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NUMBERS X bearer to the fecond quarter ñ?umb.2.10 -r6. 20 VEIL 20. Deguel] called fornetimes Repel, Numbers. 2. 14. fo here the Greeke tíameth him Ragout. 2 I Verf. 21. the San Marie] that is (as the Greeke tranflateth ) the holy things , as the Arke, Candle- flicke,Table,Altar, &c.which they were to beare on their (boulders, Numbers,¢, 5.-15. and 7. 9. and they]that is,the Gerthonites andMerarites forefpoken of, in verf. 17. who thereforewent before , that the houle or tabernacle might be let up ready,to receive thefe holy things ; for which the Tabernacle was made, and not they for the Tabernacle. 22 Veri: 22. Ephraim] the flandard-bearer to the third quarter: fee Numb. z.18. - -24. . 25 Vert, 25. the rere -ward] or, the gatherer, (in Greeke, the !ail ofall the camps,) that gathered up and tooke care of the weake ones and hindntoft, (latch as Amalek had before (Mitten, Exed. t7 part. 25, 17,18.) as allo of the Leprous and un- cleane,fiuh as had beene put out of the hoft,Num. 5.2. (as in Num. I a. 15.) the people journeyed not, till Mary, ( who had beene a Leper) was gathered. This (hewed Gods love & care of the molt weake among his people in taking fuch order for their fafetie. And unto this order ofmarch , the Pro- phet hath reference in Efai. 5z. rz. Iehovah.mili goe before you, and the God of Ifrael will beyour rere- ward (or. gatherer.) And David profeling his faith in God, faith , Though my father and my mo- ther floould forfakee me ; yet lehovab would, gather mee, Pfad. 27.10. In like manner at the liege of lericho , armed men went before the Prieflstbat blew with the trumpets ; and the rere -ward came after she Arke, let 6.9.13. 28 Verf. 28. Theft were the joianeyings] in Greeke, Theft were the hafts (or armies.) By T heft' is meant the orderof their marching in their joitr- neyes,which God,by this rcpetition,would have men to obferve; & we may fummarily view- thus. When God tooke up the. cloud Mofes prayed, & the Prie(ts with the trumpets blew an alarme, then ludah (the úr14 ftandard) role hp, with Ufa- char and Zabulon; in which campe were 186. thoufand and 400,men of warre (Nam.2.9. )and theymarched foremolt. Then followed the Le- 'rites of Gershon, and Merari , with fix wagons bearing the boards and coverings of the Taber- nacle. The trumpets founded an alarme the fecond time,then Reuben,Simeon and Gad, (with their armie oft 5 I. thoufandy45o.fighting men,) role up,and followed the tabernacle. After them went thel,evites,fons of Kohath,in the middeft of the twelve tribes,bearing on their fhoulders, the Arke, Candlefticke, Table, Altar, and other holy things. Atthe found of the trumpets third alarnte,role up theftandard of Ephraim under which were of Ephraim,Manaffes and Benjamin,roo. thoufand and 8000,and an hundred men of war; and there followed the ;San&tuary going before them: unto which the Plalmi4 hath reference, when he prlieth, Before Ephravh and Benjamin and Manaf h, flip up thy flrengtb , and come fir flvation enes troy Pfahss. o,3. - At the fourth alarme, the ftandard of Dan a- rofe,in whale campe wereone hundred fifty fevers thoufand, and fix hundred fighting nten,of Dai,, Afer and Naphtali; who not guarding the taber- nacle,had charge of gathering all,and looking to the feeble, &c. that nothing fhould be loft,orleft behind.Thus the Sanftnary had the middefl,ntofl fafe and honourable place : the greatefl campe went forent-olf, the next in greatnelfe went hind- moft, for to refill all enemies , before and after. But the Lord himfelfe was he that went before, and gathered behind , (Efai.52. 12.) who when he role up , his enemies were fcattered, and they that hated him , fled before him , Numb. 1o.35. when he marched before his people in the wil- derneffe , the earth quaked , and the heavens dropped, and he confirmed his inheritance when it was wearied, Pfal.68.2.89 to, Verle 29. Hobab ] or , Chobab , called in Greeke , Iobab , forme of Ragovet the Madianite. Hee was alto called Ietbro, Exod.3. r. and Sol. Iarcbi here expoundeth it Hobab be is Iethro: but Abets Ezra is of another ntinde, that it was the brother of Zippora Mores wife,and fo not father in law,but brother in law to Mofes. This fpeech of Moles to his father inlaw , fome thinke was before, when he cane to him withZipporah, Ex. /8.1 ,2,&c. and fo it may be tranflated,AndMofts had fail untoHobab. Verle 30. I will not goe ] This deniall is thought to be but for the prelènt; and that Ho- bab went to his own country firh, &after retur- ned again to Moles in the wilderneffe ; becaufe there is mention of thepohteritie of Hobab dwel- ling among the Ifraelites in Canaan, Iadg:s.i6. and 4. II. I Sam. 15. 6. Or , if he returned not into the wilderneffe,yet at the leal}, his polteritie came unto Ilrael in Canaan, as the Scriptures fore,nentionedthew. Verfe,31. for eyes ] in (leadofeyes,to guide us by thy counlell and providence.The Greek tran- flatethit, Thou fhalt be an Elder among f rte. Or, by eyes, may be meantdeare, loved, and tendered, as tuen doe their ownc eyes. Vcrfe 33. mount of lehavah] the Chaldee ex- plaineth it, the mountain whereon the glorie of the Lord bad been revealed:: that was Mount Sinai, where the Law had been given. three ¿ayes journey] or, three ,does way ; which was both by Godsdire&tion,& b3lsts fpeciall power enabling thepeople to travel; üllong,. The like journey was mentioned from Egypt, Ex. 3, 18. and after front the red Sea,Ex35,22. and now from mount Sinai where the Arke of the revenons journeyed before them: which was.a figure of Chrift,atad of his condu$ing and strengthening of the people; and his refurre &ion from the dead was the third day, I Cor. 15.4.whicltwas forour ufliftcation , and fo for roll and peace unto our foules, torn. 4.25. and 5. 1, 2, 3. who laid of hhnfelfe, Behold I call out Devil and I doe ewes to day and tomorrow, and the Ffff 3 third rr.,_.