit the Canaanites: as the former continued equall found, was for their quiet affembling vnto the feruiceof God , arid hearing of his Law. And unto this difference the I Apostle hath relpeth, when he faith, If the trumpet give an uncertain friend , who fball prepare himfelfe to the battell? i Cor.14.8. And therefore alto theGreeke here and often otherwhere,tranflateth it figne, or signification, becaufe by it, the people diltin&ly perceived what they were to doe And it fignified, how God by his trumpeters the Prophets and Apofiles bath dillin&ly fignified his will unto his Church, for all things needfull, tofurnith them unto all good works, 2 Tim. 3.56,17. and filch Ihouldbe theteaching of all his Minifters. The Hebrew Doftors have underffood the for- mer blowing with an equal! continued found,to be a figne of mercy to Ifrael ; and this alarme or broken found , to be a figne of judgement agalnit their enemies. R. Menachem on Num. to. faith, be blowing (of trumpets ) fignified mercies there- fore in the time of afembling the people , be faith', And they flail blow with them , and all the affembly fball afemble themfehes unto thee Num. to. 3. for the gathering of them is in may as it it written , Re- nrne, 0 LORD, unto the ten thou farad thaufand! of Ifael, :Num. 10.36. Liliemjfe , And he was King in I furun , when the beads of the people the tribes of IJrarl were gathered together , Dexter. 33, 5. But Air journeying wat an with alarme, Num. io. 5. LecaVi the divine sLlajeflie went before them; and X it written , Rife up LORD, and let thine ene- mils be scattered, Number... to. 35. So the mallesof lericho fell with an alarme (or fhout) Iofua 6.20. be- eau fe Gode MajeElie went before them to anfume their enemies , &c. on the Safi fde ] which were 6 I l.dsb, Ifjaebarand Zabulos,Tjxm.2.3 - -7. Verfe 6. on the South fide ] Reuben, Simeon, and Num.z. 10. &e. for their journeyts ] or, according to their yeurne ings; that is, not for there two quarters onely , but for the other alto: ts Cbazltimi obferveth, for ali the faure camps. Here therefore the Greeke verfion addeth byway of explanat ion, Andyefhallfotmd the third alarme, and the camps that encampe towards the Wefi pall take their journey : and ye frail found the fourth alarme, and the camps that encampe towards the North , flail' tak their journey. The like is fïgnified alfo by Fl. Iofepbus, in Amiq. Iodate. lib. 3.c.iI. Where the Latine verfion miffeth, interpreting None, the b,4e part of the T abernacle (which was westward ) when it meaneth the South : and the third , cola Lida, wefiward he turneth Southward; when Libo is one of thewellerne winds, as fheweth AuL Ge!- lime, in Note. Attic.1.2.e.22. Vert 8. a flame for ever] an everlapling or- 8 dinance : the outward rite continuing tillChrifks comming, the fpirituall tsfe abiding Rip forever; that by the preaching of the word, and prayer, the Minifters ofGod should guide their people in all their affaires. Veri9. yee goo to warre] Hebr. fir cameo warre, 9 Which the Greeke tranflateth, came fereb. But MM. Ming is often ufed for going: as in Ion.1.3. auto Ming (that is, going) to Tharthith, thedifirefer] in Greeke, the adverfaries that refifiyou. This was the third ufe of the trumpets, to be founded in time of warre and tribulation : whereof there be examples in Ifraels warre against the Midianites, Num.31.6. inthe Iewes war against the Apostate Ifraelites,whes}ihey Paid, Behold Goalie with us, for a captarte ; and bit Prief fs with funding trumpets, to cry alarmeagainflyou, 3Chron.5;.52. and fun- dry the like. This one difireffe of war,is offome thought to be named for all other calamities ; as the Hebrew canons declare, faying ; It ie comman- ded by the Law, to cry out, and to fined an alarme with trumpets for every dref that (ball cone upon the Congregation; as it it written , Againfl the di- firefler, that diflrefeth you, Num.to.9. arifbe should fay, every thing that shall diflre,eyou, w fa- mine, and peffilence , and !unfit , and the like ;ye(hall cry out for them , and found are alarme. And this thing belonged, unto repentance : far when difirefr rommeth, and they cry out beeaufe of it , and malt an alarme; all doe know, that for their evill deeds, they are affliíled; as it itwritte, , Tour iniquities bane turned away thefe things, and your finites have with - bolden good things from you, (Jeremiah 5. 25. ) &o. And by the Expofatian of our Scribes , wee are to humble our fclves for every dif ref e that /hall come upon the Congregation , till merde bee oemed front heaven. Maimmy in Mifn. tom. I. inTeanieth, or, treat. of Faßt (or Humiliation) chap. ! . feil.1. &c. with the Trumpets] with which found, they were alto to lift up their voyce in (application to the Lord, to £aft, and pray ; as in lael 2.15,17. Biome the Trumpet (or Cornet) in Zion, finitfie a Faff, call a folemne Af mby, &e. Let the Friehie: the Miniflers of the LORD, meepe betneen the Porch and the Altar; and let them fay, Spare thy people, O LOR D, &c. So inthewarreof Abilah, they cried