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66 NUMBERsX. third day 1/hall be perfeTicd,&e. Luke. 13.3-2,33. Of the my aerie of this number three , and of the tbirdday,fce theannotations on Gen.22,4. jour - neyed before them] The Arke was carried by the Levites in the middeft of them , as appeareth by verf 14.21. but the eyes of all the people were unto the cloud condufting thcm,and to the Arke amongft them;thc journeying and refting where- of was fanftified by Mofes prayer,before that the people might either Pet forward, or pitchtheir tents : and therefore it is fold to journey bore them. to farebout ]or, toefßie; which the Chaldee expoundeth so prepare ; the Greeke , to conf der : it mcaneth a diligent fearch and looking about for to knows and finde out the eltate of place, as Num.13.2.19,18,19,20. So God is raid to have farebedout (ore/pied) the land ofCanaan which he gave unto IGael, Eeek. 2o. 6, And that which is here fpoken of the Arke , Mofes fpeaketh of God h imfelfe,in Deut.1.33.that he went before them to fearch outa place for them to pitch their Tents in. So Gods love and providence towards his Church in Chrift, is hereby fignified. Where- fore that which Mofes aid to Hobab, Thou mage ff he for Byer unto us, verfi 3 t. was not meant that hee fhould appoint thë a place to pitch & red in;but that he being acquainted with the places in that Wilderreffe, might fignifie the conditions, corn - mod itiesor difcommodities of the places which God fhould defigne them for to pitchtheir camps in. areff]that is,as in Efai.66.1.aplace ofrefl :fo the Chaldee expoundeth, it,a place of encamping, or refting. Thus reff , is often ufed for a reffing place, Pfá1.132.8,Gen.B 9. t Chr.28.2.Mic.2. 1o.Zac.9.1. This outward red which God prepared for his people,figured the fpirltuall red which we find for our foules,by following Chrift in faith,Mat. 11.29 Hebr.4.3.I0,11. 34 Verre 34. the cloud of Jehovah] which had con- dulled them from Egypt to mount Sinai, Ex.13. 21.22. the fame guided them (till. The Chaldee caileth it the cloud of the glory of the Lord, was ever them] or, topen them ; the Chaldee nnderltan- deth, went (or journeyed) over them : the Greeke faith, did over fhadow them : and David teacheth that it was fpredf r a levering, Pfal. 105 .3 9. name- ly to shadow them from the heat of the Sunne:& in Num.14. 14. Mofes faith it ffordever them. It fignified unto them the glorious grace, guidance, and proteEìion of God :and figured the like unto theChurch after in Chrifl;whoby his Word and Spirit, guideth Sc prote&eth all his people, Efai. 4. 5, 6. For as God now led his people like aflock in the Wilderuef ; 44 78. 52. So Chrift the good Slepbeard ealletb hit oven f heepe by name and leadeth them out , goeth before teem , and the fheepefollow him, for they Allow his vyce ; and goe in and out and finde ?allure, Ioh.1 0.3,4.9.11 . See alto the notes in Ex. 13.21. óyday] that is,in the day rime,andday- ly,continually: for by day it was a cloud, and by night a fire: and this continued till they came to thepromifed land, Exod.14.20.24. and 13.22. Arehem.9. I2.19. Pfal.78.14.Num.14.14. Verfe 35. Rife up ] or, Stand rep : it is oppofed 35 to fitting hill , and is meant here for the helppe if comfort of his people whom he conduftcd.äc for the dcitru&ion of his enemies , as the words fol- lowing manifeft: & thus David often ufeth it as in Pfa1.3.8.and 7.7 .and to.12.and i 7.13,and 44 27. But fpecially in the 68 Pfa/me, ( which is a prophefie of Chrift, his refurreftion, & afcenfion into heaven, )and which he beginnethwith thefe words of Motes, Let God rife up, let hie enemies be flattered, &c. which fheweth that the fulfilling of all thefe myfteries, is by Chrilt & his riling from the dead, for the juftification and falvation of his Church. Onkehs tranflateth it in Chaldee, Bee thou revelled, O Lord: and Jonathan paraphrafeth, Be thou reveiled now , O Word of the Lord, in the firtngth oftbine anger. thine enemies] Isis,,- than in Chaldee faith, the enemies oftbypeople: and after , there that bate them : for the enemies and perfecutors of the Church , are the enemies of God himfelfe, Al1.9.4Maetb. 25.41. Zacb.2.8. This David fheweth , when Paying visto God, thine enemies and thine haters ; he annexeth, Againff thy people Obey bave craftily taken floree cetmf ll , &c. Pfal83. 3,4. flattered as broken afunder: fo the word fignifieth , PfaL 2.9. The effeft of Chrifts deathand refurreftion, is the breaking& fcattering of the conjoined forces of his enemies, Pfal.68. 2,3. 13.55. and the contrary gathering to- gether in one , of the children of God :bat were fatte- redabroad,Ioh. t1.51 52. Re- turne Iebavah ( unto )the ten tboufands ] that is, as the Chaldee paraphrafeth , Return L 0 RD, dwell with thy glory , among the ten rhoufands thou- fand& of Ifrael, Or, without fcipplying the word unto, as the Greeke tranflateth it, Returne,Lord, the tleoufands the ten thoufands in Ifreel :that is,caufe them to returne unto their red from their travels. For the word Returne,maymeane either Gods aftion in himfelfe;returning to his people: or his altion in then, returning, reducing & bringing them again; as in Deter. 30, 3. Pfal.14. y. and 136. s. In both fenfes reif and quietneffe is implied, which Mofes intreateth God to give unto his people,and himfelfe to remain with them.So R. Metuchen; here expoundeth it to mean qufet- ne ; according to Efai. 30. 15. In returning and ref' fhalJye be faved. But the firtt interpreation fee - met moll fitting, that as when the cloud, Arke, and hoaft remoued,he prayedGod to Rife up and goe with them againft their enemies:fo when the Arke & people relied, he prayeth God to return & reniaine among them: for in his prefence their chiefe joy and fafety confifted, as bee elfewhere fheweth,Exotl33.14,15,16. And that there is often a want of fuch words neceffary to be fipplied, the Scripture elfewhere theweth,as in 2 Sam42. two men were Sault fonne,that is,were5aito Sault ferule; or hee had two men: and fuch wants are many times fupplied by other prophets : as the pillars that were the /wife, 2 Rsg.25. 13. that is, which were in the kaufe, Ierem. 5 s. 1 y. The Arke conti- nued the houfe, 2 Sam. 6,t j. that is, continued in the lwufe,'t Chron. 13.54. and fundry the like. See Dent.32 q.3 CHAP.