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t Nloiescomplaineth. NUMBERS Xlt. Seventy .i~ lders cholén - ç h ve 0.5 u ci 4e 4e w A JM: áiR $LC :ÁÓ:. -.áAL Ar. A,Ç:RRB' CHAP. XI. t The people complaining God punJbeth them with fire , which at Moles prayer it quenched. 4 They 14 for jlcfh , and loath Manna. io Mores grieved at their murmuring , complained' to God of bit charge. 16 God divideth bit burden unto feventie Elders whieb beare it with him, 18 and promifetb to give the people flefh. 24 The feventie Elders bave the pit of propbefie. 31 God & a winde bringetb Quailes into the Campe , which the people gathering and eating, doe die of a plague at Kibrotlo-hattavab. 35 The Campe removetb to Hazeroth. I Nd the people was when they were complainers, ev.11 in the cares of Je- hovah : and Iehovah heard, and his anger was kindled; and a fire of Jehovah burnt among them and confumed them in 2 the utmoft part of the campe. And the people cryed out unto Mofes, and Mofes prayed unto Iehovah , and the fire funke downe. And he called the name of that place Taberah , becaufe the fire of Iehovah 4 burnt among them. And the mixt mul- titude that was among them lufted with luft, and the fonnes of Ifrael alto returned and wept; Wand Paid , Who (hall give us flefh to eat': We remember the fin) which wedid eat in Egypt for nought: the cucumbers and the melons , and the leckes,and the onions, 6 and the garlicke. But now our foule is dryed away, there is nothing at all , only our eyes art unto the Manna. And the 7 Manna was as Coriander feed, & the colour 8 of it as the colour of Bdelium. The peo- ple went about and gathered it, and ground it inmilles; or beat it in a morter; and ba- ked it in pannes , and made cakes of it ; and thetafte of it was , as the tafte of the beft 9 moifture of oyle. And when the dew fell downe upon the campe in the night, the Io Manna fell downe upon it. And Mofes heard the people weeping throughout their families; every man in the door. of his tent; and theanger of Iehovah was kindled great- ly, and in the eyes of Mofes it was evil!. And Mofes faid unto Iehovah ; Wherefore haft thou done evils to thy fervant e and wherefore have I not found grace in thine eyes , that thou layeft the burden of all thefe I2 people upon me a Have I conceived all 1 this peopleehave I begotten them,that thou 3 5 II fhouldefl fay unto me,Beare them in thy be fome,as a nurfing father beareth the licking child,unto the land which thou fwarcft unto their fathers e Whence fhould I have 13 flefh to give unto all this people e for they weepevntome, faying; Give us firth that wee may Bate. Iam not .ab!e myfèlfc 14 alone to beare aLl this people , for it tr 1 too heavie for me. And if thou doe thus -r 5 unto me , kill me I pray thee , kill me, if I have found grace in thine eyes , and let wee notfce mine evill. And Iehovah laid unto Mores; Gather un- 16 to me feventiemen of the El&rs oflfrael, whom thou knoweft,that they are the Elders of the people and the officers of them and take them unto the Tent of the Congregati- on, that they may ftand therewithth'ee. And I will come downe & will fpeake with i thee there,and I will take of the fpirit which is upon thee,and will put it upon them , and they (hall beare with thee the burden of the people ,:and thon (halt not beare it thy felfe alone. And fay thou unto the people, fandifie yourfelves againft to morrow, and yefhall eat flefh ; for you have wept in the cares of Iehovah , faying; Who (hall give us flefh toeattfor it was well with us in Egypt; therefore Iehovah will give you flefh, and ye (hall eat. Ye (hall not eat one day, nor two dayes,nor five dayes,nor ten dayes, nor twentiedayes. Vntill a moneth of dayes, until! it come oat at your nogills; and it bee unto you loathfome, becaufe that you have defpifed Iehovah who la among you, arid have wept before him, faying; Wherefore now came ex forth our of Egypt e And ai Mofes laid, The people amongftwhom I am, are fix hundred thoufand footmen; and thou haft faid,I will give them flefh,and they (hall eat it a moneth of dayes. Shall the flocks and the herds be (laine for them to fuffice theme or, (hall all the fifties of the Sea be gathered together for them to fuffice them? And Jehovah faid unto Mores , It Ieho- vahs hand waxed fhorte thou (halt fee now, whether my word (hall cometo paffe unto thee, or not. And Moreswent out, and Ipake untothe peoplethe words of Iehovah; and he gathered the feventie men of the El- ders of the people , and made them ffand round about the Tent. And Jehovah came downe in a cloud,and fpake unto him, and tooke ofthe Spirit that was upon him; & gave it unto the feventie men the Elders; and r8 19 20 22' 23 24 25