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4 NuMBERSX, than two, nor moe 11.1.472 ait hundred and twenty not fewer Harpes than vine , but as many mot alwaies m they would : and but one Cymbal only , Mailmen) tom. 3. in Cle hammikdafh, chap. 3.fe2.3,4. over our Burnt- offringr ] a pra&itè of this is (hewed in Ezekiahs time ; for he fee the Levitt: in the houfe of the Lord , with Cymbals,witb Pfalteries and with Harpy ; according to the commandement of David, and of Gad the Kintgs Seer and of Nathan the Pro- phet, (for the commandement was by the hand of the Lord , by the hand of his Prophets; ) and the Levites flood with the inflrtementr of David , and the Priefls with the Trumpets. And Ezekiah commanded to o r the Burnt -off- mg upon the Altar , and when the Burnt -fling began, the Song of the Lord began, with the Trumpets and with the inflruments ordained by David King of Ifael. And all the Congregation worfhippe ti , and the fzn2,ers fang, and the trumpeters funded :. all ( thin continued) untilfthe Burnt- effring was fznifhed, 2 Chron. 29.25: -28. So when Solo- mon facrificed at the dedication of the Temple; the Levites that were 'fingers , and others with Cymbals , Pfalteries and Harps , wsre arrayed in white linnen , and flood at the Fat end of the Akar, andwith than t no. Priefln , fetmding with trumpets. And the trumpeters and f ngers were at one, to make one fund to be heard , in praifing and thanking the Lord ; and they lift up their voice with the trumpets, and cymbals, and inflrumentsofmufeke, and praifed the Lord; For be is good, for bis mercy ( andureth for ever, 2 Chren. 5.12,13. of your Peace-grits] Hebrewes fay , they ufed to fing the Song, over all the BErnt-off ings of the Congregation, which were due (to be offred;) and over the Peace=offrings of the flemne. afmbly , at the time when the wine ( the dritdZaoring) was powred out. But the vo- luntary Burnt- offrings which the Congregation of fred, &c. they fang not the feng ozer them. _Mal- oney in Cle hammikdafl. ch. 3. fill. 3. So they un- deritood this Law.notfor private mens facrifices, but for thepublike Churches: they did not blow, pre only at the Congregations ffring' which war ap- peintedthem, faith Chazkuni on Numb. to. This utè of the trumpets fignified the fpirituall graces and joy that Gods people Ihould thew forth in his lèrvice,dire&ed thereto by his Miniiters,P fil. 98.6. and 15o 3,and 81.3,4.Ezr 3.10. 2 Chron.5. 12,13.Colofl:3.16. Ephef 5. 8, I9. Bleged are the people that know the fhouting fund(or alarme of the trumpet,) Pfal.89.16. I1 Verf. e t. fecondyeere ] after Ifrael was come out of Egypt, Num. 9.1. feeondmoneth]which we now call Aprili , the Hebrewes called it Ijar. twentieth day ] the fecond Paffeover being en- ded,Nnm. 9.11. when by Mount Sinai ( where the Law was given them,) they had abidden twelve moneths , lacking ten Baies , as appeareth by comparing Exod. 19.1,2. the cloudwa,ragn up] by the Lord, which was a ligne that now the people fhould remove, Numb.9.17. But they had withal!, word from the Lord, who fpake unto them, laying; Yee have dwelt long enough in this motvnaine ; turneyou , and take your journey , and gee to the mount of the Amorites , &c. Behold I bave gi- ven the land before you ; goein , and poffè' the land which lehevah (ware unto your father; Dan . 1. 6, 7,8.So both by word and figne,God called them from Sinai,the place of bondage,by reafon of the Law there giren, Gal. 4. 24, 25. unto the land of promife,which figured the Rate of grace and free - dome by Iefus Chrift: fee the noteson Gen. 12.5. Verfelz. by their yourneyes] from Sinai toTo- as berahand Kihroth- hattaavah,Numbeest1g.34. and 33.16. fromKibroth- haattavahto Hazerotb,and from Hazeroth , into the wilderneffe of Pharan, Num. a 1. 35. and 1 2.16. Pharan] or Paran, the name of a wilde: neffe and mountain in it, mentioned againe in Deut. Lt. and 33, a. In this wilderneffè Ifmael dwelt,Gen.21.21. Vert 13. at the mouth] that is the word, as the Chaldee faith , or, by the voice, asthe Greeke tran- flateth:fee Num.9. 18.23. the hand] that is the nrinifterie of Mofes , who ordered the blowing of the trumpets, and fan6tified the journey by prayer, v 35. Thus they had four- things(atthis firft removall ) to confirme their faith in their travel! through that terrible wilderneffe ; the word of God commanding them; and the lifting up of his cloud , for a figne vifible ; theword of Mopes in praier and the found of the trumpets for a figne audible. And thus they were furnilhed with all good meones to condu& them into their promifed Inheritance : wherefore amongft other mercies of God to Ifrael , the memorial! of this was after celebrated, that he led hispeepk in the toil= dernef , fir hie mercy andureth fm ever, Pfel. t 36, td, Deui.8. 15. Efai.6 ;.14.Ier.2,6. Verle 14. according to ] or, with their armìtn; that is with the armie of Iffachar, & armie of Za- bulon,both which were under theftandard ofIu- dah,Num.2.2,3.-9.So the Lion ofludah as flan - dard-bearer, and figure ofChrift, goeth before them all, to fight in the forefront of the batte!! againft the Canaanites: fee Gen.49 8. Iudg.1.1,2. Vert 17. war taken dowse] after that the Priefts 57 hadwith vales andclothes, covered the Arke and other holy things in the Tabernacle,as is prefcri- bed in Numb. 4,5 . &c. The taking down- of the Tabernacle,and removal! thereof,& letting it up in another place; fignified (among other things) the inftabilitie of that legal! figurative. worfhip, which Chriff at his comming was to abolifli,Heb. 12.27,28.Alfo the unfetled eftate ofthe Church, and all the members thereof,in the wilderneffe of this world, a Cor. 5.1...4.2 Pet. 1.14. Likewife the removall of the Church from one place and nation to another, from the Iewes to the Gen- tiles, Matt b. z t .43. In regard of this untlayed- neffe, Motes Paid unso chien , Yee arena yet come to the Left , Deut. 12. 9. But in Davids time he laid, The Lord bath given rrf unto hit p eople: and, the Levites (hall no more carry theTabernaele; nor any veffëlsofit ,frtbefrvice tbereef,i Chrat.23.25,16.âee further in the notes on Num. 4. so. bearing the Tab. ] having fixwagons on which they laid the boards and coverings; as is Chewed in Numb. 7. 5.7,8,9 Vert 18. of Reuben ] who was ftanbdarel- 18 13 14