NUMBERS X. Dried unto the L 0 RD , and the Prießs founded with the trumpero, and tbemen of Iudabgave afhout, &c. 2 Cbron.13.14, 15, And Iehofaphat in his warre, proclaimed afafi , and prayed , 2 Cbron. 20. 3, 6. &c. The order and manner of Inch faits, the Hebrewes defcribe thus : In theft Mes fHu- miliation men are to cry out with prayers and fupp1i- eations, and to found an alarme with trumpets only. But if they be in the SanT carie , they found an alarme with trumpets and with cornet ; and not with both of them together , fave in the Sanduarie ; at it is written , With trumpets and voice of the carnet, foundan alarme bel re the Ring the L O RD , Pfalm. 98. 6. Tbef Faits ( or Humiliations ) which they have decreed for the Congregation , beeaufe of di- firefs , are not day after day , for the multitude of the congregation cannot continue in fo doing. Neither doe they decree the faß to begin , fave on the fcend day of the week:, and then ou the Bft day after that, andin the frond day (of the week) after that againe; and fi after thin order , on the feond day , and the fift , and the fecond , till mercy be fheroed them. They decree no fats fir the congregation , on the Sabbaths, or Feaß -dales , neither blew they in them with cor- net or trumpets, nor cry out and make fupplications in them unlef it be in a Citie that it befieged by heathens or invaded by a flood , or in a fbip ready ta be eafi away in the fea , &e. Neither decree they that e fay Pall begin at the new Moores , or at the Feaft f the Dedication of the Temple , or flay of Purim , or in the working day of an, Remise feaß. But if they have begun the Faß , though but one day, and any ofibefe daies fall out they fay, and as- aomplifh the day inhumiliation. Theft Faßs which are fordifiref , women with child, and that give fink:, and little children faß not. And it it lawfull to eat in the night , when the faß it on the morrow. As the congregation is to fay fir their dißref : fa is a pri- vate man to doe for hit ; as if he be fuite , or wander in the wilderna, or be imprifaed, he is to bumble bimfelfi, and feeke mercy by prayer (to God.) Every Ming day decreed fir the congregation, the ledges and Elders fit in the Synagogue , and make inquirie of the elude of themen of that Citie , from after mor- ning prayer till mid -day ; and remove the Bumbling blocks of tranfgrefons ; and doe admonifh and in- quire and fearcb concerning injurious perfino and tranfgrejfars, and feparate them and cmeerning vio- knt perfins , and bumble them, &c. T heft are the di- ßres , fir which the congregation are to faß and found an alarme. For the enemies of Ifrael that come agai nß Ifrael ; and for the fword that path by the land, as of heathens warring with heathens ; and fir the peßilence ; and fir evil beafts; and for Locufis; and far Caterpilers ; andfor Rafting of fruits ; and for meld= ; and fir ruine or downfall of buildings, by eartbquake, winds, or the like; andfor fcknas that fjrreadd among the people ; and far measte! of livelihood failing , to the decay of trading ; and fir raine if it be too exeeíve or too fearfe : Every Citie that i? dijrefd with any of theft, it to faß, and found an alarme, until! the dißref be takea away ; and all that are round about that Citie , are to faß, but not to found analarm, , but to requef mercy for them. Mai- many inTaaniath,cb.t. &2. That humiliations in times of dillreffe , were appointed of Cod , the Prophet Ioel fheweth us, in whole time , Palma- j worms , Locu¡ßs,Canker- worms, Caterpillar ,,waked the fruits ofthe earth;and drought,as. re &flame,, burnt up the pakpres, and trees of the field : for whichthe people were exhorted to fait and pray, which was performed with blowing of trum- pets, and founding alarme,&c.Ioel ¡.4, 20.and &c. yee (ball be re- metnbred ] the Chaldeeexplaineth it , the remem- brance ofytu (hall come upforgood before. the Lord. This is a promile, of grace annexed to the Ggnes, the trumpets : for remembrance is fometime for evill,to punifh iniguitie, Nebem.6. t 4. der. 14. so. fometime forgood, as Neb. 5. 19. and 13.22. Sec the notes on Gen. S. t. Thus the filver trumpets lignified the Minifters dutie, by preachingof the Law,to call men unto repentance for their urines, Efa.58. 1. Ezok,33. 3.-7.8. Hof. 8.1. Ioel2. Í. 15 16. and to ttirre them up to fight she Lords battels againk Satan , finne, Antichrift, &c.2 Cbron.a3.12.15. 7:r.51.27.7í6.8. Rev.8.6,7i &c. In which battels, the Lord himfelfe will be with bis people, and blowthe trumpet before them, Zach. 9. 14. Vert r o. day of your gl ddmfi ] in Greeke, dales; one named for all. This is the fourth Ufa of the trumpets , for joy and triumph before the Lord. And by the day of gladneffe(diftinguilhed from the folemne feaks) Baal hatturim underkatì= Beth the Sabbath day: or, it may bemeant of any extraordinary day of rejoycing for any fpeciall mercy received,or deliverance from evil!. As at the brio dedication of Solomops Temple,s Chr.5. I2,t 3.alfo at the returne out of captivitie and at the foundation of the fecund Temple, they fit the ?Hefts in their appareil withtrumpets,&c. and pram fed the Lord, whole mercy endurath for ever too wards Ifrael,Ezr. 3.1 o,i s. and likewife at the de- dication ofthe wall of Ierufalem, Nebem.12.27. 35 folemne feu s]the ordinary feafts appointed of God,whereof fee Levit.23. beginnings] called in Greeke New Moores, wlich were in Ifrael at the beginning ofevery moneth,and were among the Solemnities, Num. 28.1 1, &c. atwhich times trumpets and cornets were blowne, as appeareth altoby Pfalm. 81.4. with the Trumpetss After- ward God by David and the Prophets ordained other inl{ruments whereon the Levites played; called the inf rumens of muficke f the L 0RD , 2 Chran.7.b.and they were, Pfalteries, Llarps,C,ymbalr, I Chum. 16.5,6. Flutes (or Pipes) and limbrels, Pfalm. 549.3. David alfo and the Prophets made Pfalmes and Songs; which lone of the Levites lung, whiles other played on the inkruments, e Clomp. 25. and 16.7, 8. &c. And the Hebrewes recording ohe manner of fervice in the Temple, fay, There might not be fewer than twelve Levites, Banding upon the _page every day, to feng.the foong over she facriftce alwaies. And they fang the fing with mouth, without inßrument. There might not be fewer Pfalteries than two , nor mee than fix: not fewer Pipes than two, nor we than twelve : not fewer `(rumyets Ffff 2 than Gi Io